Read the book: «NEONOO, or PARADISE IN THE NOOSPHERE», page 5


All the residents of the «Birth of Christ» are filled with reverent delight. Of course, the people understand that this is not an «original», but only «tracing paper». But after all, he is not an impostor! And that’s not something «self-made»: «tracing paper» from Jesus themselves – and for them Christ also! Caesar is perplexed, true, not alone: the company consists of all the representatives of the ancient world. On their faces reads: «Think: Son of God! Our Zeus has a lot of sons! We dig in gods, as in litter! And then – some kind of Jew… formless! No skin, no faces – but a lot of ambition!»

But the reverence of the «resurrected» masses clearly makes Caesar think. I judge this because Caesar is thinking. And rightly so: the mass of such different ingredients will not collectively be in awe of no reason. Even if that is the reason – with a pitiful look does not cause the slightest understanding among people who understand… in gods!

I have an eye on Jesus: a man blooms right before his eyes. «A little more, a little bit more» – and he will begin «to smell sweet» so that again begins to apply themselves «the anointed of God». I feel the opposite view: not so much an aspirant, but a triumphant one. Here, really: «and the eternal battle – we only dream of peace!» Looks like this guy is nothing does not have against delivering «a few minutes of thrill» to me – it is possible that in the area of the anus.

«What’s your opinion about the composition of the Initiative Group?» I switch to Caesar: there will be a turn to «Christ»… if he does not want to remain Jesus. «Have you any objections against the fact of convening the Initiative Group? Should someone start?»

Severely – «in ancient Roman style» – Caesar fulfills his head. More than that: with his eyes he «shakes my hand» – and also «in ancient Roman style»: in the area of the elbow bend.

«No, dear Chairman: I have no objections against the convocation of the Initiative Group or against its composition.»

Well, here and for Caesar, I am «dear»! And also I am Chairman with a capital letter! It is «heard» not only by me: everyone else is the same! Looks like it’s my new name now, and, maybe, a position! Not bad! In any case: useful, especially in the context of the triumphant views of Jesus. By the way, the approval of the Roman Izzy is clearly not to his liking: he is not the one, who gains a comrade in arms. Jesus could hardly have heard of ignoramuses about Caesar, but his back is not familiar with roman lashes. The enthusiastic views of the «sympathizers of the «Birth of Christ» at the address of «this Caesar» also contribute to the sobering of the «Son of God»: the people admire «in unison». So there is, for what!

«Before you put to the vote „form“ I offer to you a small educational program… to blame: an explanation.»

I’m getting used to the role of the chairperson more and more… but maybe: Chairman?

«What is a kingdom, an empire, I think everyone knows: it’s the power of the sovereign, most often, the sole. Autocratic, that is. There are classic autocrats, great not only by manifestations, but also by number here. In order not to offend anyone – because no one deserves it – I give a selective list.»

Of course, «a selective list» is «a balm for the soul»: I have already «aimed».

«Please welcome: Emperor Nero, the Roman Empire!»

Unlike himself, earthly, Nero gets off with applause a slight bow and even a slight embarrassment.

«Emperor Peter the Great, Russian Empire!»

For a moment, Peter also «shortens himself on the head».

«… Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Empire!»

I reward Napoleon’s proper behavior, and the man «smells» of embarrassment and pride.

– … General Secretary and Prime Minister Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich… Soviet empire!»

Stalin silently grins at his gray mustache: just like the one on Earth.

«And this is not only a far from exhaustive list: that’s very beginning! You can continue for a very long time – and all this will be decent people!»

I see that understanding is growing, but I have not yet «gone half the way» either. What does it mean: competent people!

«You yourself already understood, my friends: there are so many of them – applicants and applicants for a place! And the place is one!»

«Many called, but few chosen ones»! “ Jesus is gloating gloomily not at all in the spirit of himself, earthly. What does it mean: „people grow“! „They are growing straight above themselves!“ He understands: „here you are – not there“: you need to adapt to the changed conditions. Here, after all, the man did not study either history or natural science, but comprehended: in order to live, you must… survive! Survive, go all out! Previously, he sought out more and more death. You can say: asking for trouble, and climbed on the rampage… on the cross, that is. And they „pulled it out of context“ – and the guy quickly realized: „trampling death on death“ – this is „from another opera“! „Here it will be necessary to «trample» in another way – and not only life, but also those, who live! Because «eternal life» – even though eternal, but life is! That is, the struggle for existence! In a smoothed form this is: «and all our life is a struggle!»

«Dear colleague is right!» I am marked with a tactful look in Jesus: «but do not expect more». «The surest way to turn our world into a theater… blame: the theater of military operations – is to give power to someone alone.»

«I offer a tetrarchy!»

