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E-book Edition © July 2017
ISBN 9780008204327
Version: 2017-06-22
Title Page
Notes on the pronunciation of Welsh
Communicating in Welsh
About the Publisher
The first Spurrell Welsh-English dictionary appeared in 1848 published by William Spurrell (1813–89) the Carmarthen printer and publisher. One of his sons, Walter Spurrell (1858–1934), joined his father in the business and the family firm published a series of distinguished Welsh-English, English-Welsh dictionaries and influential Welsh grammars during the latter part of the nineteenth century and the first half of the last century. William Spurrell was advised by and well-acquainted with Daniel Silvan Evans (1818–1903), one of the father figures of Welsh lexicography, sometime lecturer in Welsh at St David’s University College, Lampeter and the first professor of Welsh to be appointed by the University of Wales.
The Collins-Spurrell Welsh Dictionary was first published in 1960 and quickly became an essential tool of general reference for Welsh learners as well as those anxious to interpret literature. It was edited by Henry Lewis, Professor of Welsh Language and Literature at University College, Swansea, with valuable contributions from the staff of the Department of Welsh Language and Literature at St David’s University College, Lampeter.
They are sounded, long or short, as the vowels in the English words given below.
A | palm, pat. | |
E | gate (without diphthongization), get. | |
I | feet, fit. | |
O | more, not. | |
U | (1) | North Wales: like French u or German ü without rounding lips. |
(2) | South Wales: as I. | |
W | cool, full. | |
Y | (1) | In monosyllables generally, and in final syllables, as U (the ‘clear’ sound). |
(2) | In all but final syllables, and in y, yr (the), fy (my), dy (thy), yn, yng, ym (in), the adverbial yn, the preverbal and relative particle y, yr (y’m, y’th etc), syr (sir), nyrs (nurse), as English fun, (the ‘obscure’ sound). |
1 | Falling diphthongs, in which the second sound is consonantal: the two vowels have the sound noted above: ae, oe, ai, oi, the diphthong ei as English by, aw, ew, iw, ow, uw, ŵy, yw. |
2 | Rising diphthongs, in which the first sound is consonantal: ia, ie, io, iw, iy, (‘obscure’ y); wa, we, wi, wo, wy, (‘clear’ y), wy, (‘obscure’ y). |
Only those which differ from English need to be noted.
CH | (following C in the alphabet), as Scottish loch. |
DD | (following D in the alphabet), as th in English this, breathe. |
F | as English v. |
FF | as English f. |
G | always as in English go. |
NG | (following G in the alphabet), as in English sing. |
In some words (e.g. dangos), however, it is sounded ng-g, as in English longer. Alphabetically this follows after N. | |
LL | produced by placing the tongue to pronounce l, then emitting breath without voice. |
PH | (following P in the alphabet), as English f. |
TH | always as th in English thin. |
Welsh words are generally accented on the last syllable but one. There are certain exceptions:
1 | The reduplicated personal pronouns myfi, tydi, efe, efô, hyhi, nyni, chwychwi, hwynt-hwy, accented on the final syllable. |
2 | Verbs in -(h)au, -(h)oi, -eu, accented on the final syllable. |
3 | A few dissyllabic words beginning y + consonant, accented on the final syllable. |
4 | Certain polysyllabic words with a diphthong resulting in contraction in the final syllable, such as Cymraeg. |
5 | Some borrowed words accented as in the language of origin, generally English. |
