Read the book: «Healthy Fitness Meals And Drinks: 600 Delicious Healthy And Easy Recipes For More Vitality», page 2


Quark dumplings on peppers with green pepper

Wholemeal pasta with green sauce and parmesan

Wholemeal spaghetti with pumpkin sauce and daikon cress

Pizza Primavera with broccoli, peas and tomatoes

Asian fried noodles with bean sprouts and egg

Farfalle pasta with cabbage in a creamy Parmesan sauce

Gorgonzola and spinach pasta with pink pepper berries

Fried mung bean sprouts from the wok

Indian vegetable curry with pineapple

Fried tofu and mushrooms in lettuce leaf

Baked potato wedges with vegetables and quark dip

Tofu and vegetable curry with mango and almonds

Tofu and cucumber salad with a sweet-sour Pesto

Gorgonzola pasta with savoy strips

Courgette and tomato gratin with Manchego

Fast Maize cakes with herb cream cheese

Ginger chili carrot with Camembert and Limburger cheese

Carrots and kohlrabi gratin with herb quark

Green Vegetable Pasta with spinach, asparagus and peas

Tofu Cutlets with yoghurt dip

Radish sprouts salad with Limburger cheese

Baked feta parcels with rosemary and tomatoes

Brussels sprouts pasta with parsley pesto

Fettuccine with asparagus puree and feta cheese

Vegetable omelet with tomatoes and peppers

Vegan Kitchen - Delicious Healthy And Easy Recipes For More Vitality


Salad colorful

Hearty potato salad

Mixed vegetable salad

Creamy cucumber salad

Carrots and kohlrabi salad

Moroccan carrot salad

Zucchini and pumpkin salad with tofu

Pomegranate macadamia nut salad leaves


Potato soup

Fine pea soup

Carrots cream soup

Fiery chili chowder

Creamy asparagus stew

Pumpkin soup cucurbita



Stirred tofu

Spinach pizza

Pizza salamito

Italian pizza

Leek pineapple pizza

Spaghetti aglio olio

Spaghetti carbonara

Spaghetti with radicchio

Spaghetti al pesto

Delicious creamy pasta

Indian inspired curry

Fruity indian rice dish

Chinese coconut curry

Plum dumplings

Hearty goulash

Hearty kale pot

Hearty sauerkraut on mashed potato

Potato gnocchi with sage and rosemary

Seitan in mushroom cream sauce

Pasta bake with cheese crust

Carrot and potato pancakes

Tyrolean herb flake

Doughnuts with vegetables (tofu) filling

Stuffed spinach bags

Pumpkin swirl

Vegans tarte

Vegetable skewers

Vegan lasagna

Apple red cabbage

Basic recipes and accompaniments

Colorful rice

Waffle dough

Heller pizza base dough

Sharp mango chutney

Fast vegetable pan

Vegetable balls

Tofu tzatziki

Bread & Rolls

Sesame wholemeal bread

Pumpkin bread

Ciabatta bread

Sweet buns

Spreads & Snacks

Mushroom spread

Miso butter

Toast Hawaii

Vegan sushi rolls

Dressing, Sauces & Dips

Fruity curry sauce with tofu

Orange dressing

Apple dressing

Creamy mustard dressing

Lopino dip

Pies, Cakes & Muffins

Butter cake

Poppy cuts

Almond and orange cake

Plums baked cakes

Chocolate cherry cake

Mocha Nut Cake

Phenomenal Easter cake

Carrots Spelt Muffins

Blueberry and coconut muffins

Banana Muffins

Desserts & Sweet Goodies

Chocolate mousse

Red fruit jelly

Orange dream - vanilla pudding with orange segments

Coconut macaroons with dark chocolate

Chocolate coconut confection "Bounty"


Buckwheat pancakes

Vanilla Cream Swirls

Tofu Poppy Swirl

Vanilla cream slices

Vanilla biscuits

Chestnuts heart


Drinks & ice

Coco Kiss

Vitamin drink

Holler syrup

Fire cocoa

Ginger Spice Tea

Iced coffee

Hot love

Banana Split

Banana and coconut ice

Chocolate and orange ice

Fruity Mango ice

Flavored Infused Water - Refreshing Aroma Water With Fruits And Herbs

Vitamin water is an optimal alternative to provide our body with sufficient fluids and important nutrients. Particularly on hot days, you should take care to drink water or herbal teas. However, taking still water, at least in terms of taste, is not particularly convincing.