I do not even go to the voice: I know that this is Diocletian. Well we all learned a little something, and somehow! Therefore, I do not waste time and sniff.

«Dear Emperor Diocletian, probably forgot that we have to the place of the tetrarch the competition will be higher than to the Moscow University! I wanted to say that in the place of the tetrarch there will be several thousand applicants, one worthy of the other! And there are only four tetrarchs, dear Diocletian! What: we will establish the principle of rotation? And the very idea is „not from that opera“! So, sit down, comrade!»

And he «sits down»… even while continuing to stand on his feet! No, the people are here with brains!

«The best argument in favor of the republic is the example of Julius Caesar.»

Raising the question, at the same time I «raise up» Caesar. He does not resist: he already understood the question and the relevance of his example.

«The famous politician and military leader encroached on the republican form of government – and paid with his life!»

Caesar sadly nods his head: «It was the case!»

«Hence there is the conclusion: „choose the lesser of two evils“. In our conditions, this is a republic, a republican form of government. We put to vote!»

Tired of the discussion, I no longer propose: I dictate, and not in the manner of a school teacher, but in the manner of a classical dictator. People accept me adequately and even well! I judge this not only by the result: one hundred percent «approval», but also by «adequate» facial expressions.


Sounds like «sold!» And I myself recall the manner of the leading trades. But now – not to the nuances: «strike the iron», because «to make nails out of these people: there would be no stronger nails in the world!» This is me – to the fact, that «it is necessary to think»! By the way, about the «necessary»: a break would be necessary, because, as if not to overload companions. Such an «overload» may end badly for me and my grandiose undertaking…

Chapter six

«Maybe, we will announce a break in work?»

People tactfully perplexed: «what a break – at such a moment?!». As always, we – the leaders – underestimate our people: I already consider myself a little leader. It is possible that the people also correspond for «anatomical» reasons: I have not yet had the opportunity to check whether everything has manifested itself there. Maybe, there is the exterior only?

«Well, since the break is not needed…»

«You will be worse!» I add unreadable to myself.

«Then – the next item on this issue: the form of collegial leadership. I ask comrades to speak out!»

– I offer the Council of Elders!

Above the heads, the hand of Pericles is already vigorously «spiked». I give a person a moderate skepticism – and work out «in unison» with the prevailing opinion: for some reason, the people are not enthusiastic about the proposal. Being outstanding is nothing: we don’t keep others!

«Good: we put in the protocol!» I work out Solomon, who, although present, does not manifest itself. But the «Council of Elders» is its text «by definition»! That he had to come up with a sentence: why not a «Solomonic solution»?!

The people take time out for reflection – and then suddenly Jesus takes the initiative. Suddenly, because I have already begun to think, that he will «work as the second number».

«I offer Council of the Sages!»

Oh, this one, me, Izzy! All to him – away from the truth of life! It was necessary to learn, my friend: I would believe science more than fairy tales about miracles! Of course, I am grateful to you for your participation, but it would do well to connect a head to the language, at least, sometimes. The word is only silver! I see, how amicably, almost «in unison», the faces of the commanders twist. No exceptions: Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Attila, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Zhukov. I connect with the curvature of my face – and not out of solidarity with the majority: according to inner conviction.

«Ok: we write this sentence in the protocol! But who will make a proposal that will suit everyone?»

«Having delegated» two representatives, the people – as it should be «according to the scenario» – keep silence. I have no choice but to take the word that I, «by the way», no one took.

«My word will be… about the word, I apologize for the pun, because one comrade was right when he said: «In the beginning was the word».

I looked at Jesus. He is missing a look: not yet decided with attitude. And then: maybe, I am plotting something bad once again? I state the «absence» – and I am satisfied that it is, at least, not gnashing of teeth.

«I think no one will object to the fact, that the key word should be „Council“? Because only this way – advising and accepting collective decision – we will be able to live here!»

I look around the society and get a «credibility trust» in response. Or, maybe, that’s not a «loan» anymore, but a full-fledged «remuneration for work»?!

«Then, let’s thank for participating in the collective work of our respected colleagues Jesus and Pericles…»

I note markedly grateful glance at both.

«… And let’s start from the key word. On the rights of a temporary presiding officer, I will do it the first: „Supreme Council“!»

I go around the eyes of the process participants: not one, who wants to follow me afterwards! More than that: I notice Caesar’s extended arm. Out of habit, he pulls her from the wrong angle – in the manner of the Nazi salute (although the Nazis stole the «manners» from the Romans), but he already understands, that in some way you have to ask for the word. Well: «ask, and it will be given to you».

«The floor has a colleague Caesar!»

I see: the people like my attitude, equal to all, and, together so – respectful. And, the main thing: people like that even as a temporary chairman, I «do not want to stick myself out», as one comrade would say!