Mutations, or letter changes, can occur at the beginning of Welsh words. Mutations are caused by the preceding word. There are three different mutations:
Llythyren wreiddiol | Treiglad meddal | Treiglad trwynol | Treiglad llaes |
Original letter | Soft mutation | Nasal mutation | Aspirate mutation |
changes to: | changes to: | changes to: | |
P | b | mh | ph |
t | d | nh | th |
c | g | ngh | ch |
b | f | m | |
d | dd | n | |
g | - | ng | |
ll | l | ||
m | f | ||
rh | r |
ei | his |
dy | your |
dau / dwy | two (masculine / feminine) |
pa | which |
neu | or |
rhy | too |
yn | before an adjective |
Adjectives which come before the noun: | For example: |
Mae’r hen ddyn yn byw yn y tŷ. | The old man lives in the house. |
Dyma fy hoff gân. | This is my favourite song. |
Some prepositions: | For example: |
Mae’r bws yn mynd i Gaerdydd. | The bus is going to Cardiff. |
Maen nhw’n chwarae dros dîm yr ysgol. | They play for the school team. |
Certain words which come before a feminine noun: | |
y and ’r | the |
un | one |
Mae castell yn y dref. | There’s a castle in town. |
Mae’r ddinas wedi gwella. | The city has improved. |
Dim ond un broblem sydd ar ôl. | There’s only one problem left. |
Any feminine noun which has an adjective immediately after it: | |
merch dda | a good girl |
fy | my |
yn | in |
a | and |
â | as/to/with |
chwe | six |
ei | her |
gyda | with |
tri | three |
tua | approximately |
abbreviation | abbr | byrfodd |
adjective | adj | ansoddair |
anatomy | Anat | anatomeg |
automobile | Aut | moduro |
auxiliary verb | aux vb | berf atodol |
British English | BRIT | Saesneg Prydain |
collective noun | coll n | enw torfol |
computing | Comput | cyfrifiadureg |
conjunction | conj | cysylltiad |
contraction | contr | cywasgiad |
cookery | Culin | coginio |
definite article | def art | bannod bendant |
demonstrative | dem | dangosol |
emphatic | emphat | pwyslais |
exclamation | excl | ebychiad |
formal | form | ffurfiol |
(phrasal verb) where | fus | (berf ymadroddol) |
the particle is | lle na all y | |
inseparable | rhangymeriad gael | |
ei wahanu | ||
imperative | imper | gorchmynnol |
indefinite article | indef art | bannod amhendant |
indeterminate | indeter | amhenderfynadwy |
colloquial usage | inf(!) | defnydd llafar |
(offensive) | (anweddus) | |
grammar, | Ling | gramadeg, |
linguistics | ieithyddiaeth | |
masculine | m | gwrywaidd |
mathematics | Math | mathemateg |
medical term | Med | term meddygol |
modal auxiliary verb | mod aux vb | berf atodol moddol |
music | Mus | cerddoriaeth |
noun | n | enw |
noun dual | nd | enw deuol |
number | num | rhif |
old-fashioned | old | hen ffasiwn |
derogatory, | pej | difrïol |
pejorative | ||
plural | pl | lluosog |
past participle | pp | rhangymeriad |
gorffennol | ||
politics | Pol | gwleidyddiaeth |
prefix | pref | rhagddodiad |
preposition | prep | arddodiad |
pronoun | pron | rhagenw |
past tense | pt | amser gorffennol |
relative | rel | perthynol |
singular | sing | unigol |
Telecommunications | Tel | Telathrebu |
American English | US | Saesneg America |
verb | vb | berf |
impersonal verb | vb imper | berf amhersonol |
intransitive verb | vi | berf gyflawn |
transitive verb | vt | berf anghyflawn |
a1 interrogative particle, preverbal particle, rel pron who, that, which
a2, ac conj and
a3 excl ah, oh
â1, ag conj as
â2, ag prep with
ab, ap nm son (before name, in place of surname, like ‘Mac’)
abad (-au) nm abbot
abadaeth (-au) nf abbacy, abbotship
abades (-au) nf abbess
abatir (-oedd) nm abbey-land
abaty (abatai) nm abbey
