Read the book: «Beaumont & Fletchers Works (2 of 10) – the Humourous Lieutenant», page 3



Enter Leucippe, and Governess.

Leu. Ye are the Mistris of the house ye say, Where this young Lady lies.

Gov. For want of a better.

Leu. You may be good enough for such a purpose: When was the Prince with her? answer me directly.

Gov. Not since he went a warring.

Leu. Very well then:
What carnal copulation are you privie to
Between these two? be not afraid, we are women,
And may talk thus amongst our selves, no harm in't.

Gov. No sure, there's no harm in't, I conceive that; But truly, that I ever knew the Gentlewoman Otherwise given, than a hopefull Gentlewoman—

Leu. You'l grant me the Prince loves her?

Gov. There I am with ye. And the gods bless her, promises her mightily.

Leu. Stay there a while. And gives her gifts?

Gov. Extreamly; And truly makes a very Saint of her.

Leu. I should think now,
(Good woman let me have your judgement with me,
I see 'tis none of the worst: Come sit down by me)
That these two cannot love so tenderly.

Gov. Being so young as they are too.

Leu. You say well— But that methinks some further promises—

Gov. Yes, yes, I have heard the Prince swear he would marry her.

Leu. Very well still: they do not use to fall out?

Gov. The tenderest Chickens to one another, They cannot live an hour asunder.

Leu. I have done then;
And be you gone; you know your charge, and do it.
You know whose will it is; if you transgress it—
That is, if any have access, or see her,
Before the Kings will be fulfill'd—

Gov. Not the Prince, Madam?

Leu. You'I be hang'd if you doe it, that I'le assure ye.

Gov. But ne'retheless, I'le make bold to obey ye.

Leu. Away, and to your business then.

Gov. 'Tis done, Madam. [Exeunt.


Enter Antigonus, and Menippus.

Ant. Thou hast taken wondrous pains; but yet Menippus, You understand not of what bloud and country.

Men. I labour'd that, but cannot come to know it. A Greek I am sure she is, she speaks this language.

Ant. Is she so excellent handsom?

Men. Most inticing.

Ant. Sold for a prisoner?

Men. Yes Sir, Some poor creature.

Ant. And he loves tenderly?

Men. They say extreamly.

Ant. 'Tis well prevented then: yes, I perceiv'd it:
When he took leave now, he made a hundred stops,
Desir'd an hour, but half an hour, a minute,
Which I with anger cross'd; I knew his business,
I knew 'twas she he hunted on; this journey, man,
I beat out suddenly for her cause intended,
And would not give him time to breath. When comes she?

Men. This morning Sir.

Ant. Lodge her to all delight then:
For I would have her try'd to th' test: I know,
She must be some crackt coyn, not fit his traffique, (her,
Which when we have found, the shame will make him leave
Or we shall work a nearer way: I'le bury him,
And with him all the hopes I have cast upon him,
E're he shall dig his own grave in that woman:
You know which way to bring her: I'le stand close there,
To view her as she passes: and do you hear Menippus,
Observe her with all sweetness: humour her,
'Twill make her lie more careless to our purposes.
Away, and take what helps you please.

Men. I am gone Sir. [Exeunt.


Enter Celia, and Governess.

Cel. Governess, from whom was this Gown sent me? Prethee be serious true; I will not wear't else: 'Tis a handsom one.

Gov. As though you know not?

Cel. No faith:
But I believe, for certain too, yet I wonder,
Because it was his caution, this poor way,
Still to preserve me from the curious searchings
Of greedy eyes.

Gov. You have it: does it please you?

Cel. 'Tis very rich, methinks too, prethee tell me?

Gov. From one that likes you well, never look coy, Lady; These are no gifts, to be put off with powtings.

Cel. Powtings, and gifts? is it from any stranger?

Gov. You are so curious, that there is no talk to ye. What if it be I pray ye?

Cel. Unpin good Governess, Quick, quick.

Gov. Why, what's the matter?

Cel. Quick, good Governess:
Fie on't, how beastly it becomes me! poorly!
A trick put in upon me? well said Governess:
I vow I would not wear it—out, it smells musty.
Are these your tricks? now I begin to smell it,
Abominable musty; will you help me?
The Prince will come again—

Gov. You are not mad sure?