«Thank you, dear Chairman,» Caesar «raises me to the title» again. «I think that I will express the general opinion…»

Caesar interrupts himself and smiles. The most intelligent «representatives of the labor collective» begin to smile behind him.

«And he did not notice how he spoke the language of our distinguished Chairman!»

But true! I myself just now realized, that I had launched a certain speech standard into circulation! I would like to think that it is the standard, not a stamp! Nicely! Damn nice!»

«But I’m not going to give up neither the words nor the form!»

Well done, Guy Yulievich: I like you more and more! I think we will work together. This is especially relevant in the context of Jesus meaningful views: the boy, by leaps and bounds, is filled with significance. And not anyhow, what: fraught with consequences for all of us.

«Therefore – once again: I think that I will express the general opinion if I say that the word „Supreme“ suits every one of us! It best reflects both the content of power and the ambitions of power – what, then, hide it! – all of us, who present here! I think it makes no sense to continue the discussion: we’ll think of nothing better.»

«As our dear Chairman says,» the alchemist wedges in with a text and a smile, «there is no need to reinvent the wheel!»

Caesar smiles.

– If our dear Chairman doesn’t consider it necessary to reinvent it, then let it be!

Since I am already being applauded in unison, I rise and bow out.

«Thank you, colleagues! It seems to me, that we are on the right path, comrades! We have to go through the final – for today – segment: personalities.»

Fatigue and indifference in the masses was not before, but now does, «as never happened»! In the verbatim report, if such a thing existed, a remark «noise, animation in the hall» would certainly appear. And then: «today my life is solved…» as one comrade would say! Because of the earthly experience and parts of the local, colleagues rub hands only with views. But sapienti sat: for clarifying the «who is who» I don’t need more.

I stumble on the eyes of Jesus easily. They are scattered with irony, so uncharacteristic of this man’s «earthly edition»! «Many are called, but few are chosen!» I read easily in my head glance. Yes, how deceptive is the first impression! I underestimated companion «from the first approach»: he clearly does not intend to confine himself to the «spoilage of blood» to Pilate and Caiaphas! In other words: a man anticipates my future problems. Well, okay: it was ours – it will be yours.

«Dear colleagues!» I conditionally «knock» with conditional «hammer» on the conditional «tribune». «There are a lot of us here! If we decide on a surname discussion, this will be the last thing we can decide on! We will simply drown in the discussion! That’s because there are no unworthy candidates!»

I see: «hit»! People stop jostling at least with their looks: even if it’s conditional, but I equated in dignity everyone! It is useful for the cause… of my authority!

«But the Supreme Council, my friends, is not rubber, and not sinecure! Here it will be necessary to work – and not on your pocket, but on your comrades! All of us! There will be neither prophets nor emperors in the Supreme Council: there will be members of the Supreme Council… from the prophets and emperors „in the old way of life“!»

People calms down: worried. I look at Jesus: the boy is still bold in his eyes. Finish, my friend: now it’s my turn to laugh!

– The initiative group has worked the entire agenda of today’s meeting! Otherwise there was no need to form it!

As for the «Initiative Group», I distort it a little: this merit, in a different version, «arbitrariness» is exclusively mine. Alchemist and Vernadsky instantly «roll out his chest» from a sense of belonging, but Jesus is wary. «And we plowed» does not suit him. He obviously would have preferred the wording «Announce the entire list, please!» before the announcement. But understanding among the masses is growing and even increasing. I like it. Dealing with a mass of personalities, though not easy, but pleasant: do not fall «below the level of the floor». Such an attempt to find a common language is a laborious and often useless process.

«Yes, you correctly understood: there is a list of candidates! I announce!»

I do not even ask for permission: the mass must be taken «warm» – like the «iron» «hot». The issue must be resolved promptly and without snot. Something like Caesar solved the Rubicon question.

«Oh, yes: a little preface. We, the Initiative Group, offer one candidate per seat. There are twelve seats total. These are the places of the members. Perhaps, there is a need for the establishment of a candidate member site. But this is how you decide. How do you decide?»

I barely have time to change the signs at the end of the sentence – and the people already agree to candidate members. And then: one and a half – more and more than one! The people even agree to stay «zero point, five-tenths»: at least, partially, but at the top!»

«So: I read out! Candidates for the positions of members of the Politburo… sorry: the Supreme Council: Solomon, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Jesus nicknamed „Christ“…»

Dust from frayed Izzy’s teeth reaches as far as «to the tribune»! Artistically, I insulted him! And you laughed at me! Here’s a lesson for you: «let the sleeping dog lie»! And then: I do not need to apologize, but Jesus! What for? For monstrous ingratitude!

