Read the book: «Philaster; Or, Love Lies a Bleeding», page 6



(A) Phylaster. | Or, | Love lyes a Bleeding. | Acted at the Globe by his Majesties Servants. | Written by Francis Baymont and John Fletcher. Gent. | Printed at London for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his | shop at the Eagle and Child, in Brittaines Bursse. 1620.

This edition contains, on the title-page, a wood-cut representing 'The Princes' (The Princess) and 'A Cuntrie Gentellman' seated on the ground, and 'Phielaster' leaving them. See the scene in Act IV (ante, p. 125).

(B) Philaster. | Or, | Love lies a Bleeding. | As it hath beene diverse times Acted, | at the Globe, and Blacke-Friers, by | his Majesties Servants. | Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher. Gent. | The second Impression, corrected, and | amended. | London, | Printed for Thomas Walkley, and are to | be solde at his shoppe, at the signe of the | Eagle and Childe, in Brittaines Bursse. | 1622.

(C) Philaster, | or | Love lies a Bleeding. | Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers. By his Majesties Servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher. | Gentlemen. | The third Impression. | London, | Printed by A.M. for Richard Hawkins, and are to | be sold at his Shop in Chancery-lane, adjoyning | to Sarjeants Inne gate. 1628.

(D) Philaster, | or | Love lies a Bleeding. | Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers. By his Majesties Servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher. Gentlemen. | The fourth Impression. | London, | Printed by W.J. for Richard Hawkins, and are to | be sold at his Shop in Chancery-lane, adjoyning | to Sarjeants Inne gate. 1634.

(E) Philaster | or | Love lies a Bleeding. | Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers. By his Majesties Servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher. Gent. | The fourth Impression. | London, | Printed by E. Griffin for William Leak, and are to | be sold at his shop in Chancerie Lane neere | the Rowles. 1639.

(F) Philaster: | or, | Love lies a bleeding. | Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers, By his Majesties Servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. | The fifth Impression. | London: | Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the | Sign of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two | Temple Gates. 1652.

This edition contains on the title-page a small device of fleurs-de-lis.

(G) Philaster | or, | Love lies a bleeding. | Acted at the Globe, and Black-friers, By his Majesties Servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. | The fifth Impression. | London: | Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the | signe of the Crown in Fleet street, between the two | Temple Gates. 1652.

On the back of the title-page (which contains the device of a crown) is a list of books printed or sold by William Leake. (H) Philaster | or, | Love lies a Bleeding: | Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers, By his Majesties servants. | The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. | The sixth Impression. | London, | Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the | signe of the Crown in Fleet street, between the two | Temple Gates.

This edition, conjecturally dated 1660 in the British Museum Catalogue, contains, on the back of the title-page and at the foot of the list of persons represented, lists of books printed or sold by William Leake at the Crown in Fleet Street.

A The first few pages and the last few pages of the play as printed in A vary so completely from the other texts that it has been necessary to print them separately. See post, pp. 401—3, 413—17.

B contains the following Address to the Reader:

'To the Reader.

'Courteous Reader. Philaster, and Anthusa his love, have laine so long a bleeding, by reason of some dangerous and gaping wounds, which they received in the first Impression, that it is wondered how they could goe abroad so long, or travaile so farre as they have done. Although they were hurt neither by me, nor the Printer; yet I knowing and finding by experience, how many well-wishers they have abroad, have adventured to bind up their wounds, & to enable them to visite upon better tearmes, such friends of theirs, as were pleased to take knowledge of them, so mained [? maimed] and deformed, as they at the first were; and if they were then gracious in your sight, assuredly they will now finde double favour, being reformed, and set forth suteable, to their birth, and breeding.

By your serviceable Friend,
Thomas Walkley.'

C prefixes to the play the following Address repeated with variations of spelling in the five later quartos:

'The Stationer, To the Understanding Gentrie.