Cel. As I live I'le cut it off: a pox upon it; For sure it was made for that use; do you bring me Liveries? Stales to catch Kites? dost thou laugh too, thou base woman?

Gov. I cannot chuse, if I should be hang'd.

Cel. Abuse me, And then laugh at me too?

Gov. I do not abuse ye:
Is it abuse, to give him drink that's thirsty?
You want cloaths; is it such a hainous sin I beseech ye,
To see you stor'd?

Cel. There is no greater wickedness Than this way.

Gov. What way?

Cel. I shall curse thee fearfully, If thou provok'st me further: and take heed, woman; My curses never miss.

Gov. Curse him that sent it.

Cel. Tell but his name—

Gov. You dare not curse him.

Cel. Dare not? By this fair light—

Gov. You are so full of passion—

Cel. Dare not be good? be honest? dare not curse him?

Gov. I think you dare not: I believe so.

Cel. Speak him.

Gov. Up with your valour then, up with it bravely, And take your full charge.

Cel. If I do not, hang me; Tell but his name.

Gov. 'Twas Prince Demetrius sent it: Now, now, give fire, kill him i'th' eye now Lady.

Cel. Is he come home?

Gov. It seems so; but your curse now.

Cel. You do not lie, I hope.

Gov. You dare not curse him.

Cel. Prethee do not abuse me: is he come home indeed? For I would now with all my heart believe thee.

Gov. Nay, you may chuse: alas, I deal for strangers, That send ye scurvie musty Gowns, stale Liveries: I have my tricks.

Cel. 'Tis a good gown, a handsome one; I did but jest; where is he?

Gov. He that sent it—

Cel. How? he that sent it? is't come to that again? Thou canst not be so foolish: prethee speak out, I may mistake thee.

Gov. I said he that sent it.

Cel. Curse o' my life: why dost thou vex me thus?
I know thou meanest Demetrius, dost thou not?
I charge thee speak truth: if it be any other,
Thou knowst the charge he gave thee, and the justice
His anger will'inflift, if e're he know this,
As know he shall, he shall, thou spightfull woman,
Thou beastly woman; and thou shalt know too late too,
And feel too sensible, I am no ward,
No sale stuff for your money Merchants that sent if?
Who dare send me, or how durst thou, thou—

Gov. What you please: For this is ever the reward of service. The Prince shall bring the next himself.

Cel. 'Tis strange That you should deal so peevishly: beshrew ye, You have put me in a heat.

Gov. I am sure ye have kill'd me: I ne're receiv'd such language: I can but wait upon ye, And be your drudge; keep a poor life to serve ye.

Cel. You know my nature is too easie, Governess, And you know now, I am sorry too: how does he?

Gov. O God, my head.

Cel. Prethee be well, and tell me,
Did he speak of me, since he came? nay, see now,
If thou wilt leave this tyranny? good sweet governess,
Did he but name his Celia? look upon me,
Upon my faith I meant no harm: here, take this,
And buy thy self some trifles: did he good wench?

Gov. He loves ye but too dearly.

Cel. That's my good Governess.

Gov. There's more cloaths making for ye.

Cel. More cloaths?

Gov. More:
Richer and braver; I can tell ye that news;
And twenty glorious things.

Cel. To what use Sirrah?

Gov. Ye are too good for our house now: we poor wretches Shall lose the comfort of ye.

Cel. No, I hope not.

Gov. For ever lose ye Lady.

Cel. Lose me? wherefore? I hear of no such thing.

Gov. 'Tis sure it must be so: You must shine now at Court: such preparation, Such hurry, and such hanging rooms—

Cel. To th' Court wench? Was it to th' Court thou saidst?

Gov. You'l find it so.

Cel. Stay, stay, this cannot be.

Gov. I say it must be: I hope to find ye still the same good Lady.

Cel. To th' Court? this stumbles me: art sure for me wench, This preparation is?

Gov. She is perilous crafty: I fear too honest for us all too. Am I sure I live?

Cel. To th' Court? this cannot down: what should I do there?
Why should he on a suddain change his mind thus,
And not make me acquainted? sure he loves me;
His vow was made against it, and mine with him:
At least while this King liv'd: he will come hither,
And see me e're I goe?
Gov. Wou'd some wise woman
Had her in working. That I think he will not,
Because he means with all joy there to meet ye.
Ye shall hear more within this hour.
Cel. A Courtier?
What may that meaning be? sure he will see me
If he be come, he must: Hark ye good Governess,
What age is the King of?