Tap water tastes bland and boring, not for nothing has the demand for refreshing vitamin water increased. Traditional products are usually a mixture of water and caloric beverages enriched with natural flavours and vitamins. Aroma water is available in different flavours. However, the important question is whether these soft drinks with artificial additives are really healthy when it comes to finished products.

Vitamin water can also be made very easily and without much effort. There are now countless recipe ideas for all possible needs, not only as a soft drink, but also special preparations of vitamin water that support weight loss and detoxification from the organism, or of course as an ideal supplement after exercise.

Depending on the preparation, vitamin water supplies new energy and also helps us to compensate for a lack of nutrients with this drink. In the following chapters we will therefore show you the best recipe ideas for your own vitamin water.

What is refreshing and healthy vitamin water?

The idea to produce a special vitamin water comes from America. Founded in New York in 1996, Glaceau was the first manufacturer of so-called smart water. Years later, energy drinks and vitamin water from the same manufacturer came onto the market. The company was then acquired by Coca-Cola in 2007. In Germany, Glaceau beverages have been available since 2012, but were discontinued at the end of last year because sales did not meet expectations. In the USA, however, these vitamin waters are still in high demand. Among the best-known products are the lemonade flavour Multi-V, the dragon fruit flavour Power-C, the citrus flavour known under the name Ignite, and of course the essential vitamin water with orange flavour. Every single combination allegedly offers a special effect due to the vitamins and nutrients it contains.

The actual idea for vitamin water came from J. Darius Bikoff, the founder of Glaceau and a well-known triathlete. Due to a cold he enriched his drinking water with vitamin C and zinc in order to recover more quickly. Today this drink is available under the name Defense, it is vitamin water with apple and raspberry flavour. Not all soft drinks are really low in calories. Some of them have stevia added as an alternative sugar, but normal household sugar may also be included in the vitamin water products on sale.

Vitamin water has long been a favourite drink among professional athletes, but it is also frequently used in mountaineering, among other things. Depending on the variety and brand, vitamin C, vitamins B, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium are added to the water. However, biotin, sodium and pantothenic acid can also be contained in the vitamin waters. These are functional drinks, which are basically based on table water, but contain vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and fruit and colour aromas. Electrolytes are also very important for our organism, as they protect us from heat damage, which can threaten our lives together with a lack of fluids. The most important biological electrolytes include calcium, chloride, hydrogen carbonate, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphate.

Electrolytes play an important role in our body, as they are mainly responsible for the spread of nerve excitation. They are also known as minerals or ions and are contained in our organism only in limited quantities. These substances decompose into positively and negatively charged ions and are therefore also able to conduct electricity in an aqueous solution. As they have a direct influence on the tension of the cell membranes, they are also responsible for the various processes of contraction in our muscles. A lack of minerals can therefore be expressed through painful muscle cramps. The most important ions in our organism are bound in water by our body. If we sweat a lot, we lose a lot of electrolytes. This is also the reason why we have to drink a lot, especially on hot days, otherwise the electrolyte level can fall dangerously. This leads to dehydration, which is associated with dizziness, nausea, dizziness and heart rhythm disorders.

Especially competitive athletes have to pay particular attention to their electrolyte levels, as they are naturally exposed to extreme loads and therefore also have a much higher demand for fluids. They are therefore dependent on a liquid absorption with electrolytes, which is why they prefer isotonic drinks in sports.

Effectiveness of electrolytes on the organism

Electrolytes or minerals are not only lost in competitive sports. Also frequent vomiting, diarrhoea or excessive sweating can lead to a deficiency. Since our body is unable to produce calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium and sodium on its own, it is dependent on food intake. In principle, our organism can regulate the correct and necessary composition of minerals through hormones, because, for example, if the electrolyte content is too high, then it is also excreted more strongly. Electrolytes can accumulate, especially if kidney function is impaired. They are then no longer sufficiently excreted from our body. Taking medication can also significantly affect the mineral balance and disrupt the electrolyte level. Malnutrition, an increased alcohol consumption, as well as a disturbed function of the endocrine glands also lead to a lack of electrolytes.