'This play so affectionatly taken, and approoved by the Seeing Auditors, or Hearing Spectators, (of which sort, I take, or conceive you to bee the greatest part) hath received (as appeares by the copious vent of two [D and E three; F, G and H four] Editions,) no lesse acceptance with improovement of you likewise the Readers, albeit the first Impression swarm'd with Errors, prooving it selfe like pure Gold, which the more it hath beene tried and refined, the better is esteemed; the best Poems of this kind, in the first presentation, resemble [D—H resembling] that all tempting Minerall newly digged up, the Actors being onely the labouring Miners, but you the skilfull Triers and Refiners: Now considering [D—H consider] how currant this hath passed, under the infallible stampe of your judicious censure, and applause, and (like a gainefull Office in this Age) eagerly sought for, not onely by those that have heard & seene it, [F—H omit heard and] but by others that have meerely heard thereof: here you behold me acting the Merchant-adventurers part, yet as well for their satisfaction, as mine owne benefit, and if my hopes (which I hope, shall never lye like this LOVE A BLEEDING,) doe fairely arrive at their intended Haven, I shall then be ready to lade a new Bottome, and [D—H omit and] set foorth againe, to game the good-will both of you and them. To whom respectively I convey this hearty greeting: ADIEU.'

P. 75 1. 3. A and B omit] or, Love lies a Bleeding. II. 4 et seq. A]


King of Cecely

Arathusa, the Princesse.


Pharamont, a Spanish Prince,

Leon, a Lord.

Gleremon} Two Noble Gentlemen

Trasilm }

Bellario a Page, Leon's daughter.

Callatea, a Lady of Honor.

Megra, another Lady.

A Waiting Gentlewoman.

Two Woodmen.

A Countrey Gallant.

An Old Captaine.

And Souldiers.

A Messenger.

B omits the list of Persons Represented in the Play and also The Scene, etc.1. 5. C—H] The persons presented are these, viz. In A the play, down to I. 26 of p. 78, begins as follows]

Actus I. Scoen. I

_Enter at severall doores _Lord Lyon, Trasiline, followes him,

Clerimon meetes them.

                Well ore tane my Lord.
LYON. Noble friend welcome, and see who encounters
                us, honourable good Clerimon.

CLE. My good Lord Lyon, most happily met worthy Trasiline, Come gallants, what's the newes, the season affoords us variety, the novilsts of our time runnes on heapes, to glut their itching eares with airie sounds, trotting to'th burse; and in the Temple walke with greater zeale to heare a novall lye, than a pyous Anthum tho chanted by Cherubins.

TRANS. True Sir:
                and holds set counsels, to vent their braine sicke opinions
                with presagements what all states shall designe.
CLE. Thats as their intelligence serves.

LYON. And that shall serve as long as invention lastes, there dreames they relate, as spoke from Oracles, or if the gods should hold a synod, and make them their secritaries, they will divine and prophecie too: but come and speake your thoughts of the intended marriage with the Spanish Prince. He is come you see, and bravely entertainde.

TRAS. Hee is so, but not married yet.
CLE. But like to be, and shall have in dowry with the
                Princesse this Kingdome of Cycele.

LEON. Soft and faire, there is more will forbid the baines, then say amen to the marriage: though the King usurped the Kingdome during the non-age of the Prince Phylaster, hee must not thinke to bereave him of it quite; hee is now come to yeares to claime the Crowne.

TRA. And lose his head i' the asking.

LEON. A diadem worn by a headlesse King wold be wonderous, Phylaster is too weake in power.

