Enchanted Dream reality

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Enchanted Dream reality
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Dream reality

Alfred Neuenweger


Texts: © Copyright by Alfred Neuenweger

Cover: © Copyright by Alfred Neuenweger

Publisher: Neuenweger

Buchenweg 12

5113 Holderbank AG


Print: epubli, a service of

neopubli GmbH, Berlin

Printed in Germany

©Copyright by Alfred Illumina/Neuenweger 2020

What this book is about has already been described more than extensively in the blurb, so we will not repeat the same thing here in the Catch up!

But you can expect some mental chunks that are hard to digest!

Because in the end every person of you wants to reach his wishes, dreams and goals ...

Available as e-book as well as in book form.

Now have fun with reading

especially Alfred Neuenweger

Already published works by Alfred Neuenweger:

- Correctly Applied Rhetoric E-Book (DE)

- Properly applied Rhetoric E-Book (EN)

- My Personal Time Line e-book (DE/EN)

- Stay calm E-Book (EN)

- Remain calmly e-book (EN)

- Meislis small book marathon book form (DE)

- Little Bookmarathon of Anti

- The Branded E-Book (DE/EN)

- The Branded Book Form (DE/EN)

Words to you personally from Alfred Neuenweger:

Welcome, dear bookworms

My name has only recently become Alfred Neuenweger.

Old name existed already since 2006, since my old memories work up on Indigo level

( What The Fuck is This? )

It was a long time before I finally

...that led to this new branding.

Since my new book division orientation is based on my

old branding definitely doesn't fit anymore, and I don't think

also a very close friend said that

he couldn't quite get used to it, and I

on top of everything else, my old man

I had to split up my book publishing company.

I wouldn't be me, though, if I had to make my way

let things like that go off the rails


And so an absolute new beginning is in store!

Even back then, about five years ago, when I was working for Toni

Vescoli had cooked in a lounge, or with Steve

Lee at a dinner table, I would never have gone to

I ever get to that point,

which I have now reached!

Neuenweger Goes digital!

But since we are currently in a kind of dichotomy between print and digital, he wants to offer you as an author all the advantages of both worlds, which you would like to use for yourself!

It is proven that 80% of you still consume books in the traditional way.

But here are the interface codes from the analogue to the digital, from his side!

With the QR-Tag Page you get to the page which a very good colleague has created for all books.

With the QR-Tag Mail to Writer you can contact him personally by mail.

With the QR-Tag Publishing you will get on the page,

which solve the whole merchandising like ISBN number, put it in the shops and much more than self publishing

Publisher takes over and steers.

As some of you may have noticed, all these codes will only lead you to another page designed for you.

Another page, to which he wants to guide you consciously, or rather make your work a lot easier!

Only those who use all the tags and other special features of this book, which are deliberately hidden in the sentences, will profit in the end!


As I already wrote in my first book »Correctly applied rhetoric«, each of us has his or her own dreams and goals. But who is also willing to work on it, so that at some point it becomes reality, our dream reality?

Which dream of yours is worth to be turned into reality?

Or do you have several?

In my case there are countless and new ones are added daily, but this was certainly not always the case with me. Until I had not believed in it firmly enough and had worked really hard on it, all these wishes and dreams did not come to light.

What is dream, what is reality, or can a dream also become reality?

All these questions you can only answer yourselves if you work really hard on it, and see what changes in your life!

But now another question for you, are you as happy and satisfied with your life as it is, or would you like to change something about it, if you had the chance?

My biggest wish is to emigrate to Mauritius and build a recording studio in a rock face, I have already told my mentor, to which he only replied.

»Look at this person, it won't last three years and he will have already fulfilled this dream!«

Has anyone ever said this to you?


Then you have not yet believed and worked hard enough!

If faith can move mountains, why do you not believe in yourself and your abilities?

Are you afraid?

What are you afraid of?

Why are you afraid of yourself?

More on this topic in another chapter.

Do not let yourself be controlled

Which one of you hasn't had the same experience in your life as I have?

He thought like that, whenever he had to deal with officials again, how am I to proceed now?

We had a very interesting discussion today about the Swiss, and also about world politics in our male chorus.

