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Read the book: «A Proclamation Declaring His Maiesties Pleasure Concerning the Dissoluing of the Present Conuention of Parliament»


A Proclamation declaring his Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present Conuention of Parliament

Albeit the Assembling, Continuing, and Dissoluing of Parliaments, be a Prerogatiue so peculiarly belonging to Our Imperiall Crowne, and the times and seasons thereof so absolutelie in our owne power, that Wee neede not giue account thereof vnto any: yet, according to Our continuall custome, to make Our good Subiects acquainted with the reasons of all Our publike resolutions and actions, We haue thought it expedient at this time to declare, not onely Our pleasure and resolution therein, grounded vpon mature deliberation, with the aduice and vniforme consent of Our whole Priuie Councell; but therewith also to note some especiall proceedings moouing Vs to this resolution: And that chieflie to this end, that as God, so the World may witnesse with Vs, that it was Our intent to haue made this the happiest Parliament that euer was in Our time: And that the lettes and impediments thereof being discerned, all misunderstandings and iealousies might be remooued, and all Our people may know and beleeue, that Wee are as farre from imputing any of those ill accidents, that haue happened in Parliament, to any want or neglect of duty, or good affection towards Vs, by them in generall, or by the greater and better number of Parliament men, as We are confident (the true causes discouered) they wilbe farre from imputing it to any default in Vs; there hauing in the beginning of this late Assemblie passed greater and more infallible tokens of loue and duty from Our Subiects to Vs their Soueraigne, and more remarkeable testimonies from Vs of Our Princely care and zeale of their welfare, then haue beene in any Parliament met in any former Age.

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Release date on Litres:
04 August 2018
11 p. 1 illustration
Copyright holder:
Public Domain
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