CLE. He hath many friends.
LEON. And few helpers.
TRA. The people love him.
LEON. I grant it, that the King knowes too well,
                And makes this Contract to make his faction strong:
                Whats a giddy-headed multitude,
                That's not Disciplinde nor trainde up in Armes,
                To be trusted unto? No, he that will
                Bandy for a Monarchic, must provide
                Brave marshall troopes with resolution armde,
                To stand the shock of bloudy doubtfull warre,
                Not danted though disastrous Fate doth frowne,
                And spit all spightfull fury in their face:
                Defying horror in her ugliest forme,
                And growes more valiant, the more danger threats;
                Or let leane famine her affliction send,
                Whose pining plagues a second hel doth bring,
                Thei'le hold their courage in her height of spleene,
                Till valour win plenty to supply them,
                What thinke ye, would yer feast-hunting Citizens
                Indure this?
TRA. No sir, a faire march a mile out of town that their wives may
                bring them their dinners, is the hottest service that they
                are trained up to.
CLE. I could wish their experience answered their loves,
                Then should the much too much wrongd Phylaster,
                Possesse his right in spight of Don and the divell.
TRA. My heart is with your wishes.
LEON. And so is mine,
                And so should all that loves their true borne Prince,
                Then let us joyne our Forces with our mindes,
                In whats our power to right this wronged Lord,
                And watch advantage as best may fit the time
                To stir the murmuring people up,
                Who is already possest with his wrongs,
                And easily would in rebellion rise,
                Which full well the King doth both know and feare,
                But first our service wee'le proffer to the Prince,
                And set our projects as he accepts of us;
                But husht, the King is comming.

sound musicke within.

  Enter the King, Pharamont, the Princesse, the Lady Gallatea, the Lady Megra, a Gentlewoman, loith Lords attending,   the King takes his seate.

 KING. Faire Prince,
                Since heavens great guider furthers our intents,
                And brought you with safety here to arrive
                Within our Kingdome and Court of Cycele,
                We bid you most welcome, Princely Pharamont,
                And that our Kingly bounty shall confirme,
                Even whilst the Heavens hold so propitious aspect
                Wee'le crowne your wisht desires (with our owne)
                Lend me your hand sweet Prince, hereby enjoy
                A full fruition of your best contents,
                The interest I hold I doe possesse you with,
                Onely a fathers care, and prayers retaine,
                That heaven may heape on blessings, take her Prince,
                A sweeter Mistrisse then the offered Language of any dame,
                were she a Queene whose eye speakes common Loves,
                and comfort to her servants: Last Noble son, for so I
                   [now must call
                you, what I have done thus publik, is not to add a comfort
                   [in particular
                to you or mee, but all, and to confirme the Nobles and the
                Gentrie of our Kingdom'e by oath to your succession: which
                be within this moneth at most.

l. 28. B—E] nor Lords, nor Ladyes. l. 33. B and C] desired. l. 34. Folio] ghess.

p. 76, l. 1. B and C] Faith sir. l. 8. F] for me.

p. 77, l. 1. B and C] Faith, I thinke. l. 29. B] quickly to bee. l. 33. D—H] To give a stranger. l. 35. In B—H bracket ends with this line. l. 37. F, G, H and the Folio misprint] your daughter. l. 38. C, D and E] your subjects.

p. 78, l. 9. E—H] I making. l. 13. B] To talke of her. l. 22. B omits] a. l. 29. A] when it is. l. 30. A—E] is wrong'd.

p. 79, l. 4. A] And in me. l. 5. A, B and C] By more then all the gods, I hold it happy. D and E] By more then all my hopes I hold it happy (A—E repeat happy at beginning of next line). l. 9. A] rotting age. l. 10. A—H] Open. l. 15. A] finde it out. l. 16. A, B and C] And tye it to this Countrey. By all the gods. l. 17. A] as easie to the subjects. l. 27. A] Miracles. l. 30. A prints this stage-direction after the word 'shape' in l. 32. l. 31. A] he'le sell him, he has so be praised his shape. B—G] sell himself. l. 33. A] large praises. ll. 34 and 35. A] Let mee bee swallowed quicke, if I can finde all the Anatomy of yon mans vertues unseene to sound enough. l. 37. A, B and C] of trifles. l. 39. A omits] And.

p. 80, l. 1. A] for favour. l. 3. A, B and C] how pale he lookes, he feares. l. 4. A] And this same whoresone conscience, ah how it jades us. l. 5. B] intent. l. 6. A] speak on. l. 11. F and G] turn'd. l. 15. A] sweet Princesse. l. 25. A, B and C add after] ashes, as I. l. 26. F] goes. l. 30. A] his hidden bowels. l. 31. A, B and C] By the just gods it shall. l. 35. A] I Prince of popines, I will make it well appeare. l. 40. A] Turcle.