aber (-oedd, ebyr) nm confluence; mouth of river, estuary; brook, stream
aberfa (-oedd) nf mouth of river, estuary
abergofiant nm forgetfulness, oblivion
aberth (-au, ebyrth) nm sacrifice
aberthged nf oblation; offering of fruits
aberthol adj sacrificial
aberthu vb to sacrifice
aberthwr (-wyr) nm sacrificer
aberu vb to flow into
abid nmf apparel; dress of religious order
abiéc nmf alphabet
abl adj able; well-off
abladol adj ablative
abledd nm ability; plenty
abrwysg adj clumsy, drunken
absen nm absence; slander
absennol adj absent
absennu vb to backbite, to slander
absennwr (absenwyr) nm backbiter
absenoldeb nm absence
absenoli vb to absent
absenoliaeth (-au) nf absenteeism
abwyd, abwydyn (abwydod) nm worm; fishing-bait
ac, a conj and
academaidd adj academic
academi (-ïau) nm academy
acen (-ion) nf accent
aceniad nm accentuation
acennod nm accent mark
acennu vb to accent, to stress
acenyddiaeth nf accentuation
acer (-i) nf acre
aciwbigiad (-au) nm acupuncture
acne nm acne
acrilig adj acrylic
act (-au) nf act
actio vb to act
actor (-ion) nm actor
actores (-au) nf actress
acw adv there, yonder
ach1 excl ugh
ach2 (-au, -oedd) nf degree of kinship; (pl) pedigree, ancestry
aches nm tide, flood; eloquence
achfre nmf see achwre
achlân adv wholly, entirely
achles (-oedd) nf succour, protection; manure
achlesol adj succouring
achlesu vb to succour, to cherish
achlod nm shame, disgrace
achlust nm rumour
achlysur (-on) nm occasion
achlysurol adj occasional
achos1 (-ion) nm cause, case
achos2 conj because, for
achosi vb to cause
achres (-i, -au) nf genealogical table
achub vb to seize, to snatch; to save, to rescue; achub y blaen to forestall; achub y cyfle to seize the opportunity
achubiaeth nf salvation
achubol adj saving
achubwr (-wyr), achubydd (-ion) nm saviour, rescuer
achul adj thin, emaciated
achwre, achfre nmf under-thatch, protection; covering, garment
achwyn vb to complain ▶ nm (-ion) complaint, plaint
achwyniad (-au) nm complaint, accusation
achwynwr (-wyr) nm complainer; complainant, plaintiff
achwynyddes (-au) nf complainant
achydd (-ion) nm genealogist
achyddiaeth nf genealogy
achyddol adj genealogical
achwyngar adj querulous
ad- prefix very; second; bad, re-
adail nf building, edifice, structure
adain, aden (adenydd) nf wing; fin; spoke
adamant nm adamant, diamond
adamantaidd adj adamantine
adar npl (nm aderyn) birds, fowls; adar drudwy, adar yr eira starlings; adar y to sparrows
adara vb to catch birds, to fowl
adardy (-dai) nm aviary
adareg nf ornithology
adargi (-gwn) nm retriever, setter, spaniel
adargraffiad (-au) nm reprint
adarwr (-wyr) nm fowler
adarwriaeth nf fowling
adarydd (-ion) nm ornithologist
adarydda n birdwatching ▶ vb to go birdwatching
adaryddiaeth nf ornithology
ad-dalu vb to repay, to requite
ad-drefnu vb to rearrange
adeg (-au) nf time, occasion, opportunity
adeilad (-au) nmf building, edifice
adeiladaeth nf building; edification, construction
adeiladol adj edifying, constructive
adeiladu vb to build, to edify
adeiladwaith nm construction
adeiladwr (-wyr), adeiladydd (-ion) nm builder
adeiledd nm structure
adeiniog adj winged
aden (-ydd, edyn) nf wing; see also adain
adenedigaeth nf regeneration
adeni vb to regenerate
adennill vb to regain, to recover
aderyn (adar) nm bird
adfach (-au) nm barb; liver-fluke
adfail (-feilion) nm ruin
adfeddiannu vb to repossess
adfeiliad nm decay, ruin
adfeiliedig adj decayed, in ruins
adfeilio vb to decay, to moulder
Adfent nm Advent
adfer, adferu, adferyd vb to restore
adferf (-au) nf adverb
adferfol adj adverbial
