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Read the book: «The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication — Volume 2», page 30



This subject deserves a little further discussion. A multitude of the lower animals and some vertebrates possess this wonderful power. For instance, Spallanzani cut off the legs and tail of the same salamander six times successively, and Bonnet (27/18. Spallanzani 'An Essay on Animal Reproduction' translated by Dr. Maty 1769 page 79. Bonnet 'Oeuvres d'Hist. Nat.' tome 5 part 1 4to. edition 1781 pages 343, 350.) did so eight times; and on each occasion the limbs were reproduced on the exact line of amputation, with no part deficient or in excess. An allied animal, the axolotl, had a limb bitten off, which was reproduced in an abnormal condition, but when this was amputated it was replaced by a perfect limb. (27/19. Vulpian as quoted by Prof. Faivre 'La Variabilite des Especes' 1868 page 112.) The new limbs in these cases bud forth, and are developed in the same manner as during the regular development of a young animal. For instance, with the Amblystoma lurida, three toes are first developed, then the fourth, and on the hind-feet the fifth, and so it is with a reproduced limb. (27/20. Dr. P. Hoy 'The American Naturalist' September 1871 page 579.)

The power of regrowth is generally much greater during the youth of an animal or during the earlier stages of its development than during maturity. The larvae or tadpoles of the Batrachians are capable of reproducing lost members, but not so the adults. (27/21. Dr. Gunther in Owen 'Anatomy of Vertebrates' volume 1 1866 page 567. Spallanzani has made similar observations.) Mature insects have no power of regrowth, excepting in one order, whilst the larvae of many kinds have this power. Animals low in the scale are able, as a general rule, to reproduce lost parts far more easily than those which are more highly organised. The myriapods offer a good illustration of this rule; but there are some strange exceptions to it — thus Nemerteans, though lowly organised, are said to exhibit little power of regrowth. With the higher vertebrata, such as birds and mammals, the power is extremely limited. (27/22. A thrush was exhibited before the British Association at Hull in 1853 which had lost its tarsus, and this member, it was asserted, had been thrice reproduced; having been lost, I presume, each time by disease. Sir J. Paget informs me that he feels some doubt about the facts recorded by Sir J. Simpson ('Monthly Journal of Medical Science' Edinburgh 1848 new series volume 2 page 890) of the regrowth of limbs in the womb in the case of man.)

In the case of those animals which may be bisected or chopped into pieces, and of which every fragment will reproduce the whole, the power of regrowth must be diffused throughout the whole body. Nevertheless there seems to be much truth in the view maintained by Prof. Lessona (27/23. 'Atti della Soc. Ital. di Sc. Nat.' volume 11 1869 page 493.), that this capacity is generally a localised and special one, serving to replace parts which are eminently liable to be lost in each particular animal. The most striking case in favour of this view, is that the terrestrial salamander, according to Lessona, cannot reproduce lost parts, whilst another species of the same genus, the aquatic salamander, has extraordinary powers of regrowth, as we have just seen; and this animal is eminently liable to have its limbs, tail, eyes and jaws bitten off by other tritons. (27/24. Lessona states that this is so in the paper just referred to. See also 'The American Naturalist' September 1871 page 579.) Even with the aquatic salamander the capacity is to a certain extent localised, for when M. Philipeaux (27/25. 'Comptes Rendus' October 1, 1866 and June 1867.) extirpated the entire fore limb together with the scapula, the power of regrowth was completely lost. It is also a remarkable fact, standing in opposition to a very general rule, that the young of the aquatic salamander do not possess the power of repairing their limbs in an equal degree with the adults (27/26. Bonnet 'Oeuvres Hist. Nat.' volume 5 page 294, as quoted by Prof. Rolleston in his remarkable address to the 36th annual meeting of the British Medical Association.) but I do not know that they are more active, or can otherwise better escape the loss of their limbs, than the adults. The walking-stick insect, Diapheromera femorata, like other insects of the same order, can reproduce its legs in the mature state, and these from their great length must be liable to be lost: but the capacity is localised (as in the case of the salamander), for Dr. Scudder found (27/27. 'Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist.' volume 12 1868-69 page 1.), that if the limb was removed within the trochanto-femoral articulation, it was never renewed. When a crab is seized by one of its legs, this is thrown off at the basal joint, being afterwards replaced by a new leg; and it is generally admitted that this is a special provision for the safety of the animal. Lastly, with gasteropod molluscs, which are well known to have the power of reproducing their heads, Lessona shows that they are very liable to have their heads bitten off by fishes; the rest of the body being protected by the shell. Even with plants we see something of the same kind, for non-deciduous leaves and young stems have no power of regrowth, these parts being easily replaced by growth from new buds; whilst the bark and subjacent tissues of the trunks of trees have great power of regrowth, probably on account of their increase in diameter, and of their liability to injury from being gnawed by animals.


