Read the book: «Marigold Garden», page 6



Under Rose Arches to Rose Town—
Rose Town on the top of the hill;
For the Summer wind blows and music goes,
And the violins sound shrill.
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies,
And little leaves green,
Fit for a queen;
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies.
Oh, Roses shall be for her carpet,
And her curtains of Roses so fair;
And a Rosy crown, while far adown
Floats her long golden hair.
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies,
And all the bells ring,
And all the people sing;
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies.


Some children are so naughty,
And some are very good;
But the Genteel Family
Did always what it should.
They put on gloves when they went out,
And ran not in the street;
And on wet days not one of them
Had ever muddy feet.
Then they were always so polite,
And always thanked you so;
And never threw their toys about,
As naughty children do.
They always learnt their lessons
When it was time they should;
And liked to eat up all their crusts—
They were so very good.
And then their frocks were never torn,
Their tuckers always clean;
And their hair so very tidy—
Always quite fit to be seen.
Then they made calls with their mamma
And were so very neat;
And learnt to bow becomingly
When they met you in the street.
And really they were everything
That children ought to be;
And well may be examples now
For little you—and me.


Baby mine, over the trees;
Baby mine, over the flowers;
Baby mine, over the sunshine;
Baby mine, over the showers.
Baby mine, over the land;
Baby mine, over the water.
Oh, when had a mother before
Such a sweet—such a sweet, little daughter!


In the May-time flowers grow;
Little girls in meadows go;
Little lambs frisk with delight,
And in the green grass sleep at night.
Little birds sing all the day,
Oh, in such a happy way!
All the day the sun is bright,
Little stars shine all the night.
The Cowslip says to the Primrose,
"How soft the little Spring wind blows!"
The Daisy and the Buttercup
Sing every time that they look up.
For beneath the sweet blue sky
They see a pretty Butterfly;
The Butterfly, when he looks down,
Says, "What a pretty Flower Town!"


Out of Wonder World I think you come;
For in your eyes the wonder comes with you.
The stars are the windows of Heaven,
And sometimes I think you peep through.
Oh, little girl, tell us do the Flowers
Tell you secrets when they find you all alone?
Or the Birds and Butterflies whisper
Of things to us unknown?
Or do angel voices speak to you so softly,
When we only hear a little wind sigh;
And the peaceful dew of Heaven fall upon you
When we only see a white cloud passing by?