adferiad nm restoration
adferol adj restorative; remedial
adferwr (-wyr) nm restorer
adflas nm after-taste, bad taste
adfyd nm adversity
adfydus adj adverse, miserable
adfynach nm renegade monk
adfyw adj half alive, half dead
adfywhau vb to revive, to reanimate
adfywiad (-au) nm revival
adfywio vb to revive, to resuscitate
adfywiol adj refreshing
adiad nm drake
adio nm addition ▶ vb to add
adiolyn (adiolion) nm additive
adladd, adlodd nm aftermath
adlais (-leisiau) nm echo
adlam (-au) nm home; rebound; cic adlam drop-kick
adlamu vb to rebound
adleisio vb to resound
adlewyrch, adlewyrchiad (adlewyrchiadau) nm reflection
adlewyrchu vb to reflect
adlewyrchydd (-ion) nm reflector
adlog (-au) nm compound interest
adloniadol adj of or for entertainment
adloniant nm recreation, entertainment
adlonni vb to entertain, to refresh
adlunio vb to remodel, to reconstruct
adnabod vb to know, to recognize
adnabyddiaeth nf knowledge, acquaintance
adnabyddus adj known, familiar; well-known
adnabyddwr nm knower
adnau (adneuon) nm deposit, pledge; ar adnau on deposit
adneuo vb to deposit
adneuol adj depositing
adneuwr (-wyr) nm depositor
adnewyddadwy adj renewable
adnewyddiad (-au) nm renewal, renovation
adnewyddu vb to renew, to renovate
adnewyddwr (-wyr) nm renewer, renovator
adnod (-au) nf verse
adnoddau npl resources
adolygiad (-au) nm review
adolygu vb to review
adolygydd (-ion) nm reviewer
adran (-nau) nf division, section, department
adref adv homewards, home
Adriatig nm: yr Adriatig the Adriatic (Sea)
adrodd vb to relate, to recite
adroddgan (-au) nf recitative
adroddiad (-au) nm report; recitation
adroddwr (-wyr) nm narrator, reciter
aduniad nm reunion
aduno vb to reunite
adwaith (-weithiau) nm reaction
adweithio vb to react
adweithiol adj reactionary
adweithydd (-ion) nm reactor
adwerthu vb to retail
adwr nm coward, churl
adwy (-au, -on) nf gap, breach; pass
adwyth (-au) nm evil, misfortune, illness
adwythig adj cruel; evil, baneful; sore, sick; harmful
adyn (-od) nm wretch
adysgrif (-au) nf copy, transcript
adysgrifio vb to copy, to transcribe
addas adj suitable, proper
addasiad (-au) nm adjustment, adaptation
addasrwydd nm suitableness, fitness
addasu vb to suit, to adapt, to fit
addawol adj promising
addef vb to acknowledge, to own, to admit
addefiad nm admission, confession
addewid (-ion) nf promise
addfain adj slender, shapely
addfed adj see aeddfed
addfwyn adj gentle, meek, mild
addfwynder nm gentleness, meekness
addien adj fair, beautiful
addo vb to promise
addod nm: wy addod nest-egg
addoed nm death, hurt
addoedi vb to delay, to postpone
addoediad nm prorogation
addoer adj sad, cruel; chilling
addoldy (-dai) nm place of worship
addolgar adj devout, reverent
addolgarwch nm devoutness, reverence
addoli vb to worship, to adore
addoliad nm worship
addolwr (-wyr) nm worshipper
adduned (-au) nf vow
addunedu vb to vow
addurn (-au, -iadau) nm ornament, adornment
addurnedig adj decorated
addurniad nm ornamentation
addurno vb to decorate, to adorn, to ornament
addurnol adj ornamental, decorative
addurnwr (-wyr) nm decorator
addysg nf education, instruction; addysg gorfforol PE; addysg uwch higher education
addysgiadol adj instructive, educational
addysgiaeth nf instruction, training
addysgol adj educational
addysgu vb to educate, to instruct
addysgwr (-wyr), addysgydd (-ion) nm educator, instructor, tutor
aeddfed adj ripe, mature
aeddfedrwydd nm ripeness, maturity
aeddfedu vb to ripen; to mature
ael (-iau) nf brow
aele adj sad, wretched
aelod (-au) nm member, limb; Aelod Seneddol Member of Parliament