It is well known from innumerable trials made in all parts of the world, that buds may be inserted into a stock, and that the plants thus raised are not affected in a greater degree than can be accounted for by changed nutrition. Nor do the seedlings raised from such inserted buds partake of the character of the stock, though they are more liable to vary than are seedlings from the same variety growing on its own roots. A bud, also, may sport into a new and strongly-marked variety without any other bud on the same plant being in the least degree affected. We may therefore infer, in accordance with the common view, that each bud is a distinct individual, and that its formative elements do not spread beyond the parts subsequently developed from it. Nevertheless, we have seen in the abstract on graft-hybridisation in the eleventh chapter that buds certainly include formative matter, which can occasionally combine with that included in the tissues of a distinct variety or species; a plant intermediate between the two parent-forms being thus produced. In the case of the potato we have seen that the tubers produced from a bud of one kind inserted into another are intermediate in colour, size, shape and state of surface; that the stems, foliage, and even certain constitutional peculiarities, such as precocity, are likewise intermediate. With these well- established cases, the evidence that graft-hybrids have also been produced with the laburnum, orange, vine, rose, etc., seems sufficient. But we do not know under what conditions this rare form of reproduction is possible. From these several cases we learn the important fact that formative elements capable of blending with those of a distinct individual (and this is the chief characteristic of sexual generation), are not confined to the reproductive organs, but are present in the buds and cellular tissue of plants; and this is a fact of the highest physiological importance.


In the eleventh chapter, abundant proofs were given that foreign pollen occasionally affects in a direct manner the mother-plant. Thus, when Gallesio fertilised an orange-flower with pollen from the lemon, the fruit bore stripes of perfectly characterised lemon-peel. With peas, several observers have seen the colour of the seed-coats and even of the pod directly affected by the pollen of a distinct variety. So it has been with the fruit of the apple, which consists of the modified calyx and upper part of the flower-stalk. In ordinary cases these parts are wholly formed by the mother-plant. We here see that the formative elements included within the male element or pollen of one variety can affect and hybridise, not the part which they are properly adapted to affect, namely, the ovules, but the partially-developed tissues of a distinct variety or species. We are thus brought half-way towards a graft- hybrid, in which the formative elements included within the tissues of one individual combine with those included in the tissues of a distinct variety or species, thus giving rise to a new and intermediate form, independently of the male or female sexual organs.

With animals which do not breed until nearly mature, and of which all the parts are then fully developed, it is hardly possible that the male element should directly affect the female. But we have the analogous and perfectly well-ascertained case of the male element affecting (as with the quagga and Lord Morton's mare) the female or her ova, in such a manner that when she is impregnated by another male her offspring are affected and hybridised by the first male. The explanation would be simple if the spermatozoa could keep alive within the body of the female during the long interval which has sometimes elapsed between the two acts of impregnation; but no one will suppose that this is possible with the higher animals.