The discussion went back and forth for quite a while, and there was also talk about the military. Suddenly I asked everyone the questions: »Do you know why the Americans help everyone in the world?

Or at least they say that they want to help. Why do the Americans still have a certain sign on the one dollar note?

Does anyone know this sign?

Does anyone know about the Illuminati?

This is a secret society which was founded in 1489 and which tried to seize the world power, but did not succeed. So why do the Americans still have this mark on the one dollar bill?«

After all these questions it became pretty much silent in the round, because nobody really knew what to answer to all these questions, not even our politically very omniscient man.

World power is probably a bit too brashly said, No rather the control of the whole acting on earth, so that it doesn't need wars anymore, which you gave up again after a while.

But why did you give it up again?

Because of our greatest danger which could destroy us, namely ourselves?

It just happened, a passenger plane was shot down with a rocket over Ukraine, everyone blames the other one, one thing I can tell you, this will take again so long until mankind does not talk about it anymore.

Who is now ruling our world the politicians, the money or is there even a much higher power above all this?

Are we honest with ourselves, why does one person help the other?

In the greatest probability, because he hopes for a benefit for himself, which he can draw from it.

Not out of pure next love, of course, but in today's world this is much rarer than for the reason mentioned above.

What is all this about E.S.?

All the bullshit these Americans are saying right now!

Can I just tell you, you need a scapegoat again, as so often, who will take the rap for all the shit you have produced.

The exact structure of these machinations, were already shown in issue 11/12 of a very well known German language magazine, whereas everything else was known in IT circles much earlier, at least where people know about eavesdropping mechanisms as I do.

Just like the big three letter bank recently happened in London, how true is it about the two billion that were ruined by our current scapegoat, or at least that is the official version of it?

Remember, everyone smells when doing business, you too, before the power over us we are all equal!

Whether official, famous or whatever status, today another power rules the world, you too must stand up for your actions at some point, all your money won't help you anymore, it's not worth more than a dog poo in the next corner at this moment!


At some point, you can no longer buy your way out with all your money, it hits everyone once, the one more the other less, even billionaire sons.

In Switzerland last year happened, in Italy only this year a former politician. I could extend this list a lot further, but it would lead to nothing but a spiral, which starts again and again to turn around itself, first slowly, then faster and faster and faster, until at some point it seems to implode.

Where does all this doing lead us?

Everyone thinks they are superior to the other, is that really the case?

Laws or no laws, you officials use them only to hide your insecurity from the population.

Speaking of cover-ups, where in this world is the truth always told to the people?

Did you think here in Switzerland?

In which world do you actually live, wake up and resist!

We, by that I mean the normal people, are constantly »kept down«!

You'll soon find out what I mean by »keeping down«.

Right now.

China, Palestine and Co., all countries where even the Internet is censored, what for?

To protect their own people from inconvenience?

Do you really think the Chinese authorities are that concerned about his protégés?

With so many children still doing child labor?

It certainly doesn't happen as publicly as one was used to nowadays, the Chinese authorities are not stupid, it just happens in secret. But who is promoting all this doing?

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you, we Europeans and Americans and other industrial nations are more than just a little bit involved!

Who wants to buy cheap products?

Who wants a lot of food, but not necessarily paying a lot for it?

Who wants to buy good jeans from luxury manufacturers but not pay more than 100 Euros for them?

You know who in this whole chain earns the most money?

Africa as a cotton supplier?

Poland as a dye works?

China as a seamstress?

Or first the final producer?

Do you know how many kilometres your jeans or luxury handbags have travelled before you hold them in your hands?

Don't tell me you don't care, because if you don't care, you have no feeling, you are soulless, almost zombie-like.

Do you also have your own brain to think with, or did you stand at the back of the queue when you distributed it?

Do you want to belong to the really stupid idiot of the people, or do you finally want to use your own mind (by that I mean your brain) to finally come to your senses?

You have to excuse me for this in case I have been a little hard on you, but somebody has to kick your balls or ovaries flat!

Just like the manufacturer we know as the fruit form, where do you produce?

But how much does such a device cost the end consumer?

It's pure greed!

There are still some such companies, but I don't want to call them all by name anymore, because this list is almost endless.

