Read the book: «Die Taufe»



Cover: © emmi; S. 1, 15: © Gabriela; S. 2: © sborisov; S. 3: © Ogis; S. 4: © Dalia Drulia; S. 5: © Jeanette Dietl; S. 6: © nenovbrothers; S. 7: © Reicher; S. 8: © Rony Zimiri; S. 9: © Stefan Körber; S. 10: © Comugnero Silvana; S. 11: © Pakhnyushchyy; S. 12: © Tomy; S. 13: © plrang; S. 14: Kristina Cilia; S. 17: © AndreasEdelmann; S. 18: © mohaa; S. 19: © abcmedia; S. 20: © Sean M; S. 21: © Monia; S. 22: © milanocama; S. 23: © Photosani; alle Bilder:; S. 16: Fotostudio von Wickern; S. 24: Stefan Redel -

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ISBN 978-3-7666-1606-7

© 2012 Butzon & Bercker GmbH, 47623 Kevelaer, Deutschland,

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Umschlaggestaltung: Christoph Kemkes, Geldern

Layout und Satz: Kai & Amrei Serfling GbR, Leipzig

Printed in the European Union.

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