The fertilised germ reaches maturity by a vast number of changes: these are either slight and slowly effected, as when the child grows into the man, or are great and sudden, as with the metamorphoses of most insects. Between these extremes we have every gradation, even within the same class; thus, as Sir J. Lubbock has shown (27/28. 'Transact. Linn. Soc.' volume 24 1863 page 62.) there is an Ephemerous insect which moults above twenty times, undergoing each time a slight but decided change of structure; and these changes, as he further remarks, probably reveal to us the normal stages of development, which are concealed and hurried through or suppressed in most other insects. In ordinary metamorphoses, the parts and organs appear to become changed into the corresponding parts in the next stage of development; but there is another form of development, which has been called by Professor Owen metagenesis. In this case "the new parts are not moulded upon the inner surface of the old ones. The plastic force has changed its course of operation. The outer case, and all that gave form and character to the precedent individual, perish and are cast off; they are not changed into the corresponding parts of the new individual. These are due to a new and distinct developmental process," etc. (27/29. 'Parthenogenesis' 1849 pages 25, 26. Prof. Huxley has some excellent remarks ('Medical Times' 1856 page 637) on this subject in reference to the development of star-fishes, and shows how curiously metamorphosis graduates into gemmation or zoid-formation, which is in fact the same as metagenesis.) Metamorphosis, however, graduates so insensibly, into metagenesis, that the two processes cannot be distinctly separated. For instance, in the last change which Cirripedes undergo, the alimentary canal and some other organs are moulded on pre-existing parts; but the eyes of the old and the young animal are developed in entirely different parts of the body; the tips of the mature limbs are formed within the larval limbs, and may be said to be metamorphosed from them; but their basal portions and the whole thorax are developed in a plane at right angles to the larval limbs and thorax; and this may be called metagenesis. The metagenetic process is carried to an extreme point in the development of some Echinoderms, for the animal in the second stage of development is formed almost like a bud within the animal of the first stage, the latter being then cast off like an old vestment, yet sometimes maintaining for a short period an independent vitality. (27/30. Prof. J. Reay Greene in Gunther's 'Record of Zoolog. Lit.' 1865 page 625.) If, instead of a single individual, several were to be thus developed metagenetically within a pre- existing form, the process would be called one of alternate generation. The young thus developed may either closely resemble the encasing parent-form, as with the larvae of Cecidomyia, or may differ to an astonishing degree, as with many parasitic worms and jelly-fishes; but this does not make any essential difference in the process, any more than the greatness or abruptness of the change in the metamorphoses of insects.

The whole question of development is of great importance for our present subject. When an organ, the eye, for instance, is metagenetically formed in a part of the body where during the previous stage of development no eye existed, we must look at it as a new and independent growth. The absolute independence of new and old structures, although corresponding in structure and function, is still more obvious when several individuals are formed within a previous form, as in the cases of alternate generation. The same important principle probably comes largely into play even in the case of apparently continuous growth, as we shall see when we consider the inheritance of modifications at corresponding ages.

We are led to the same conclusion, namely, the independence of parts successively developed, by another and quite distinct group of facts. It is well known that many animals belonging to the same order, and therefore not differing widely from each other, pass through an extremely different course of development. Thus certain beetles, not in any way remarkably different from others of the same order, undergo what has been called a hyper-metamorphosis — that is, they pass through an early stage wholly different from the ordinary grub-like larva. In the same sub-order of crabs, namely, the Macroura, as Fritz Muller remarks, the river cray-fish is hatched under the same form which it ever afterwards retains; the young lobster has divided legs, like a Mysis; the Palaemon appears under the form of a Zoea, and Peneus under the Nauplius- form; and how wonderfully these larval forms differ from one another, is known to every naturalist. (27/31. Fritz Muller 'Fur Darwin' 1864 s. 65, 71. The highest authority on crustaceans, Prof. Milne-Edwards, insists ('Annal. des Sci. Nat.' 2nd series Zoolog. tome 3 page 322) on the difference in the metamorphosis of closely-allied genera.) Some other crustaceans, as the same author observes, start from the same point and arrive at nearly the same end, but in the middle of their development are widely different from one another. Still more striking cases could be given with respect to the Echinodermata. With the Medusae or jelly-fishes Professor Allman observes, "The classification of the Hydroida would be a comparatively simple task if, as has been erroneously asserted, generically-identical medusoids always arose from generically-identical polypoids; and, on the other hand, that generically- identical polypoids always gave origin to generically-identical medusoids." So again, Dr. Strethill Wright remarks, "In the life-history of the Hydroidae any phase, planuloid, polypoid, or medusoid, may be absent." (27/32. Prof. Allman 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.' 3rd series volume 13 1864 page 348; Dr. S. Wright ibid volume 8 1861 page 127. See also page 358 for analogous statements by Sars.)

