Read the book: «Remember me»



Looking through the prism of love, even a rainy sky will become a grace for you.

Even the cold rain will become warm while washing you and cleansing you.

Through love, the most simple thing will become special.

The most ordinary actions will bring joy and bear fruits.

Look at the enemy with love and he will excite your compassion…

Spread your love with people, who are in need and it will never be forgotten.

Share your love from the heart, not in the name of your ego.

Accept love with respect, with which a person came to you and shared it.

The path of love is simple, granting forgiveness and punishment, because even the punishment imposed with love will be for the benefit of others.

Determination and fearlessness in love, is so great that all the stumbling blocks will be useful.

A pure mind in love is devoid of emotions of self-destruction. Only by accepting love and filling your heart with it, you will cope with such emotions.

With absolute faith in true love, you will be rewarded in unity with your beloved person, who is your reflection in this world …

The way of peace, the true way of the heart, listening to the heart, you gain the power of absolute love, which will help you overcome all obstacles on the way to your dream and your destiny, connecting the inner and outer worlds into one true path, the one that only you create …

First look.

I am shrouded in a blue sky,

I was kissed by a bright sun.

The sea is caressing my feet,

I sit on the shore in the symphony of nature,

I bathe in this ode to universal love.

The warm wind, gently swirled a romance, with my hair dancing a waltz.

Inhaling the sea breeze, I breathe love, and just like that

I breathe out my longing for you…

You are there on the other side of the sea, on the shore stroking your mane,

Looking into the distance right into my eyes and soul,

And every day the sea dries up between us, draining the way for your horse and my bare feet.

We go to meet each other, looking into the distance into each other's eyes without removing our Glance…

And the day turns to night, but it is bright for us,

The moon and the stars light the way for us and that is the Guiding star.

You are the Sultan of my heart,

I wait for the moment, when your hand touches my hair and hearts will beat in unison, in the sweet kiss of paradise.

With you and from the cliff,

I will fall and fly with you my Sultan,

My guiding star, and I will be your star,

We will merge into one bright light, in the sky there is only one star that is like this.


You are my Shams, and I am your Rumi.

I write poetry inspired by the alchemy of love,

My philosopher's stone is in your chest.

I mix you with a Damask rose and a drop of dew,

Not much sun and moon,

Clouds and stardust, a few secret ingredients

Ready elixir of immortality in love,

Taoist mystery mystery,

Taste the soma.

And in the silence, you will hear the symphony of nature, where the answers to the eternal Questions of life are hidden.

The seekers, always find what they were looking for, because there is no other mirror…

Your world is only the depth of your soul.

My Shams, wandering at night has already found,

What he was looking for in my garden,

And what he was looking for, found you,

Your Rumi with the dawn.

And even when you are in another country, you and me are together,

We are united in the halls of the mind

Soul and heart and in lucid dreams,

We learn the waltz by ascending to the heavens,

With various keys from other worlds.

The free excerpt has ended.