p. 81, l. 2. A] make. ll. 3 and 4. A] I doe not fancy this choller, Sure hee's somewhat tainted. l. 8. A] be constant gentle heavens, I'le run. B and C] Be constant Gentlemen, by heaven I'le run. l. 10. A—D] we are all one. l. 17. A] leave it to me. l. 19. D, E and G] were. l. 21. A—F] any thing but thine. G] any thine. l. 25. A and B] belied. l. 26. A] and from his presence. Spit all those bragges. B—E] presence. B omits] all. ll. 29 and 30. A omits] to brave our best friends. You deserve our frown. l. 31. A] noblier. l. 32. A gives this speech to Leon, i.e., Dion. l. 34. A] never. l. 35. A] This is. l. 37. A omits] your. l. 38. A] but i'm sure tothers the man set in my eye. A—G] my eye.

p. 82, l. 4. A] griefe. l. 5. A] My wants. A, B and C] now nothing hopes and feares. l. 7. A and B omit] not. l. 8. A] Phy: whispers the King. l. 9. A omits this line. ll. 12 and 13. A] has a soule of Christall,* to read their actions, though mens faces. l. 14. A omits] Do. A] but view the stranger well. F] your stranger. l. 15. A] throw all. A] braveries. l. 16. A] a true truant. l. 17. A] I am no augery. l. 21. A] you are. l. 22. A] smooth your selfe. l. 24. A, B and C omit] not. l. 25. A—E] my weake starres lead me too; [A:] all my weake fortunes. l. 26. A] dare. A omits parenthesis. B] presence (speake, that is. l. 30. A omits] Sure. l. 31. A] Yes, with my fathers spirit is heare O King. l. 32. A] and now. l. 34. A—E] these are. l. 39. The Folio misprints] hour hand.

p. 83, l. 2. A] of your life. l. 4. A omits] your. A omits] Ex. King, Pha. and Are. B—H omit] and. l. 6. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 8. A—G] is he not. l. 10. A—G] I could. A] their nation. l. 12. A gives this speech to 'Lad.', i.e., Lady. A, B and C] Gods comfort. A omits] Lady. l. 13. A] has. A, B and C with variations of spelling add] Exet Ladies. l. 27. A] recluses. l. 28. A] How doe your worth sir. l. 30. A omits] I find. l. 32. A] Sir, the King must please. l. 33. A] who you are, and what you are. F] what we are and who you are. l. 34. The Folio misprints] juriuries. A] your wrongs and vertues. l. 35. A] but call your father to you. l. 38. A omits] to.

p. 84, l. 2. A] Friend. l. 3. A—D] our eares. l. 5. F] Do you love. l. 6. A] Lyon. l. 10. A] a penance. l. 12. For this line A after l. 8 reads] Enter a Gentlewoman. l. 13. A] I'st to me, or to any of these Gentlemen you come. l. 14. Here and at l. 17 for 'La.' A reads] Gent-Woo. l. 16. A] you are. l. 17. A omits] to. l. 18. A, B and C] her faire hand. l. 19. A adds] Exit Gent-Woo. l. 21. F] But do weigh. l. 28. A] and white fiend frends in her cheekes. l. 30. In D—H the stage-direction 'Ex. Phil.' is printed at the end of l. 29. l. 32. B—G] th' art. l. 35. A] Enter Princesse and her Gentlewoman. ll. 36 and 37. For 'Are.' A reads throughout the scene 'Prin.' and for 'La.' reads 'Woo.'

p. 85, l. 2. A] at the first. l. 5. A—H] dangers. l. 7. A] dares. l. 12. A, B and C] You all are. l. 17. A omits] Fear. A] mee thoughts. l. 21. A] with such a woing jesture and puicke looks. l. 22. A omits] him. l. 27. A] his ends. l. 29. A] To things so opposite, so bound to put. l. 31. A omits] of mine. l. 32. A omits] Of. l. 35. A] that will not have your dens withstood. l. 37. A, B and C] passions. l. 38. A] into. l. 40. A and B] Oh it is well.