We are almost puppets almost like hanging on strings, steered by the officials as far as you think necessary.

But can you really steer us as far as you want us to go, or do you reach your limits with people like me?

Do you really want to see through me in all areas where science has not even explored the brain?

How, please, is this supposed to work?

I have already come up against the tax office, against the debt collection office, have already reversed various fines and wage garnishments!

Do you still believe you can come against me?

Wish you nice long dreams!

There are better and better trainings, also for the people, now you must come down from your high horse, because meanwhile even a normal mortal can afford such a great training.

You officials still want to keep the people down?

Who knows, perhaps the upheaval is already underway, see Syria, Egypt and Co.

Of course there are also people like the German former music producer, who grew up in the 80's, who rather detests reading a book, because for him it is boring, I only want to say, maybe he didn't have the right book for him in his hands, or each book exceeded his intelligence by far.

But honestly he is a so called pop titan, has achieved a lot in his life, can someone who owns as much money as he does afford to say something like that?

Yes of course he can!

It doesn't give a shit what other people think about it! But who gives a shit about that?

To read a book is ten thousand times more intelligent than a newspaper today!

Newspapers are the number one idiocy of the people!

Why do you read the paper, if you don't want to know what's going on?

Or don't you want to see in your deepest innermost being people who are even worse off than you, so that you can feel better afterwards?

What do you orientate yourself by in your life?

Upwards, or downwards?

Please think about this answer very carefully!

Where do you want to go in your life?


Then why do you orient yourself downwards?

Wouldn't it be much more intelligent to orient yourself upwards?

Do you want to belong to the intelligent people or rather to the stupid ones?

The decision is entirely up to you, and I cannot make the same decision for you with the best will in the world!

Area 51 and things like that, did you really think that all this is only Science Fiction?

Pyramids of the Egyptians, Mayas and Co. where does all this knowledge come from, was it even supernatural?

If you want to know more about it, Erich von Däniken has written very interesting books about it, absolutely recommendable!

What is happening in our world today?

A pilot in training had to land a plane with over 300 passengers and had an accident?

Even the rescue services ran over two people!

What do you expect?

When everyone has to work faster and faster and even more efficiently, is there still time for quality?

Quantity is reached at some point, see India at fire in huge company building, savings were made, as so often in this day and age, but couldn't we use our financial resources much more efficiently in today's world to save energy and resources?

There is more and more automation, but do you want to be controlled only by robots?

Terminator says hello!

Automation is all well and good, but won't all unemployment costs be incurred on the other side, sometime social cases?

Where do you save more, with automation, which costs billions to purchase including unemployment costs, or with job preservation?

At some point the unemployment costs will disappear, but are they really gone?

What do all these social cases cost us?

Just recently there was a very good article in a newspaper about this, where a program was presented, which has a kind of adaptive artificial intelligence, which can easily replace simple office jobs.

Years ago people thought a bank job was safe, is it still so?

In addition to that, we are more and more manipulated by the advertising industry through today's marketing strategies.

Are you saying this is not the case?

Or do you simply not want to admit it to yourself that this is the case, although you feel it deep inside?

Well, this is entirely up to you, whether you want to stand by it or not, but if you don't want to think of yourself anymore and want to be influenced more and more by today's media, please!

You are also moving more and more into a self-chosen dead end, of not thinking, even of complete lack of independence, bravo!

Don't let yourselves be steered like puppets, finally act out of yourselves again, how many of you don't even count with your head anymore, because it is simply more comfortable to do it with a smartphone?

If we already use only a maximum of 10% of our brain capacity, and this would be calculated by a scientist!

Fine with me, if you don't want to do anything else useful in your life, then let your brain atrophy as well.

Summary Chapter I

Don't let yourself be controlled, is about how we are imperceptibly controlled by the state, but there are ways to evade it.

Buying cheaply promotes wage inequality in low-wage countries.

Automation forces the world into a welfare state.

Use more of the 10% brain capacity you are given to act directly.

Focus on wishes, dreams and goals

You first have to realize what you want to achieve in your life, only then you are on your way to focus on your own wishes, dreams and goals.

The best way to do this is to watch my specially created video first. You will find it on the following link, when you are on my homepage:

www.neuenweger.com on tab Contact, then click on the Facebook symbol.