Gov. He's an old man, and full of business.

Cel. I fear too full indeed: what Ladys are there? I would be loth to want good company.

Gov. Delicate young Ladys, as you would desire; And when you are acquainted, the best company.

Cel. 'Tis very well: prethee goe in, let's talk more. For though I fear a trick, Fie bravely try it.

Gov. I see he must be cunning, Knocks this Doe down. [Exeunt.


Enter Lieutenant, and Leontius, Drums within.

Leo. You shall not have your will, sirrah, are ye running?
Have ye gotten a toy in your heels? Is this a season,
When honour pricks ye on, to prick your ears up,
After your whore, your Hobby-horse?

Lieu. Why look ye now: What a strange man are you? would you have a man fight At all hours all alike?

Leo. Do but fight something; But half a blow, and put thy stomach to't: Turn but thy face, and do-make mouths at 'em.

Lieu. And have my teeth knockt out; I thank ye heartily, Ye are my dear friend.

Leo. What a devil ails thee? Dost long to be hang'd?

Lieu. Faith Sir, I make no suit for't: But rather Fhan I would live thus out of charity, Continually in brawling—

Leo. Art thou not he? I may be cosen'd—

Lieu, I shall be discover'd.

Leo. That in the midst of thy most hellish pains, When thou wert crawling sick, didst aim at wonders, When thou wert mad with pain?

Lieu. Ye have found the cause out;
I had ne're been mad to fight else: I confess Sir,
The daily torture of my side that vext me,
Made me as daily careless what became of me,
Till a kind sword there wounded me, and eas'd me;
'Twas nothing in my valour fought; I am well now,
And take some pleasure in my life, methinks now,
It shews as mad a thing to me to see you scuffle,
And kill one another foolishly for honour,
As 'twas to you, [t]o see me play the coxcomb.

Leo. And wilt thou ne're fight more?

Lieu. I'th' mind I am in.

Leo. Nor never be sick again?

Lieu. I hope I shall not.

Leo. Prethee be sick again: prethee, I beseech thee, Be just so sick again.

Lieu. I'le just be hang'd first.

Leo. If all the Arts that are can make a Colique, Therefore look to't: or if imposthumes, mark me, As big as foot-balls—

Lieu. Deliver me.

Leo. Or stones of ten pound weight i'th' kidneys,
Through ease and ugly dyets may be gather'd;
I'le feed ye up my self Sir, I'le prepare ye,
You cannot fight, unless the Devil tear ye,
You shall not want provocations, I'le scratch ye,
I'le have thee have the tooth-ach, and the head-ach.

Lieu. Good Colonel, I'le doe any thing.

Leo. No, no, nothing—
Then will I have thee blown with a pair of Smiths bellows,
Because ye shall be sure to have a round gale with ye,
Fill'd full of oyle o'Devil, and Aqua-fortis,
And let these work, these may provoke.

Lieu. Good Colonel.

Leo. A coward in full bloud; prethee be plain with me, Will roasting doe thee any good?

Lieu. Nor basting neither, Sir.

Leo. Marry that goes hard.

Enter 1 Gentleman.

1 Gent. Where are you Colonel?
The Prince experts ye Sir; h'as hedg'd the enemy
Within a streight, where all the hopes and valours
Of all men living cannot force a passage,
He has 'em now.

Leo. I knew all this before Sir, I chalk'd him out his way: but do you see that thing there?

Lieu. Nay good sweet Colonel, I'le fight a little.

Leo. That thing?

1 Gent. What thing? I see the brave Lieutenant.

Leo. Rogue, what a name hast thou lost?

Lieu. You may help it, Yet you may help't: I'le doe ye any courtesie: I know you love a wench well.

Enter 2 Gentlemen.

Leo. Look upon him; Do you look too.

2 Gent. What should I look on? I come to tell ye, the Prince stayes your direction, We have 'em now i'th' Coop, Sir.

Leo. Let 'em rest there, And chew upon their miseries: but look first—

Lieu. I cannot fight for all this.

Leo. Look on this fellow.

2 Gent. I know him; 'tis the valiant brave Lieutenant.
Leo. Canst thou hear this, and play the Rogue? steal off quickly,
Behind me quickly neatly do it,
And rush into the thickest of the enemy,
And if thou kill'st but two.

