Read the book: «Космические путешествия», page 5


Chapter 2. The guide-cat.

After receiving the Tramp travel pass, told that the first thing to do was to go to Mars. The Yarik was surprised at this, because the planet Mars is very far away. Tramp immediately reassured him, explaining that Mars is the call sign of a cat, which is a liaison between people and animals. The place where the cat was located was an animal shelter. The building was located on Pionerskaya Street and it was necessary to go there by metro. Tramp also explained that he can speak and understand Yarik thanks to the telemetry bracelet, and that on the road it is better for him to pretend that they are traveling as the owner and his pet. Yarik agreed, and the heroes went to the indicated address, thanks to their grandmother's travel card.

On the way to the animal shelter, Yarik examined the night building. It was a small two-story house, in front of the entrance there was a large sign with the inscription, "Animal Shelter." Going inside, the guests were greeted with a warm atmosphere, and order reigned everywhere. The shelter was obviously looked after by people, but at the time of the meeting, only animals filled the shelter. The cat did not stand out from the others, it looked like an ordinary house cat. He was black and white himself, and pretty well groomed for a shelter cat. At the sight of the Tramp, he was delighted with an old acquaintance. After a conversation between the two friends, it was clear that a pass had to be obtained from Mars with the personal signature of the commander-in-chief. The cat explained that there was little time left and that they needed to hurry in order to be in time for takeoff. The messenger cat approached the boy and looked at him intently. "What's your height and weight?", the guide cat asked Yarik. "Do not know!", Yarik answered. “The weight and height of the boy is suitable for the flight, I think there will be no problems at the checkpoint,” Mars said to the Tramp. Yarik was very surprised when it came to takeoff, but did not ask too many questions so far. The only thing the boy decided to clarify was whether he could keep the mouse robot. A short affirmative answer was received from Tramp and Mars. Finally, the old dog said goodbye to the cat and told Yarik that now they could go out of town. The new destination was on the edge of the city at a remote commuter train station.

Upon arrival at the station, Yarik noticed a path that went into the forest. Tramp went along the path and Yarik followed. Suddenly, a military patrol appeared unexpectedly, blocking the way to the large gate. Outside the gate was a large training ground. Tramp gave the pass and the guests went the entrance. Tramp told the surprised boy to stay close. They went to a remote hangar along. Yarik looked around and saw that it was a military airfield. It was airfield like in father's a military magazine. Having reached the hangar the Tramp asked Yarik how he endures flights. The boy was very surprised how the dog can take off and control the plane. But Tramp explained to the boy that they were flying on a rocket, and its control depended on a telemetry bracelet with coordinates. Yarik was very frightened and ask where they would fly. Tramp explained that now there would be a short flight to the unar Station, where it would be necessary to receive refueling for the flight into space. Yarik listened to his new friend, looked around and decided to go on an interesting journey. The heroes climbed into the rocket, it consisted of two parts of the cockpit and the instrument compartment. There were two seats in the cockpit. Suddenly the rocket hatch closed, the walls of the hangar began to move in different directions. There was a countdown in the cockpit and the rocket began to take off.

Chapter 3. The Lunar station.

After entering orbit, the rocket made one revolution around the Earth to correct the course. After reaching a given point in the orbit, the rocket headed straight for the Moon. The flight for Yarik passed unnoticed. After landing, the boy saw a workstation where was by large slugained to Yarik that they needed to get fuel and extra tanks for the long journey. Slugs, unlike humans, used much less oxygen to live in the artificial atmosphere of the lunar sstation The Tramp also said that space suits would be required in case the conditions on the new planet were not suitable for life. The Tramp advised Yarik to taste the fruit balls. They are free and very nutritious. He showed him where to get them. Tramp said that he would go and find out about the lunar fuel for the flight. Yarik, meanwhile, went to the distribution of lunar treats. It was a machine that, in the form of marmalade on a stick, created spheres of different colors. Yarik chose the blue color and he got the taste of wild berries. Yarik thought, "Lo, what yummy!" While Yarik chewed the moon roll, he looked around and noticed that the slugs were behaving just like people. Some played aerodynamically shaped chess using translucent moustaches hanging from their faces. Others spoke among themselves in a strange language, it was like hissing consonants. Yarik, after the edible moon roll, threw the remains of the wrapper into a special container and then came Tramp. The old dog reported that there would be no delays and it was possible to go to the second floor for the spacesuits. The heroes this time wore special diving suits. Together they donned their space gear, and the Tramp pointed the way to the ship. After connecting the fuel tanks, the rocket noticeably increased in size. And in order to climb, it was necessary to go up the stairs, which were outside in open space. They went out and saw the surface of the moon and the vastness of space. Earth was visible beyond the station in the distance. Yarik saw a ship ahead, it was already ready to launch. After the heroes landed in their places, the slug on duty on the bridge gave the command that it was ready to take off, and the rocket began to pick up speed again.

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Release date on Litres:
23 January 2022
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31 p. 1 illustration
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