p. 86, l. 5. A] dos so ill become. l. 14. A] Injury. l. 15. A] found to be so great. l. 24. A] Both, or I do. A, B and C] by heaven. l. 25. A] if I not calmely die injoy them both. l. 28. H] give. l. 40. A and B] I can indure it.

p. 87, l. 1. A] saw yet. l. 2. A—H] dreadfully. l. 3. A] speake. l. 4. A—D] horrible. l. 7. A] a womans tongue. l. 10. A] you that beg. l. 11. F and G] unprice. l. 17. F] The love. l. 22. A omits] doth. B—E] doe. l. 26. A] might have. l. 35. A omits] The gods. l. 36. A] the worthier, and the better blest. l. 39. A] unwelcom'd.

p. 88, l. 5. A—G] true loves. l. 9. B—H] fountaines. l. 11. A] as much againe. l. 13. A] bred in the vayle. l. 16. A] eye. l. 17. A] make them. l. 23. A] the course. l. 24. A] it yeelded him his life. l. 30. A] me thoughts. l. 32. A] whom was glad. l. 33. F and G] The truliest. F] gentle. l. 36. A] Enter woman. In A and B this stage-direction occurs after l. 37. l. 38. A for 'La.' reads] Woo. l. 39. A] Phylaster doe.

p. 89, l.4. A, B and C] the voyce of God. l.5. A] yet I doe not hide my selfe. l.13. Folio has a full-stop at end of line. l.14. A omits] for my sake do. l.16. A] Enter Pharamont and a woman. ll. 19 and 20. A] the deare love within my heart. l.21. A] if I shall have an answer or no, derectly I am gone. l.23. A] To what? what would he have answer. B—E omit] an. l.25. A—D] forbare. l.29. A] though it lie. l.31. A, B and C] And by the gods. l.32. A] if then. l.35. A omits this line, though the words 'Pha. You' are printed as turn-over words at the foot of the page.

p. 90, l.I. A] nothing. l.5. A] so much. ll. 7 and 8. A] but wert the Church at the high Altar. l.9. A] injurie. l.10. A. omits] Sir. l.12. A and B omit] Phi. l.16. A omits] But. l.17. A, B and C] but yet. l. 19. A] before our hearts bee so, then if you please. l.21. A—E] dreaming forme. l.23. A] your thoughts. l.28. A] and his boy, called Bellario. l.31. A] thy owne. l.33. A reads 'Boy' for 'Bell.' here and throughout the play. l.34. A] And I am onely yet some thing. l.35. A—H] were apt. l.37. A] crafty.

p. 91, l.6. A] bear'st. l.7. A] claps. A omits] yet. l.8. A] but when judgement comes no rule those passions. l.17. A omits] grown. l.30. A] dos plead. l.32. A] knowst. l.33. A] dos call. l.34. B] dwellest.

p. 92, l.5. A] your loves, your sighes. l.7. B—H] heaven. A] Exit boy. l.8. C] Lord. l. II. A] I must see. l.12. A omits] Phi. l.18. A] before in my life. l.20. A] I'le hound at her. Madame. F] Heer's on boulted, I'le bound at her. l.21. In A the words 'Enter Gallatea' occur after the word 'fault' in l.19. l.25. A] y'are. l.26. A omits] but. 1. 28. A] those two I onely barre. l.32. A] Couch. l.33. A] a play and a banquet. ll.34 and 35. A] to make you blush, this is my owne hayre, and this face. l.36. A—D and F] a peny painting. l.37. A and H] wardrop. G] wardrope. l.38. A] the jealous silke-mans wife curse our doing.