Lieu. You may excuse me, 'Tis not my fault: I dare not fight.

Leo. Be rul'd yet, I'le beat thee on; goe wink and fight: a plague upon your sheeps heart.

2 Gent. What's all this matter?

1 Gent. Nay I cannot shew ye.

Leo. Here's twenty pound, goe but smell to 'em.

Lieu. Alas Sir, I have taken such a cold I can smell nothing.

Leo. I can smell a Rascal, a rank Rascal: Fye, how he stinks, stinks like a tyred Jade.

2 Gent. What Sir?

Leo. Why, that Sir, do not you smell him?

2 Gent. Smell him?

Lieu. I must endure.

Leo. Stinks like a dead Dog, Carrion— There's no such damnable smell under Heaven, As the faint sweat of a Coward: will ye fight yet?

Lieu. Nay, now I defie ye; ye have spoke the worst ye can Of me, and if every man should take what you say To the heart.—

Leo. God ha' Mercy,
God ha' Mercy with all my heart; here I forgive thee;
And fight, or fight not, do but goe along with us,
And keep my Dog.

Lieu. I love a good Dog naturally.

1 Gent. What's all this stir, Lieutenant?

Lieu. Nothing Sir, But a slight matter of argument.

Leo. Pox take thee.
Sure I shall love this Rogue, he's so pretty a Coward.
Come Gentlemen, let's up now, and if fortune
Dare play the slut again, I'le never more Saint her,
Come play-fellow, come, prethee come up; come chicken,
I have a way shall fit yet: A tame knave,
Come, look upon us.

Lieu. I'le tell ye who does best boyes. [Exeunt.


Enter Antigonus, and Menippus, above.

Men. I saw her coming out.

Ant. Who waits upon her?

Men. Timon, Charinthus, and some other Gentlemen, By me appointed.

Ant. Where's your wife?

Men. She's ready To entertain her here Sir; and some Ladies Fit for her lodgings.

Ant. How shews she in her trim now?

Men. Oh most divinely sweet.

Ant. Prethee speak softly. How does she take her coming?

Men. She bears it bravely; But what she thinks—For Heaven sake Sir preserve me— If the Prince chance to find this.

Ant. Peace ye old fool; She thinks to meet him here.

Men. That's all the Project.

Ant. Was she hard to bring?

Men. No she believ'd it quickly,
And quickly made her self fit, the Gown a little,
And those new things she has not been acquainted with,
At least in this place, where she liv'd a prisoner,
Troubled and stirr'd her mind. But believe me Sir,
She has worn as good, they sit so apted to her;
And she is so great a Mistris of disposure:
Here they come now: but take a full view of her.

Enter Celia, Timon, Charinthus, and Gent.

Ant. How cheerfully she looks? how she salutes all?
And how she views the place? she is very young sure:
That was an admirable smile, a catching one,
The very twang of Cupids bow sung in it:
She has two-edg'd eyes, they kill o' both sides.

Men. She makes a stand, as though she would speak.

Ant. Be still then.

Cel. Good Gentlemen, trouble your selves no further, I had thought sure to have met a noble friend here.

Tim. Ye may meet many Lady.

Cel. Such as you are I covet few or none, Sir.

Char. Will you walk this way, And take the sweets o'th' garden? cool and close, Lady.

Cel. Methinks this open air's far better, tend ye that way Pray where's the woman came along?

Char. What woman?

Cel. The woman of the house I lay at.

Tim. Woman? Here was none came along sure.

Cel. Sure I am catcht then: Pray where's the Prince?

Char. He will not be long from ye, We are his humble Servants.

Cel. I could laugh now, To see how finely I am cozen'd: yet I fear not, For sure I know a way to scape all dangers.

Tim. Madam, your lodgings lye this way.

Cel. My Lodgings? For Heaven sake Sir, what office do I bear here?

Tim. The great commander of all hearts.

Enter Leucippe, and Ladies.

Cel. You have hit it. I thank your sweet heart for it. Who are these now?

Char. Ladies that come to serve ye.

Cel. Well consider'd, Are you my Servants?

Lady. Servants to your pleasures.

Cel. I dare believe ye, but I dare not trust ye:
Catch'd with a trick? well, I must bear it patiently:
Methinks this Court's a neat place: all the people
Of so refin'd a size—

Tim. This is no poor Rogue.