aelodaeth nf membership
aelodi vb to become a member; to enrol
aelwyd (-ydd) nf hearth, fireside
aer1 (-ion) nm heir
aer2 nm air
aerdymheru nm air conditioning
aeres (-au) nf heiress
aerfa nf slaughter, battle
aerglo nm air-lock
aerobeg nm aerobics
aeron npl fruit, fruits, berries
aerwy (-au, -on) nm collar, torque; neck-chain
aes nf shield
aestheteg nf aesthetics
aesthetig adj aesthetic
aeth nm pain, grief, fear, shock
aethnen nf aspen, poplar
aethus adj poignant, grievous, severe
afal (-au) nm apple
afallen (-nau) nf apple-tree
afan npl (nf -en) raspberries
afanc (-od) nm beaver
afiach adj unwell, unhealthy, morbid
afiachus adj sickly; unwholesome
afiaith nm zest, mirth, glee
afiechyd (-on) nm disease, malady
afieithus adj mirthful, gleeful
aflafar adj harsh, unmelodious
aflan adj unclean, polluted, foul
aflawen adj fierce; sad, cheerless, dismal; awful
aflednais adj immodest, indelicate
afledneisrwydd nm immodesty, indelicacy
aflem adj obtuse
aflendid nm uncleanness; pollution
aflêr adj untidy, slovenly
aflerwch nm untidiness, slovenliness
afles nm disadvantage, hurt
aflesol adj disadvantageous, unprofitable
afliwiog adj pale, colourless
aflonydd adj unquiet, restless
aflonyddu vb to disturb, to molest
aflonyddwch nm disturbance, unrest
aflonyddwr (-wyr) nm disturber
afloyw adj turbid; opaque
afluniaidd adj mis-shapen, deformed
aflunio vb to disfigure, to deform
aflwydd nm misfortune, calamity
aflwyddiannus adj unsuccessful
aflwyddiant nm failure
aflwyddo vb to fail
aflywodraeth nf misrule, anarchy
aflywodraethus adj ungovernable, uncontrollable
afocado (-s) nm avocado
afon (-ydd) nf river
afonig nf rivulet, streamlet, brook
afradlon adj wasteful, prodigal
afradlonedd nm prodigality
afradloni, afradu vb to waste, to lavish, to squander
afraid adj unnecessary, needless ▶ nm superfluity
afrasol adj graceless, impious
afrealaidd, afrealistig adj unrealistic
afreidiol adj needless, superfluous
afreol nf misrule, disorder
afreolaidd adj irregular; disorderly
afreoleidd-dra nm irregularity
afreolus adj unruly, disorderly
afreswm nm absurdity
afresymegol adj illogical
afresymol adj unreasonable
afresymoldeb nm unreasonableness
afrifed adj innumerable
afrllad (-au), afrlladen (-nau) nf wafer
afrosgo adj clumsy, unwieldy
afrwydd adj difficult, stiff, awkward
afrwyddineb nm difficulty
afrwyddo vb to obstruct, to hinder
afrywiog adj perverse, cross-grained, improper
afrywiogrwydd nm churlishness, roughness
afu nmf liver; afu (g)las gizzard
afwyn (-au) nf rein
affeithiad nm affection (in grammar)
Affganistan nf Afghanistan
afflau nm grip, hug, embrace
affliw nm shred, particle
Affrica nf Africa
Affricanaidd adj African
Affricanwr (-wyr) nm African
affwysol nm abysmal
ag, â conj as ▶ prep with
agen (-nau) nf cleft, chink, fissure
agendor nmf gulf, abyss
agennu vb to split, to crack
ager, agerdd nm steam, vapour
agerfad (-au) nm steamboat
agerlong (-au) nf steamship, steamer
ageru vb to steam, to evaporate
agerw adj bitter, fierce
agor, agoryd vb to open, to expand
agorawd (-au) nf overture
agored adj open; liable
agorfa (-oedd) nf opening, orifice
agoriad (-au) nm opening; key
agoriadol adj opening, inaugural
agorwr (-wyr), agorydd (-ion) nm opener; agorwr tuniau can-opener
agos adj near, nigh
agosaol adj approaching
agosatrwydd nm intimacy
agosáu vb to draw near, to approach
agosrwydd nm nearness, proximity
agwedd (-au) nf form; aspect; attitude
agweddi nm dowry, marriage gift
agwrdd adj strong, mighty
angall adj unwise, foolish
angau nmf death
angel (angylion, engyl) nm angel