According to the belief now generally accepted by our best naturalists, all the members of the same order or class, for instance, the Medusae or the Macrourous crustaceans, are descended from a common progenitor. During their descent they have diverged much in structure, but have retained much in common; and this has occurred, though they have passed through and still pass through marvellously different metamorphoses. This fact well illustrates how independent each structure is from that which precedes and that which follows it in the course of development.


Physiologists agree that the whole organism consists of a multitude of elemental parts, which are to a great extent independent of one another. Each organ, says Claude Bernard (27/33. 'Tissus Vivants' 1866 page 22.), has its proper life, its autonomy; it can develop and reproduce itself independently of the adjoining tissues. A great German authority, Virchow (27/34. 'Cellular Pathology' translated by Dr. Chance 1860 pages 14, 18, 83, 460.), asserts still more emphatically that each system consists of an "enormous mass of minute centres of action...Every element has its own special action, and even though it derive its stimulus to activity from other parts, yet alone effects the actual performance of duties...Every single epithelial and muscular fibre- cell leads a sort of parasitical existence in relation to the rest of the body...Every single bone-corpuscle really possesses conditions of nutrition peculiar to itself." Each element, as Sir J. Paget remarks, lives its appointed time and then dies, and is replaced after being cast off or absorbed. (27/35. Paget 'Surgical Pathology' volume 1 1853 pages 12-14.) I presume that no physiologist doubts that, for instance, each bone-corpuscle of the finger differs from the corresponding corpuscle in the corresponding joint of the toe; and there can hardly be a doubt that even those on the corresponding sides of the body differ, though almost identical in nature. This near approach to identity is curiously shown in many diseases in which the same exact points on the right and left sides of the body are similarly affected; thus Sir J. Paget (27/36. Ibid page 19.) gives a drawing of a diseased pelvis, in which the bone has grown into a most complicated pattern, but "there is not one spot or line on one side which is not represented, as exactly as it would be in a mirror, on the other."

Many facts support this view of the independent life of each minute element of the body. Virchow insists that a single bone-corpuscle or a single cell in the skin may become diseased. The spur of a cock, after being inserted into the ear of an ox, lived for eight years, and acquired a weight of 396 grammes (nearly fourteen ounces), and the astonishing length of twenty-four centimetres, or about nine inches; so that the head of the ox appeared to bear three horns. (27/37. See Prof. Mantegazza's interesting work 'Degli innesti Animali' etc. Milano 1865 page 51 tab. 3.) The tail of a pig has been grafted into the middle of its back, and reacquired sensibility. Dr. Ollier (27/38. 'De la Production Artificielle des Os' page 8.) inserted a piece of periosteum from the bone of a young dog under the skin of a rabbit, and true bone was developed. A multitude of similar facts could be given. The frequent presence of hairs and of perfectly developed teeth, even teeth of the second dentition, in ovarian tumours (27/39. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 'Hist. des Anomalies' tome 2 pages 549, 560, 562; Virchow ibid page 484. Lawson Tait 'The Pathology of Diseases of the Ovaries' 1874 pages 61, 62.), are facts leading to the same conclusion. Mr. Lawson Tait refers to a tumour in which "over 300 teeth were found, resembling in many respects milk-teeth;" and to another tumour, "full of hair which had grown and been shed from one little spot of skin not bigger than the tip of my little finger. The amount of hair in the sac, had it grown from a similarly sized area of the scalp, would have taken almost a lifetime to grow and be shed."

Whether each of the innumerable autonomous elements of the body is a cell or the modified product of a cell, is a more doubtful question, even if so wide a definition be given to the term, as to include cell-like bodies without walls and without nuclei. (27/40. For the most recent classification of cells, see Ernst Hackel 'Generelle Morpholog.' b. 2 1866 s. 275.) The doctrine of omnis cellula e cellula is admitted for plants, and widely prevails with respect to animals. (27/41. Dr. W. Turner 'The Present Aspect of Cellular Pathology' 'Edinburgh Medical Journal' April 1863.) Thus Virchow, the great supporter of the cellular theory, whilst allowing that difficulties exist, maintains that every atom of tissue is derived from cells, and these from pre-existing cells, and these primarily from the egg, which he regards as a great cell. That cells, still retaining the same nature, increase by self-division or proliferation, is admitted by every one. But when an organism undergoes great changes of structure during development, the cells, which at each stage are supposed to be directly derived from previously existing cells, must likewise be greatly changed in nature; this change is attributed by the supporters of the cellular doctrine to some inherent power which the cells possess, and not to any external agency. Others maintain that cells and tissues of all kinds may be formed, independently of pre-existing cells, from plastic lymph or blastema. Whichever view may be correct, every one admits that the body consists of a multitude of organic units, all of which possess their own proper attributes, and are to a certain extent independent of all others. Hence it will be convenient to use indifferently the terms cells or organic units, or simply units.