p. 93, l.l.A] You much mistake me Lady. l.2. Folio misprints Pha. For Gal. After this line A adds] Pha. Y'are very dangerous bitter, like a potion. Gal. No sir, I do not mean to purge you, though I meane to purge a little time on you. l.8. A and B] Cardus. A] about five. l. II. A] and Conger. A] they are dullers. l.12. A] the vitall anymales. l.13. A] all this time. 11. 16 and 17. A] Shee's daintie, and must be courted with a shewer of gold. l.19. A] What ha you. l.20. A] you'd have silver fort. l.21. A] a worse time sir. l.23. A] gold safe for you. A adds] She slips behind the Orras. II. 25 and 26. In place of these two lines A] Gal. Shes comming sir behind, Will ye take white money yet for all this. Exit. l.-27. A] If there be but two such in this Kingdome more. B—H] If there be but two such more in this Kingdome. l.28. A] ene. l.31. A] would breed. l.39. A] doe not call you Lady.

p. 94, l.I.A—G] talke an houre. l.5. A] your lip. l.6. A] time enough. l.8. A—D] and red enough. l.10. A) twend Cherries dyde in blush. l. II. A] deepe beames. I.14. A] sweete looker on. A] these blessings. l.15. A. adds as a stage-direction] They kisse. l.18. A omits] off. l.19. A] it may be a number without Probatum. l.20. A] by such neate Poetrie. l.26. A] but you. l.28. A] now you ha don't before me. l.29. A] And yet. l.31-A] never. l.34. A] ye. l.36. A—H and Folio] this is all.

p. 95, l. 5. A] my masculine imagination. l. 7. B] mine honor. l. 9. A] my other. l. 10. A] Sir Timen a schoolemaister. l. 11. A] keepe. B and C add] Madam. l. 14. Folio] apoplex? l. 15. A omits 'And' and 'Sir.' l. 17. A] tied toot. l. 19. A omits] Look well about you, and you may find a tongue-bolt. l. 21. A and B] whether. l. 24. A omits the second 'I dare not.' l. 27. A] give worship to you thoughts. l. 28. A] y'are. l. 29. A] I shall visit you. l. 30. A] most uncertaine. l. 34. A] Exit ambo. B] Exeunt. l. 35. A] the Orras. l. 38. A] Dowsabell. A] for it. l. 39. A omits] Gal.

p. 96, l. 1. A] Enter Princesse and her Gentlewoman. These characters are in A indicated by 'Prin.' and 'Wo.' throughout the scene. l. 3. A omits] Madam. l. 8. A—H and Folio] boy. A] i'st not. l. 11. In A this stage-direction occurs after l. 7. l. 14. A—G] has done. l. 19. A] they shall be. l. 23. A, B and C] suspected. l. 26. A] presents. l. 31. A—H] was never. l. 34. A] Enter Boy. He is called 'Boy' throughout the scene. l. 35. A] your sad. l. 38. A] Then trust in me.

p. 97, l. 6. A] a crosse schoole-maister. l. 8. A] water. l. 9. H and Folio misprint] dreath. F, G and H] trouble. l. 10. A omits] out. l. 11. A] it selfe. l. 12. A, B and C] doth. l. 13. A] Boy. I know not Madame, what it is. l. 18. A, B and C] respect to. l. 19. A, B and C] with thinking. l. 20. A, B and C] thinke away. l. 21. A] with mingling starts, and crying. l. 22. A omits] and hastily. A] in streetes. l. 24. A] any woman. l. 28. A] drop beades. ll. 30 and 31. A] taught to your Lords credit. l. 35. A] thus away. l. 36. A] Enter the three Gentlewomen, Megra, Gallatea, and another Lady. B—H omit] and. l. 37. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 38. A—G] talke an hour.

p. 98, l. 4. A] theyre. B] theile scarce find. l. 5. A and B] your owne lodging. l. 6. A] Enter Pharamont, the Princesse boy, and a woman. l. 9. A] pleasing. l. 11. A] I shall choose. l. 12. A omits this stage-direction. 1. 13. Here and throughout the scene 'Are.' is 'Prin.' in A. A omits] my Lord. A and B] these Ladyes. l. 15. A gives this speech to Galatea. l. 17. A omits] you. l. 18. A omits] has. A] Hilus. l. 20. A] Why this is that. l. 27. A] to hide it. l. 32. A] you have. G] y'are. l. 34. A omits] Come. l. 35. A omits] Ex. Gal. and Meg. B—H omit] and.