angen (anghenion) nm need, want; anghenion arbennig special needs
angenrheidiol adj necessary, needful
angenrheidrwydd nm necessity
angerdd nm heat; passion; force
angerddol adj ardent, intense, passionate
angerddoldeb nm vehemence, intensity
anghaffael nm mishap; defect, flaw
anghallineb nm unwisdom, imprudence
angharedig adj unkind
angharedigrwydd nm unkindness
anghelfydd adj unskilful, clumsy
anghenfil (angenfilod) nm monster
anghenraid (angenrheidiau) nm necessity
anghenus adj needy, necessitous, indigent
angheuol adj deadly, mortal, fatal
anghlod nm dispraise, dishonour
anghoelio vb to disbelieve
anghofiedig adj forgotten
anghofio vb to forget
anghofrwydd nm forgetfulness
anghofus adj forgetful, oblivious
anghred nf unbelief, infidelity
anghredadun (anghredinwyr) nm unbeliever
anghrediniaeth nf unbelief, infidelity
anghrediniol adj unbelieving
anghredu vb to disbelieve
anghrefyddol adj irreligious
anghryno adj incompact, prolix
anghwrtais adj discourteous
anghwrteisi nm discourtesy
anghydbwysedd nm imbalance
anghydfod nm disagreement, discord
Anghydffurfiaeth nf Nonconformity
Anghydffurfiwr (-wyr) nm Nonconformist
anghydnaws adj uncongenial
anghydsynio vb to dissent, to disagree
anghydweddol adj incompatible
anghyfaddas adj unsuitable, unfit
anghyfaddasu vb to disqualify
anghyfamodol adj uncovenanted
anghyfanhedd-dra nm desolation
anghyfanheddle (-aneddleoedd) nm desolate place
anghyfanheddol adj desolating; desert
anghyfannedd adj uninhabited, desert
anghyfansoddiadol adj unconstitutional
anghyfartal adj unequal, uneven
anghyfartaledd nm disparity
anghyfarwydd adj unfamiliar, unskilled
anghyfeillgar adj unfriendly
anghyfiaith adj foreign, alien
anghyfiawn adj unjust, unrighteous
anghyfiawnder nm injustice
anghyflawn adj incomplete
anghyfleus adj inconvenient
anghyfleustra (-terau) nm inconvenience
anghyflogaeth nm unemployment
anghyfnewidiol adj immutable
anghyfraith nf transgression, crime
anghyfranogol adj incommunicable
anghyfreithlon adj unlawful, illegal, illegitimate
anghyfrifol adj irresponsible
anghyffredin adj uncommon, rare
anghyffwrdd adj intangible
anghyffyrddus adj uncomfortable
anghymedrol adj immoderate
anghymen adj rash, coarse, untidy
anghymeradwy adj unacceptable
anghymeradwyo vb to disapprove
anghymesur adj inordinate
anghymharol adj incomparable
anghymharus adj ill-matched
anghymhendod nm foolishness, indelicacy, untidiness
anghymhwyso vb to unfit, to disqualify
anghymhwyster nm incapacity, disqualification
anghymodlon adj implacable
anghymwys adj unfit, unsuitable
anghynefin adj unfamiliar
anghynefindra nm unfamiliarity
anghynhyrchiol adj unproductive
anghynnes adj odious, loathsome
anghysbell adj out-of-the-way; remote
anghyson adj inconsistent
anghysondeb (-au), anghysonder (-au) nm inconsistency
anghysur (-on) nm discomfort
anghysuro vb to discomfort
anghysurus adj uncomfortable
anghytbwys adj unbalanced, lopsided
anghytgord (-iau) nm discord, dissension
anghytûn adj not agreeing, discordant
anghytundeb nm disagreement
anghytuno vb to disagree
anghywair adj ill-equipped; discordant ▶ nm disrepair
anghyweithas adj uncivil
anghywir adj incorrect, inaccurate, false
anghywirdeb (-au) nm inaccuracy, falseness
anghywrain adj unskilful; slovenly
angladd (-au) nmf burial, funeral
angladdol adj funereal
angof nm forgetfulness, oblivion
angor (-au, -ion) nm anchor
angorfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf anchorage
angori vb to anchor
angylaidd adj angelic
angyles (-au) nf female angel
ai1 adv is it? what?; ai e? is it so?