There you should see a video clip with trees.

But don't lose the overview of the forest in front of the trees.

It's like everything in your life, try to tackle one thing after the other, otherwise you will get lost and nothing will happen what you had planned before.

Now how you learn to focus on your wishes, dreams and goals.

Create a collage of everything you want to achieve for yourself, you can make it as a desktop or even as a mobile phone background. If you don't have this option, cut it out of catalogues or magazines and stick it on a piece of paper. No matter how big it gets, it is up to you and no one else.

Here is an image of my first collage, so you can imagine how it will look like, if you don't have a PC to do this with a graphics program, no problem, cut out the things you want from a magazine and stick them on an A4 or even if you have more wishes, dreams and goals, bigger than A3, you can even go up to A0, if there is enough space on a wall to put them on to hang up.

Look at this collage over and over again, it will never always be the same over the whole time you are working on this realization of your wishes, dreams and goals, the same will be on your collage, it will certainly change one or the other continuously.

Don't think I didn't start with such a collage, it's tips and tricks which I can pass on to you from my own experience.

I warmly recommend you to remember these things that I am trying to teach you, more than just take them to heart, internalize them, and success will show up very soon. There will be smaller ones at first, but they will certainly increase as you do, believe me.

The more you do to achieve your dreams, wishes and goals, the more your drive to achieve more of your goals will be strengthened once you see what is only possible through your mind power.

It will give you an inner peace of mind that you have never known before in this way, let alone come into contact with it.


One or the other of you will now definitely say, wait a moment, I had already experienced this ray of hope before, but had not thought about it any further.

Why not?

Do you always let such good opportunities just slip out of your hands?

I can understand you very well, because you have let so many things in your life pass you by so carelessly, it doesn't matter one time, more or less!

Have you ever been in a situation where you asked yourself why I didn't go to see that person anymore, then I could have told her so many things which I can no longer say now that she has died?

Really, does this seem all too familiar to you, and does it also feel painful in your hearts to some extent?

It will be similar in your life with all your wishes, dreams and goals that you just let pass you by so carelessly, only with the difference that it is less painful for you.

But is it not often in life that you only move and do something about it when it already hurts?

Are you all so masochistically inclined and do you always need the pain that life causes you?

I only say so much on this subject, as long as you are not ready to create your own collage of your wishes, dreams and goals, as long as you will not be ready for all these things that life has in store for you already.

Are you already ready, or are feelings within you still preventing you from doing something in this direction so that you can achieve all your wishes, dreams and goals?

Create them with the date on which you would like to reach these wishes, dreams and goals, only then you have the incentive to do it.

My collage changes again and again, depending on which dream of mine I could already put into action again.

You will soon notice how much better it is goes, the more wishes, dreams and goals you can put into practice by yourself as I do.

Now, you have already set the focus for your actions, now nothing stands in the way of doing so!

Is there really nothing that stands in your way, or are you yourself the person who blocks your access to new things?

Do not have any concerns in your actions, because if it is really your path to take, in whatever direction you want it to go, you will soon notice this.

In the beginning I too stood in the way of my dreams, desires and aims, but when I had noticed how I should now really proceed, the case was clear to me.

To whom is this saying not unknown, there are no coincidences?

If you now think that with me everything must always go badly, because it is simply my destiny, absolute nonsense!

Did God want everything bad for us?

Certainly not!

He only wanted good for us, what he provides for us in our life of trials, should only make us stronger, against further hurdles.

How many hurdles do you think I had to overcome, but did I give up after the first one?

If this were the case, would I be able to write this book to you today?

You can answer this question for yourself!

So do not give up and believe in yourself and your wishes, dreams and goals, but only then will you definitely reach them one day.

When each individual will reach these goals for himself, I can not say exactly, it always depends on how much and how quickly he wants to do something for it.

You are still thinking about what I left behind in the first chapter, right?

If this is so: " Stand still now is parried and in my way! If you don't suddenly start acting for your wishes, dreams and goals, and finally let go of the past, I will banish you so into the shit that you will wish you had never half started this book, and never really finished reading it!

Now march suddenly!

Or should I make it even clearer and more painful?"