p. 99 l. 3. A as stage-direction after the word 'late' on p. 98, l. 37 reads] Enter the King, the Princesse, and a guard. l. 4. C omits] your. l. 11. A. omits] have. l. 12. A. omits] Ex. Are. and Bel. B—H omit] and. l. 19. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion, and adds] Exit Leon. l. 28. A] from the earth. l. 33. A] undeserving child. A omits] of mine. l. 34. A] if she has not broke your lawes, but how could I. l. 36. A] in wrong.

p. 100, l. 9. A] get from them. A omits] I think. A] shee's. l. 11. F] not time. l. 14. A omits] louder yet. l. 15. A] your pleasure … your hearing. l. 16. A] meditation. Folio] meditations? ll. 17 and 18. A] and lowder, not yet, I do not thinke he sleepes, having such larumes by him, once more, Pharamont. They knock. ll. 17 and 18. B] his Larum. l. 19. A] Enter Pharamont above. l. 23. A] Prince, Prince. l. 26. A] The same, sir. Come downe sir. l. 29. A omits] Pha. below. l. 31. A] I have certain private reasons to my selfe sir. ll. 31 and 32. A as a marginal direction] They prease to come in. l. 33. A omits] Gentlemen. l. 35. A] I must come, and will come enter. D—H and Folio print 'Enter' after a space at the end of preceding line. l. 36. A] dishonoured thus. l. 39. A] runagates. p. 101, l. 3. A omits] so. l. 4. A omits] I'le. l. 5. A omits] known. 1. 6. A] I so no. A omits] Meg. Above. l. 8. A omits] and ready. l. 9. A] tis a poore. l. 15. A] whoting. l. 18. A] still in store. l. 22. A—E and G] wring. l. 24. A] chide you dearly. l. 25. A omits] worthy. l. 26. A] his lodging. l. 28. A] Stage. l. 31. A, B and C] Pray God. Il. 31 and 32. A has marginal stage-direction] they come downe to the King. l. 33. A omits this stage-direction. l. 37. A] Apothecaries.

p. 102, l. 2. A] all sinne and hell. l. 5. A omits] and. l. 7. A] reball rymes. l. 9. B, C and D] ye. l. 13. A—G] those gods. l. 15. A] that shall make. l. 17. A] Upon wals. A] or any thing. l. 19. A] her fayre leaps And out-lying, and will discover all, and will dishonour her. l. 22. A omits} and. l.31. A] sinke alone. l.32. A] in print. ll. 33 and 34. A] they're. l. 37. A omits] nay.

p. 103, l. 1. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 3. A] quarters. ll. 5 and 6. A] Do so, and i'le forget your–. l. 6. A] and the Guard. B—H omit] and. l. 7. A omits] Why. A and B] fit for Hercules. l. 8. A] worthy. C] woman. A] aside. l. 10. A—H] has. l. 11. A—H] uttered. B and C] metled. l. 12. A] will not cure him. l. 13. A, B and C] infections. l. 14. A] chast, brave. l. 16. A] leave yee. l. 18. A] Exit three Gentlemen. l. 20. A] Enter three Gentlemen. B—H omit] and. 1.21. A] And doubtlesse. l.25. A] for all us. A omits] should. l.33. strange thing.

p. 104, l. 3. A omits this line. l. 5. A omits] bent. l. 6. A omits] that's. l. 8. A] draweth. l. 10. A] and we can now comfort. l. 11. A omits] it. l. 12. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 13. A gives this speech to 'Leon', i.e., Dion. l. 15. A] on his beleefe. l. 17. A] Lords to his owne good. l. 19. A omits] nay. l. 23. A gives this speech to Cleremont. ll. 27 and 28. A] frame on men disgrace for vertue. l. 30. A omits] good. l.33-A] dull. l.35-A omits] or. A] knowes. B] knowne. l. 38. A] deserved more.