We have seen in the twenty-second chapter that variability is not a principle co-ordinate with life or reproduction, but results from special causes, generally from changed conditions acting during successive generations. The fluctuating variability thus induced is apparently due in part to the sexual system being easily affected, so that it is often rendered impotent; and when not so seriously affected, it often fails in its proper function of transmitting truly the characters of the parents to the offspring. But variability is not necessarily connected with the sexual system, as we see in the cases of bud-variation. Although we are seldom able to trace the nature of the connection, many deviations of structure no doubt result from changed conditions acting directly on the organisation, independently of the reproductive system. In some instances we may feel sure of this, when all, or nearly all the individuals which have been similarly exposed are similarly and definitely affected, of which several instances have been given. But it is by no means clear why the offspring should be affected by the exposure of the parents to new conditions, and why it is necessary in most cases that several generations should have been thus exposed.

How, again, can we explain the inherited effects of the use or disuse of particular organs? The domesticated duck flies less and walks more than the wild duck, and its limb-bones have become diminished and increased in a corresponding manner in comparison with those of the wild duck. A horse is trained to certain paces, and the colt inherits similar consensual movements. The domesticated rabbit becomes tame from close confinement; the dog, intelligent from associating with man; the retriever is taught to fetch and carry; and these mental endowments and bodily powers are all inherited. Nothing in the whole circuit of physiology is more wonderful. How can the use or disuse of a particular limb or of the brain affect a small aggregate of reproductive cells, seated in a distant part of the body, in such a manner that the being developed from these cells inherits the characters of either one or both parents? Even an imperfect answer to this question would be satisfactory.

In the chapters devoted to inheritance it was shown that a multitude of newly acquired characters, whether injurious or beneficial, whether of the lowest or highest vital importance, are often faithfully transmitted — frequently even when one parent alone possesses some new peculiarity; and we may on the whole conclude that inheritance is the rule, and non-inheritance the anomaly. In some instances a character is not inherited, from the conditions of life being directly opposed to its development; in many instances, from the conditions incessantly inducing fresh variability, as with grafted fruit-trees and highly-cultivated flowers. In the remaining cases the failure may be attributed to reversion, by which the child resembles its grandparents or more remote progenitors, instead of its parents.

Inheritance is governed by various laws. Characters which first appear at any particular age tend to reappear at a corresponding age. They often become associated with certain seasons of the year, and reappear in the offspring at a corresponding season. If they appear rather late in life in one sex, they tend to reappear exclusively in the same sex at the same period of life.

The principle of reversion, recently alluded to, is one of the most wonderful of the attributes of Inheritance. It proves to us that the transmission of a character and its development, which ordinarily go together and thus escape discrimination, are distinct powers; and these powers in some cases are even antagonistic, for each acts alternately in successive generations. Reversion is not a rare event, depending on some unusual or favourable combination of circumstances, but occurs so regularly with crossed animals and plants, and so frequently with uncrossed breeds, that it is evidently an essential part of the principle of inheritance. We know that changed conditions have the power of evoking long-lost characters, as in the case of animals becoming feral. The act of crossing in itself possesses this power in a high degree. What can be more wonderful than that characters, which have disappeared during scores, or hundreds, or even thousands of generations, should suddenly reappear perfectly developed, as in the case of pigeons and fowls, both when purely bred and especially when crossed; or as with the zebrine stripes on dun-coloured horses, and other such cases? Many monstrosities come under this same head, as when rudimentary organs are redeveloped, or when an organ which we must believe was possessed by an early progenitor of the species, but of which not even a rudiment is left, suddenly reappears, as with the fifth stamen in some Scrophulariaceae. We have already seen that reversion acts in bud- reproduction; and we know that it occasionally acts during the growth of the same individual animal, especially, but not exclusively, if of crossed parentage, — as in the rare cases described of fowls, pigeons, cattle, and rabbits, which have reverted to the colours of one of their parents or ancestors as they advanced in years.

