Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

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Not only is it reckless to say that it is a «cervical cancer vaccine»: it is also false. The HPV vaccine, as its name implies, fights some strains of the Human Papilloma Virus, and the real effectiveness in preventing Cervical Cancer remains to be seen. But this is not talked about; the same happens with the healthy girls who lost their last years of school due to extreme fatigue, with the athletic girls lying in bed with paralysis or who must use crutches, and with the fainting and seizures suffered by hundreds of the girls who received the HPV vaccine. Uncover the secret plot behind a totally expendable vaccine that saved a pharmaceutical company from bankruptcy and quickly grew into a multi-billion dollar business.

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Age restriction:
39 pp.
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0 MB
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Page size:
x мм
Readbox publishing GmbH
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine by Catherine Dumont—download pdf or read online. Leave comments and reviews, vote for your favorite.


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