ai2 conj or; either; if
aidd nm zeal, ardour, zest
Aifft nf: yr Aifft Egypt
aig1, eigiau nf host, shoal
aig2 nf sea, ocean
ail adj second ▶ adv a second time, again
ailadrodd vb to repeat
ailadroddiad (-au) nm repetition
ailarholiad (-au) nm resit
ailbriodi vb to remarry
aildrydanu vb to recharge
ailenedigaeth nf rebirth
aileni vb to regenerate
Ailfedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Anabaptist
ailgylchu vb to recycle ▶ n recycling
ailgynnig (ailgynigion) nm resit
ail-law adj second-hand
ail-lenwi vb to top up, to refill
ailsefyll vb to resit
aillt nm vassal, villain, slave
ais npl (nf eisen) laths; ribs
alaeth nm wailing, lamentation, grief
alaethu vb to lament
alaethus adj mournful, lamentable
alarch (-od, elyrch) nm swan
alaru vb to surfeit; to loathe
alaw (-on) nf lily; air, melody, tune
Alban nf: yr Alban Scotland
Albanwr (-wyr) nm Scot
alcali (-ïau) nm alkali
alcam nm tin
alcohol nm alcohol
alch (-au, eilch) nf grate, grill
ale (-au, -on) nf aisle; gangway; alley
algebra nm algebra
Algeraidd adj Algerian
Algeria nf Algeria
Algeriad (-iaid) nm Algerian
Almaen nf: yr Almaen Germany
Almaeneg nf German
Almaenwr (-wyr) nm German
almon nm almond
aloi (aloeon) nm alloy
Alpau npl: yr Alpau the Alps
Alzheimer nm: clefyd Alzheimer Alzheimer’s (disease)
allan adv out
allanfa nf exit
allanol adj outward, external
allblyg adj extrovert
allbrint (-iau) nm printout
allforio vb to export
allfro nf foreigner; foreign land
allfudwr (-wyr) nm emigrant
allgarwch nm altruism
allgofnodi vb to log off, to log out
allor (-au) nf altar
allt (elltydd) nf hill; cliff; wood
alltud (-ion) nm alien; exile
alltudiaeth nf banishment, exile
alltudio vb to banish, to exile
allwedd (-au, -i) nf key, clef (in music)
allweddell nf keyboard
am1 prep round, about; for; at; on ▶ conj for, because; so long as
am2 see ym
amaeth nm husbandman; agriculture
amaethdy (-dai) nm farm-house
amaethu vb to farm, to till
amaethwr (-wyr) nm farmer
amaethwraig nf farm-wife
amaethyddiaeth nf agriculture
amaethyddol adj agricultural
amarch nm disrespect, dishonour
amau vb to doubt, to suspect ▶ nm (-heuon) doubt
ambell adj occasional; ambell waith sometimes
amcan (-ion) nm purpose, aim; guess; ar amcan at random, approximately, at a guess
amcangyfrif vb to estimate ▶ nm (-on) estimate
amcanu vb to purpose; to aim; to guess
amdo (-oeau) nm shroud, winding-sheet
amdoi vb to shroud, to enshroud
amdorch (-dyrch) nf chaplet, wreath
amddifad adj destitute, orphan
amddifadrwydd nm destitution, privation
amddifadu vb to bereave, to deprive
amddifaty (-tai) nm orphanage
amddifedi nm destitution, privation
amddiffyn vb to defend, to protect, to shield ▶ nm (addiffynion) defence
amddiffynfa (-feydd) nf fortress
amddiffyniad nm protection, defence
amddiffynnwr (-wyr), amddiffynyddion nm defender, protector
amddyfrwys adj mighty, rugged; marshy
America Ladin nf Latin America
Amerig nf: yr Amerig America
amfesur (-au) nm perimeter
amgáu vb to enclose, to shut in
amgen adj, adv other, else, otherwise; different; nid amgen that is to say, namely
amgenach adj, adv otherwise; better
amgueddfa (-feydd) nf museum
amgyffred vb to comprehend, to comprise ▶ nm (-ion) comprehension
amgyffrediad nm comprehension
amgylch (-oedd) nm circuit; environs, surroundings; o (oddi) amgylch round about, about
amgylchedd nm circumference; environment
amgylcheddol adj environmental; yn amgylcheddol environmentally; amgylcheddol garedig environmentally friendly
amgylchfyd nm environment
amgylchiad (-au) nm circumstance; occasion
amgylchiadol adj circumstantial