Who does not act now is simply his own fault, and I personally do not care if he reaches his dreams, wishes and goals, because they are "only his own".

Apparently these are not worth enough to you, and you yourself are not worth it to reach all these goals.

Even if you get help from someone else, you throw everything away like spoiled fruit into the green container.

Or at least you think it is spoiled, but if you process it properly and coach it, you can get a lot more out of it than you think at the beginning.

Recently I read a very interesting article about this whole topic in an evening newspaper.

Coaching tricks: How to achieve your goals

It confirms me in many things which I pass on in this book, this report says the following!

Set yourself real and also tangible goals for yourself, not utopian ones, where you will be demotivated again if it doesn't work out.

Make small steps at the beginning, you can still make bigger steps if you are among the advanced ones.

A good time management is also part of it, how much time of the day do you want to invest in your progress?

When do you want to do how much of it?

If something comes up, don't think that I can do it tomorrow, because if you come to this statement you will be back in the familiar "loser" rut!

Now the question for you is, do you want to belong to the "losers", or are you the "winners" guys?

Sure you are the "Winner" guys!

Which sperm had fertilized the egg first and stood up to millions?

There are also notorious excuse inventors among us, who are so biased in the gigantic construct that you have built up around yourself, and therefore can no longer get out of it.

Do you still believe all these excuses you serve up to your counterpart yourself?

Also make a plan for your private life, which you can push by the time management only two to three days.

A meeting can always come in between, it's not that bad if you don't forget your other obligations.

Do not lie to yourself again, deep inside you feel exactly how it is!

Please do not only orientate yourself towards me and my wishes, dreams and goals, because it is possible that this anchor, which you have received from me, may not be there for a short time.

What then?

Look, that you can develop your mental strength so far that you can do all this yourself.

constantly achieved.

If you are not able to focus on your wishes, dreams and goals, try to put yourself back into your childhood. There you all had some kind of dream job, the one pilot, the other policeman.

How did it feel for you back then?

It was a great feeling, wasn't it, so carefree and without worries?

However, if you have it in your hands to relive that feeling, what would you do to get it back?

From a star who is very well known to us by now and who was not even known by his name before, not even a long time ago, there was a very good statement in a newspaper but unfortunately only as a small article. He made the following statement: Since little on we are taught that we should not rely on our intuition, which is absolutely wrong in his eyes, because your intuition can give you very important information for your further life.

Could be from me, find this statement absolutely sympathetic, his way of thinking is my congruent.

But now why has this article been printed so small?

It can have different causes, however, I think that nobody wants that the normal people in his wishes, dreams and aims get further, because otherwise you have no more people who make you garden, clean the house or other things.

However, what do you care about this, are you ready to go the way of happiness, your life path?

Then focus your wishes, dreams and goals, not too many at once, just as if you were going up a staircase, after all you don't take five steps at once, do you?

Lately I've had to think a lot about my past and what I want to achieve for myself in the future, and I've found that I'm completely moving towards Back to The Roots, with all my wishes, dreams and goals.

Try to do the same, maybe you will find the answer to your mental uneasiness.

As I said, each of us has other interests in which he is also quite good at, but in our lives we often pursue the wrong goals and don't even realize it.

Go to your roots, if you have not yet found the answer to your wishes, dreams and goals, there is the origin of what is intended for you in life.

For some of you it might be that your job in life is as a production manager in a renowned confectionery factory, for others it might be that you are just an employee, but you do your job well, but it is definitely not mine, because I found my final vocation with writing books and producing music, just from the feedback which comes back from you readers, it is just incredible, and it makes me, this is the great thing about it, even more fun to write such textbooks for you in terms of philosophy of life.

Exactly this should also be fun for you, just incredible!

There are also people who have the talent to have verbal diarrhoea all day long, or to talk about things that you don't stick to in the end.

But I have to disappoint you, there are not so many vacancies in politics!

So put your make-up off and look for another talent that is worth realizing.

80 % of you can't really make me believe that you have fun in your job or its environment, because the published studies speak more than thousand volumes.

If you say yes to it, you have fun although you don't really have it, you are only lying to yourself, do you want lies?

What is written as one of the commandments in the Bible?

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