An electrolyte fault occurs when the measured value deviates significantly from the standard level of the electrolytes. If this is the case over a longer period of time, it may lead to hyperacidity, an impaired nervous system and in the worst case to death due to the failure of the organs. Severe electrolyte disorders are usually the case with sodium, calcium or potassium and are treated as medical emergencies.

A slight disorder, such as hyperacidity, can usually be easily compensated for by consuming water or vitamin water. If the lack of water or dehydration is already too advanced and can no longer be compensated

by drinking, then an infusion containing electrolytes is indispensable. Even a water shortage of only two percent in our body can cause symptoms such as dry mouth, headaches, little urine, low blood pressure and dizziness. Other symptoms are impaired vision, aggression, mental confusion and fainting. If the lack of water is not remedied, the tongue swells strongly and delirium occurs. However, those who ensure optimal fluid intake throughout the day usually have no problems with this. If you do not necessarily want to drink vitamin water, you should look for vegetables and fruit containing pectin as well as foods rich in dietary fibres. They are able to bind water and then release it slowly through the intestines.

Electrolytes control our water balance in the organism, which is important for the bile, as well as for the stomach and intestinal fluid, the synovial fluid and also for the brain water. They are of great importance for almost all physical processes, as they are located inside and outside the body cells. By the way, our nervous system relies on electrolytes to pass on information and impulses. Through a balanced diet, sufficient minerals can be absorbed. They are found in fresh fruit and vegetables as well as wholemeal products. However, it is essential to prepare them gently, otherwise the valuable ingredients will be lost if vegetables are boiled too long, for example, or washed too long under the tap. By the way, desserts and white flour products contain virtually no minerals, which is why consumption of these foods should be limited. Vitamin water is therefore highly recommended, as it provides our organism with valuable nutrients and can therefore really prevent many diseases.

Why is water so important for the metabolism?

Water is, as is generally known, the source of life, and our body is NO exception. However, most people do not worry about their own drinking habits at all and only drink if they notice a pronounced feeling of thirst. For our organism, however, drinking is almost more important than eating. A human being can survive several weeks without food, but only a few days without fluid intake, since almost two thirds of our body consists of this vital element. Water is the means of transport for blood, sweat and also for urine. Also, it is a necessary solvent for most pulps. The body temperature is regulated by the water contained, by sweating and sweat. In order to maintain the liquid level, the constant losses must be regularly compensated by an optimal liquid supply, since we also excrete large quantities of it daily, without paying much attention to it. Part of our needs is covered by food, but it is far from enough on its own. It is not for nothing that the recommended amount of liquid is at least two litres of water a day. By the way, we only feel thirsty when there is already a fluid deficit!

A water loss of only two percent, of our body weight, can contribute to the fact that the efficiency is strongly impaired by it. We get thirsty when half a percent is already missing. Although our organism is able to compensate for a slight lack of water, this is very dangerous for our health in the long run. It leads to dry skin and dried out mucous membranes, which makes us much more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. A lack of fluids also leads to constipation, urinary infections and kidney problems. If we drink far too little, our body is also less supplied with blood, which can lead to a loss of brain performance and to concentration disorders. Lack of fluid in our body is not only expressed by thirst, but also by loss of appetite, dry mouth, headaches and nausea. Our organism sounds a clear alarm if it is not sufficiently supplied.

The water requirement is higher during heavy sweating, physical exertion, diarrhoea or vomiting, fever and also during a diet. However, older people in particular drink very little, as the feeling of thirst decreases significantly with age. In many cases, however, they simply forget to drink or are afraid of having to go to the toilet more often at night. The German Nutrition Society therefore recommends a dosage of 2.25 litres for older adults in particular, one third of which should be part of solid food. So dairy products, salads and also fruit. The other two thirds should be made up of suitable drinks, such as vitamin water or stomach-friendly teas.

The recommended amount must be distributed evenly throughout the day. Of course, not only in older adults, but of course in every age group. It is advisable to have a drink close to your eyes at work or at home so that you are really reminded of drinking. It should also be clear to everyone that a suitable drink belongs to every meal, as this makes the food easier to digest and our body also receives important additional fluids.