Leu. Were it a Paradise to please your fancy, And entertain the sweetness you bring with ye.

Cel. Take breath;
You are fat, and many words may melt ye,
This is three Bawdes beaten into one; bless me Heaven,
What shall become of me? I am i'th' pitfall:
O' my conscience, this is the old viper, and all these little ones
Creep every night into her belly; do you hear plump servant
And you my little sucking Ladies, you must teach me,
For I know you are excellent at carriage,
How to behave my self, for I am rude yet:
But you say the Prince will come?

Lady. Will flie to see you.

Cel. For look you if a great man, say the King now Should come and visit me?

Men. She names ye.

Ant. Peace fool.

Cel. And offer me a kindness, such a kindness.

Leu. I, such a kindness.

Cel. True Lady such a kindness, What shall that kindness be now?

Leu. A witty Lady, Learn little ones, learn.

Cel. Say it be all his favour.

Leu. And a sweet saying 'tis.

Cel. And I grow peevish?

Leu. You must not be negleftfull.

Cel. There's the matter, There's the main doctrine now, and I may miss it, Or a kind handsom Gentleman?

Leu. You say well.

Cel. They'I count us basely bred.

Leu. Not freely nurtur'd.

Cel. I'le take thy counsel.

Leu. 'Tis an excellent woman.

Cel. I find a notable volum here, a learned one;
Which way? for I would fain be in my chamber;
In truth sweet Ladies, I grow weary; fie,
How hot the air beats on me!

Lady. This way Madam.

Cel. Now by mine honour, I grow wondrous faint too.

Leu. Your fans sweet Gentlewomen, your fans.

Cel. Since I am fool'd, I'le make my self some sport, though I pay dear for't. [Ex.

Men. You see now what a manner of woman she is Sir.

Ant. Thou art an ass.

Men. Is this a fit love for the Prince:

Ant. A coxcombe:
Now by my crown a daintie wench, a sharp wench,
And/a matchless Spirit: how she jeer'd 'em?
How carelesly she scoff'd 'em? use her nobly;
I would I had not seen her: wait anon,
And then you shall have more to trade upon. [Exeunt.


Enter Leontius, and the 2 Gentlemen.

Leo. We must keep a round, and a strong watch to night,
The Prince will not charge the Enemy till the morning:
But for the trick I told ye for this Rascal,
This rogue, that health and strong heart makes a coward.
1 Gent. I, if it take.
Leo. Ne're fear it, the Prince has it,
And if he let it fall, I must not know it;
He will suspecl: me presently: but you two
May help the plough.
2 Gent. That he is sick again.

Leo. Extreamly sick: his disease grown incurable, Never yet found, nor touch'd at.

Enter Lieutenant.

2 Gent. Well, we have it, And here he comes.

Leo. The Prince has been upon him, What a flatten face he has now? it takes, believe it; How like an Ass he looks?

Lieu. I feel no great pain, At least, I think I do not; yet I feel sensibly I grow extreamly faint: how cold I sweat now!

Leo. So, so, so.

Lieu. And now 'tis ev'n too true, I feel a pricking,
A pricking, a strange pricking: how it tingles!
And as it were a stitch too: the Prince told me,
And every one cri'd out I was a dead man;
I had thought I had been as well—

Leo. Upon him now Boys, And do it most demurely.

1 Gent. How now Lieutenant?

Lieu. I thank ye Gentlemen.

1 Gent. 'Life, how looks this man? How dost thou good Lieutenant?

2 Gent. I ever told ye
This man was never cur'd, I see it too plain now;
How do you feel your self? you look not perfect,
How dull his eye hangs?

1 Gent. That may be discontent.

2 Gent. Believe me friend, I would not suffer now The tith of those pains this man feels; mark his forehead What a cloud of cold dew hangs upon't?

Lieu. I have it, Again I have it; how it grows upon me! A miserable man I am.

Leo. Ha, ha, ha, A miserable man thou shall be, This is the tamest Trout I ever tickl'd.

Enter 2 Physicians.

1 Phy. This way he went.

2 Phy. Pray Heaven we find him living, He's a brave fellow, 'tis pity he should perish thus.

1 Phy. A strong hearted man, and of a notable sufferance.

Lieu. Oh, oh.