We are led to believe, as formerly explained, that every character which occasionally reappears is present in a latent form in each generation, in nearly the same manner as in male and female animals the secondary characters of the opposite sex lie latent and ready to be evolved when the reproductive organs are injured. This comparison of the secondary sexual characters which lie latent in both sexes, with other latent characters, is the more appropriate from the case recorded of a Hen, which assumed some of the masculine characters, not of her own race, but of an early progenitor; she thus exhibited at the same time the redevelopment of latent characters of both kinds. In every living creature we may feel assured that a host of long-lost characters lie ready to be evolved under proper conditions. How can we make intelligible and connect with other facts, this wonderful and common capacity of reversion, — this power of calling back to life long-lost characters?


I have now enumerated the chief facts which every one would desire to see connected by some intelligible bond. This can be done, if we make the following assumptions, and much may be advanced in favour of the chief one. The secondary assumptions can likewise be supported by various physiological considerations. It is universally admitted that the cells or units of the body increase by self-division or proliferation, retaining the same nature, and that they ultimately become converted into the various tissues and substances of the body. But besides this means of increase I assume that the units throw off minute granules which are dispersed throughout the whole system; that these, when supplied with proper nutriment, multiply by self-division, and are ultimately developed into units like those from which they were originally derived. These granules may be called gemmules. They are collected from all parts of the system to constitute the sexual elements, and their development in the next generation forms a new being; but they are likewise capable of transmission in a dormant state to future generations and may then be developed. Their development depends on their union with other partially developed or nascent cells which precede them in the regular course of growth. Why I use the term union, will be seen when we discuss the direct action of pollen on the tissues of the mother-plant. Gemmules are supposed to be thrown off by every unit, not only during the adult state, but during each stage of development of every organism; but not necessarily during the continued existence of the same unit. Lastly, I assume that the gemmules in their dormant state have a mutual affinity for each other, leading to their aggregation into buds or into the sexual elements. Hence, it is not the reproductive organs or buds which generate new organisms, but the units of which each individual is composed. These assumptions constitute the provisional hypothesis which I have called Pangenesis. Views in many respects similar have been propounded by various authors. (27/42. Mr. G.H. Lewes ('Fortnightly Review' November 1, 1868 page 506) remarks on the number of writers who have advanced nearly similar views. More than two thousand years ago Aristotle combated a view of this kind, which, as I hear from Dr. W. Ogle, was held by Hippocrates and others. Ray, in his 'Wisdom of God' (2nd edition 1692 page 68), says that "every part of the body seems to club and contribute to the seed." The "organic molecules" of Buffon ('Hist. Nat. Gen.' edition of 1749 tome 2 pages 54, 62, 329, 333, 420, 425) appear at first sight to be the same as the gemmules of my hypothesis, but they are essentially different. Bonnet ('Oeuvres d'Hist. Nat.' tome 5 part 1 1781 4to edition page 334) speaks of the limbs having germs adapted for the reparation of all possible losses; but whether these germs are supposed to be the same with those within buds and the sexual organs is not clear. Prof. Owen says ('Anatomy of Vertebrates' volume 3 1868 page 813) that he fails to see any fundamental difference between the views which he propounded in his 'Parthenogenesis' (1849 pages 5- 8), and which he now considers as erroneous, and my hypothesis of pangenesis: but a reviewer ('Journal of Anat. and Phys.' May 1869 page 441) shows how different they really are. I formerly thought that the "physiological units" of Herbert Spencer ('Principles of Biology' volume 1 chapters 4 and 8 1863-64) were the same as my gemmules, but I now know that this is not the case. Lastly, it appears from a review of the present work by Prof. Mantegazza ('Nuova Antologia, Maggio' 1868), that he (in his 'Elementi di Igiene' Ediz. 3 page 540) clearly foresaw the doctrine of pangenesis.)

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