Our metabolism has to supply all body cells so that we really feel comfortable and so that toxins can be broken down and excreted. However, he can only work well if we provide him with the appropriate conditions for this. Metabolism is the process of processing everything we consume correctly and appropriately. The food is therefore first crushed by our metabolism and then sorted out according to its usability. The nutrients contained are distributed as required and transported to the cells. All substances that are not useful for our body must be excreted as quickly as possible in order to guarantee a good state of health. Our metabolism keeps our body functions going, supplies us with heat or energy and is involved in necessary regeneration processes. Also, the metabolism is with the main culprit whether we lose weight, gain weight or grow. A clumsy metabolism, for example, is the reason why some people gain weight very quickly and simply cannot lose weight with many diets or with exercise. A fast metabolism, on the other hand, is usually the case for particularly slim people who would like to put on a little more weight.

A disturbed metabolism can not only cause overweight and underweight, but also depression, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, impaired thyroid functions and growth hormone deficiency. It is therefore very important to get the metabolism back under control in a natural way. This is possible through a change in diet, in which the metabolism is well supplied by proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as through physical activities and a lifestyle that is as stress-free as possible. But water is also ideal for stimulating the metabolism.

It is assumed that an adult loses more than two litres of water a day. This happens mainly through urine, through the skin and also through breathing. This large amount of liquid is an average value, which is why the recommended intake of liquid also corresponds to this value. In principle, every person must drink as much as he needs personally, since not every body or metabolism is comparable to another. Stress and sleep deprivation, as well as the absorption of toxic pollutants such as nicotine or alcohol, also require more fluids. Even with a high body weight it is clear that this organism is dependent on much more water than an underweight person.

It is recommended to drink a large glass of water before eating. This increases the energy turnover over a longer period of time. Additional calories can also be burned. If you can drink more than two litres of water a day without any problems, you can even lose weight "unintentionally". You should also be aware that you can support these effects with vitamin water from fruit and herbs, which is why we will explain the recipes in more detail in the following chapters.

Only with water is our organism able to excrete the absorbed pollutants every day. These are absorbed by environmental and home toxins, as well as, of course, by nutrition. The more harmful substances we absorb, the higher our water requirements. Unfavourable drinks for our metabolism are for example alcohol, coffee and black tea, soft drinks, sugary drinks, fruit concentrates or purchased fruit juices. Most fruit juices contain not only a lot of fructose, but also additional sugar. Fructose, by the way, is transformed much faster by our organism into fat than the normal household sugar. It also increases uric acid levels and the risk of diabetes. The typical lemonade and cola drinks also contain a lot of sugar and can cause serious health problems. If our metabolism is stimulated, then the storage of waste products and toxins is avoided. Slags, by the way, are the acids and toxins deposited in our body. They need to be neutralized so they don't burn our organs. Gout, for example, is the result of the deposition and slaging of uric acid. Slags are salts formed by our bodies, which are easily excreted through the kidneys, skin, lungs and intestines if they are in good health. If this is not the case, the diseases mentioned above occur.

Slags must therefore be removed from our bodies if we do not want to become ill. But they can also contribute to acidosis and thus to weakness of the connective tissue. In many women, the weakness of the connective tissue can be seen with pronounced dents on the buttocks and legs. If the connective tissue is not relieved, then understandably more and more slag accumulates over the years and the cellulite becomes much more intensive together with varicose veins. It is therefore also advisable in this respect to remove the metabolic waste products from our body in order to relieve our connective tissue, so that the skin is no longer as limp and wrinkled. Vitamin water is therefore not only ideal for detoxification, but also for our skin problems. The best thing to do is to get yourself a nice glass decanter, practical drinking bottles for the road, and a closable jug or jar so that you can prepare your aroma water with fruits and herbs yourself.

If you are not yet used to drinking large quantities of water, then simply place a striking 1.5 litre bottle in your immediate sight and try to empty it until you go to bed. After just a few days you will be able to see how this not only improves your general well-being, but also your skin. However, it is advisable to get used to it slowly so as not to overstrain the kidneys unnecessarily. If you can then drink the 1.5 litre bottle without any problems, then you are welcome to increase your daily dose a little more.

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