1 Gent. How now? how is it man?

Lieu. Oh Gentlemen, Never so full of pain.

2 Gent. Did I not tell ye?

Lieu. Never so full of pain, Gentlemen.

1 Phy. He is here; How do you, Sir?

2 Phy. Be of good comfort, Souldier, The Prince has sent us to you.

Lieu. Do you think I may live?

2 Phy. He alters hourly, strangely.

1 Phy. Yes, you may live: but—

Leo. Finely butted, Doctor.

1 Gent. Do not discourage him.

1 Phy. He must be told truth, 'Tis now too late to trifle.

Enter Demetrius, and Gent.

2 Gent. Here the Prince comes.

Dem. How now Gentlemen?

2 Gent. Bewailing, Sir, a Souldier, And one I think, your Grace will grieve to part with, But every living thing—

Dem. 'Tis true, must perish, Our lives are but our marches to our graves, How dost thou now Lieutenant?

Lieu. Faith 'tis true, Sir, We are but spans, and Candles ends.

Leo. He's finely mortified.

Dem. Thou art heart whole yet I see he alters strangely, And that apace too; I saw it this morning in him, When he poor man, I dare swear—

Lieu. No believ't, Sir, I never felt it.

Dem. Here lies the pain now: how he is swel'd?

1 Phy. The Impostume
Fed with a new malignant humour now,
Will grow to such a bigness, 'tis incredible,
The compass of a Bushel will not hold it.
And with such a Hell of torture it will rise too—

Dem. Can you endure me touch it?

Lieu. Oh, I beseech you, Sir: I feel you sensibly ere you come near me.

Dem. He's finely wrought, he must be cut, no Cure else, And suddenly, you see how fast he blows out.

Lieu. Good Master Doctors, let me be beholding to you, I feel I cannot last.

2 Phy. For what Lieutenant?

Lieu. But ev'n for half a dozen Cans of good Wine, That I may drink my will out: I faint hideously. (men,

Dem. Fetch him some Wine; and since he must go Gentle—Why let him take his journey merrily.

Enter Servant with Wine.

Lieu. That's ev'n the nearest way.

Leo. I could laugh dead now.

Dem. Here, off with that.

Lieu. These two I give your Grace, A poor remembrance of a dying man, Sir, And I beseech you wear 'em out.

Dem._ I will Souldier, These are fine Legacies.

Lieu. Among the Gentlemen,
Even all I have left; I am a poor man, naked,
Yet something for remembra[n]ce: four a piece Gentlemen,
And so my body where you please.

Leo. It will work.

Lieu. I make your Grace my Executor, and I beseech ye See my poor Will fulfill'd: sure I shall walk else.

Dem. As full as they can be fill'd, here's my hand, Souldier.

1 Gent. The Wine will tickle him.

Lieut. I would hear a Drum beat, But to see how I could endure it.

Dem. Beat a Drum there. [Drum within.

Lieu. Oh Heavenly Musick, I would hear one sing to't; I am very full of pain.

Dem. Sing? 'tis impossible.

Lieu. Why, then I would drink a Drum full: Where lies the Enemy?

2 Gent. Why, here close by.

Leo. Now he begins to muster.

Lieu. And dare he fight? Dare he fight Gentlemen?

1 Phy. You must not cut him:
He's gone then in a moment; all the hope left, is
To work his weakness into suddain anger,
And make him raise his passion above his pain,
And so dispose him on the Enemy;
His body then, being stir'd with violence,
Will purge it self and break the sore.

Dem. 'Tis true, Sir.

1 Phy. And then my life for his.

Lieu. I will not dye thus.

Dem. But he is too weak to do—

Lieu. Dye like a Dog?

2 Phy. I, he's weak, but yet he's heart whole.

Lieu. Hem.

Dem. An excellent sign.

Lieu. Hem.

Dem. Stronger still, and better.

Lieu. Hem, hem; ran, tan, tan, tan, tan. [Exit.

1 Phy. Now he's i'th' way on't.

Dem. Well go thy waies, thou wilt do something certain.

Leo. And some brave thing, or let mine ears be cut off. He's finely wrought.

Dem. Let's after him.

Leo. I pray, Sir; But how this Rogue, when this cloud's melted in him, And all discover'd—

Dem. That's for an after mirth, away, away, away. [Ex.

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