Read the book: «Новости из прошлого на английском языке. ВЫПУСК №6»


Cоставитель Анна Пигарёва

ISBN 978-5-4498-8221-9 (т. 6)

ISBN 978-5-0050-5038-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Криминальное чтиво со словарем


By Natalya Krainova

Staff writer

An elderly Moscow woman and her daughter are facing up to 10 years in prison for purportedly using a stun device to rob a company offering a knitting course in which the daughter had enrolled, city police said.

The daughter paid 10,000 rubles ($360) for the knitting classes but became disenchanted with the course and demanded a refund, police said in a statement.

«We have information that they weren’t satisfied with the quality of teaching,» police spokesman Anatoly Lastovetsky said of the mother and daughter.

Police identified the two women only by their first names and the first initial of their last names: Svetlana A., 35, and Iraida A., 73.

With the aim of retrieving Svetlana’s money, the two women went to the office of the company running the knitting courses on 1st Ulitsa Yamskogo Polya, near the Belorusskaya metro station in northern Moscow.

The company secretary asked the women to draw up a written request for a refund addressed to the company’s director, a common requirement for reimbursement in Russia.

The two women, however, demanded their money back immediately. After the secretary refused, the elderly woman pulled an electric-shock device from her purse and stunned the employee with the device, police said.

The two women then snatched the secretary’s purse, which contained 34,000 rubles ($1,200), and fled the office, according to police.

After recovering from the electric shock, the secretary reported the incident to police, who detained the two suspects at their apartment shortly thereafter.

Police opened a robbery investigation Thursday, the city police said.1

Aim                                Цель
Common                        Общепринятый
Demand (v)                    Требовать
Detain                            Задерживать
Device                            Прибор, устройство
Disenchant                     Освобождаться от чар
Draw up                         Составлять документ
Enroll                             Записываться, зачисляться
Face up 10 years in prison        Грозит 10 тюрьмы
Flee (fled, fled)               Убегать
Initial                              Начальная буква
Knitting course               Курс по вязанию
Purportedly                     Предположительно
Purse                               Дамская сумочка, кошелек
Recover                           Приходить в себя, выздоравливать
Refund                            Возврат суммы
Reimbursement              Компенсация
Request                          Просьба, требование
Requirement                   Необходимое условие
Retrieve                          Вынимать, возвращать
Rob                                 Грабить
Robbery                          Грабеж
Run the course               Проводить курс (занятия)
Snatch                            Вырывать, похищать
Stun                                Оглушать
Suspect (n)                      Подозреваемый

$100M Painting Stolen

KIEV – A painting worth as much as $100 million has been stolen from a museum in the Ukrainian port of Odessa.

Museum workers said they had repeatedly asked city authorities to modernize the security system. Police said the thieves bypassed an alarm by entering through a window.

Staff of the Museum of Western and Eastern Art said Friday that the painting – by Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and called «The Taking of Christ (Or the Kiss of Judas)» was found missing Thursday.2

Alarm                            Сигнал тревоги
Bypass (v)                      Обходить
Find (found, found)       Находить
Missing                         Потерявшийся
Security system            Система охраны
Steal (stole, stolen)       Украсть
Thief (thieves)               Вор
Worth                            Стоящий (о цене)

7 Dead in Japan After Killing Spree

TOKYO – A Japanese man rammed a truck into a crowd of shoppers, jumped out and went on a stabbing spree in Tokyo’s top electronics district Sunday, killing at least seven people and wounding 10 others.

The deadly lunchtime assault paralyzed the Akihabara neighborhood, which is popular among the country’s cyber-wise youth. The killings were the latest in a series of grisly knifings that have stoked fears of rising crime in Japan.

A 25-year-old man, Tomohiro Kato, was apprehended in the attack. Local news reports initially said the man was a self-proclaimed mobster, but national media later said he was not.

«The suspect told police that he came to Akihabara to kill people,» said Jiro Akaogi, a spokesman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

«He said he was tired of life. He said he was sick of everything,» Akaogi said.

The violence began when he crashed a rented, 2-ton truck into pedestrians. News reports said he jumped out and began stabbing the people he had knocked down with the truck and then turned on horrified onlookers.

Police confirmed seven deaths – six men and one woman – but they could not say whether the victims had died of injuries from the truck or were stabbed to death.

Reports said the attacker grunted and roared as he slashed and stabbed at Sunday shoppers crowding a street lined with huge stores packed with computers and other advanced electronics.3

Apprehend                    Задерживать
Assault                          Нападение, атака
Confirm                         Подтверждать
Grisly                             Ужасный
Grunt                             Ворчать, брюзжать
Horrified                        В ужасе
Injury (n)                       Травма, повреждение
Mobster                         Бандит, преступник
Neighborhood               Район, окрестности
Onlooker                       Наблюдатель, свидетель
Pedestrian                     Пешеход
Ram                               Таранить
Roar (v)                          Рычать
Self-proclaimed             Самозваный
Spree                              Дебош
Stab                                Удар ножом
Stoke                              Подбрасывать топливо
Suspect (n)                     Подозреваемый
Victim                             Жертва
Violence                         Расправа, насилие
Wound (v)                       Ранить

Senior Diplomat Arrested

A senior Foreign Ministry official was placed under arrest Wednesday on suspicion of accepting bribes, Itar-Tass reported.

Alexander Gusev, deputy head of the ministry’s department on relations with federation subjects, the parliament and public associations, was detained by the Federal Security Service on Tuesday night, a ministry source told news agency.

Gusev is suspected of taking bribes in exchange for foreign travel passports and for placing people on official delegations traveling abroad, the report said.

Moscow’s Tverskoi District Court issued an arrest warrant for him Wednesday, Itar-Tass said.4

Accept                           Брать, принимать
Bribe                             Взятка
Department on relations        Департамент по связям
Detain                           Задерживать, арестовывать
In exchange                   В обмен на…
Issue (v)                         Выдавать
On suspicion                 По подозрению
Source                           Источник
Suspect (v)                     Подозревать
Warrant                         Ордер
1.«The Moscow Times» 2009 год
2.«The Moscow Times» 2009 год, AP.
3.«The Moscow Times» 2008 год, AP.
4.«The Moscow Times» 2009 год

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