p. 105, l. 2. A and B] to thankes. l. 3. A] sufficient. l. 5. A omits] Sir. l.6. A omits] will not. l.8. A] long have. l. 11. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 14. B by mistake gives this speech to Di. l. 16. A] He offers to draw his sword, and is held. l. 18. A] then to rob. l. 22. A] faithfull to increase. l. 24. A] cut out falsehood where it growes. l. 25. A] that man. l. 32. A] injuries. l. 38. A] your pardon. l. 39. A] makes.

p. 106, l. 1. A] backs. l. 5. A] tis then truth that women all are false. B and C] Tis then truth that woman-kind is false. D] thee truth. D—G] woman-kind. l. 6. A] tis. l. 9. A, B and C] by heaven. ll. 10 and 11. A omits] for love of truth speak; Is't possible? l. 10. B and C] for God's love speake. l. 12. A omits this line. l.13. A gives this line to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l. 14. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 20. A] a little milder. l. 22. A] desires. l. 23. A] and know the sinne she acts. B and C] know. l. 26. A gives this speech to Cleremont. l. 30. A] women. l. 34. A and B] mine eyes. l. 35. A] daggers in thy breast. B] tane. l. 36. A] stuacke dumb. C] did. l. 37. A] this fault might. Il. 38 and 39. In A the speakers are transposed.

p. 107, l. 1. A omits] several. l. 2. A] and spreads them selfe. l. 3. A] Meetes not a fayre on. What, etc. l. 4. A] thorow. l. 5. A gives this speech to 'Tra.', i.e., Thrasiline. l.6. A—D] fall. A, B and C] distracted. l. 10. A] do't. l. 12. A] lodgings. A omits] forth. ll. 14 and 15. A] Omnes. All the gods direct you the readiest way. B, C and D] Di. All the gods direct you The readiest way. A adds] Exit three Gent. ll. 16—18. A omits these lines. l. 18. B—H omit] and. l. 19. A] aske um where he tooke her. l. 22. A] would but flame. l. 24. A] the deede. A] it is. l. 30. A] take them. l. 33. F] spring. l. 36. A prints after the words 'miserable man'] Enter boy. l. 39. A] not blush.

p. 108, l. 4. In A throughout the scene Bellario is indicated by 'Boy.' l. 6. A adds stage-direction] He gives him a letter. l. 10. A omits] my. 1. 12. A] But far unfit for me that doe attend. l. 13. A] my boy. l. 15. A] with this paper. l. 16. A] twines of Adamant. l. 19. A] How dos. l. 20. A omits this line. l. 26. A] meet. l. 28. A] Why, tis. l. 31. A] with al her maiden store. l. 33. A] service. l. 34. A] rewarded. l. 36. A] speakes. l. 38. A] not well. B—G] not ill.

p. l09, l. 1. A] fall out from your tongue, so unevenly. l. 2. A] quicknesse. l. 12. A, B and C] Never my Lord, by heaven. l. 13. A, B and C] That's strange, I know, etc. l. 16. A] I bid her do 't. l. 18. A] delight. l. 19. A] as to her Lord. l. 21. A] paradise. B] parrallesse. C and D] parallesse. l. 25. A] Yes, now I see why my discurled thoughts. 1. 27. A] augeries. l. 29. A] where you tend. l. 31. A] noble friend. 1. 35. A] with sparrowes eyes. l. 39. A] and of goates. l. 40. A] that weighed from.

p. 110, l. 2. A] come. l. 4. A] main deceit. l. 8. A—H] As I do now thy face. l. 14. A] wrack it. l. 17. A] hate me. l. 19. A omits} Greater. A] to me. l. 21. Folio] dist. l. 22. A] upon me. A adds stage-direction] He drawes his sword. l. 23. A, B and C] By heaven I never did. l. 27. A—G] kiss those limbs. l. 29. A—D] Fear'st. l. 32. A] could be. l. 34. A omits] but. B] doest. l. 39. A] giving ore againe, That must be lost.

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Release date on Litres:
02 October 2018
140 p. 1 illustration
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