«… Mohammed, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Peter the First, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin. Candidates for the Politburo… again me: for the members of the Supreme Council! – the following comrades are proposed: Pericles, Charlemagne, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong.

«And instantly it became quiet in the hall», one of the earthly comrades would not have failed to notice. I do not like such pauses – they usually promise the wrong promises. Therefore, I take again: the word, «microphone» and «bull by the horns».

«I suppose it’s not necessary to acquaint you with the biographies of candidates, dear voters: people are all famous and popular! Before why not, you probably already got it yourself. But, as they say, „repetition is the mother of learning“. Everyone knows their predecessors according to the „law of nature“ – it is the „law of history“. In addition, during the preparatory work, the Initiative Group found that almost all those, who „before“ independently got acquainted with the biographies of those, who „after“. I think the explanation of this phenomenon is not surprising. First, that’s the time factor. He was even more than enough… because it was not at all… as such, in the physical sense. Secondly: the idleness factor… blame: lack of employment. People wandered their own thoughts among other thoughts… others – and unwittingly assimilated information. This is me – about those, who are not with their will: there are no such people in the composition of the Supreme Council.»

For the benefit of a little bit, I flatter Jesus: he is probably the only from applicants, who did not fill up the baggage of knowledge. Did not consider it necessary? He believed that he already knows everything… as a «Christ»? Or: «Blessed are the poor in spirit»? If so, then how – «Seek, and ye shall find»? Although – what to take with him: he is a walking paradox! Probably, he thought – and, maybe, still thinks – that the «Son of God» is not supposed to be different.

«As you probably already understood, the Noosphere provides for us an ample opportunity to share knowledge of the past with each other – and not only on their „floors“! After all, She herself is a data bank, a „accumulator“ of knowledge and experience. Hence, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of you – if not all – were able to at least „hear“ about each other. Moreover, „not everyone got into our tight circle“! Random people we have not found! Here everything is people of thought and deed!»

I see how the breasts of my colleagues in the Noosphere begin to roll out with a wheel, and how their eyes overflow with admiration for themselves, and a little bit for me. Again, I – well done: «our sorrowful work will not be lost!» Already «not lost»! And why? That’s because a man – «he in Africa also»… that is, in the Noosphere is man:" a kind word and a cat is nice!». Now you can «take colleagues completely warm»!

«Have you any objections or additions to the list?»

The question is not at all a tribute to the form and protocol: everyone wants to «light up at the top». But «the hotel is not rubber»! And stick out at the expense of such reputable candidates – to their own detriment! And this is a hopeless case: with his word – versus mine! And then: with some word – on such «eagles»! In every case, I don’t allow me to come to my senses: I don’t delay with a pause.

«Adopted… no objections and additions! Then…»

And at this moment I am tactlessly interrupted. But, as it turns out almost immediately, this is exactly the case, which in Odessa would not fail to notice: «So that they would interrupt me so tactlessly!»

«One minute!»

Again – Caesar! It seems the guy is quite accustomed not only with earthly manners, but also with their «Russian component». Now he «asks» the words with an intelligent raising of the index finger. For complete resemblance to the twentieth century in his hand lacks only the «Parker» with a gold feather. And he does not ask for the word: he takes it without asking.

««I didn’t notice the elephant, as one comrade once said!»

I am just starting to «bulge out» and «weigh out», as they interrupt me again.

«Do not be surprised, dear Chairman. I’m here somehow met Lenin and overheard this phrase. True, he honestly referred to another comrade. But now I am talking not about that. As always, you are right, dear Chairman: those, who wanted to replenish their knowledge – the one, praise to the Noosphere, had all the possibilities for this!.. So, here: about the „elephant“…»

Caesar is already addressing voters: I apparently got my own – in any case, «at first».

«How could we forget about our dear Chairman?!»

Once again, Caesar is an unsurpassed skill to cut the truth of the womb without a diplomatic protocol.

«The Chairman is the only link between us all! I have don’t say that thanks to him we are only alive… well, we exist in the human form! But his election to the Supreme Soviet is not a tribute of gratitude, but a vital necessity!»

«What do you suggest, Caesar?»

I go to the voice and I can easily find its owner: Attila. Caesar corresponding gesture immediately assures the guy in readiness to make a proposal.

«I propose to increase the number of members to thirteen!»

Jesus pales: the guy obviously does not like… well: I don’t like this number. Therefore, he had twelve apostles?!

«Do not!»

And who is this? Bah: yes, this is Napoleon!

«What is not necessary, colleague Napoleon?»

«Do not change the quantitative composition, colleague Caesar!»

I barely hang my jaw: «Thank you», brother! Is this your payment for my good attitude to you?!


Caesar clearly agrees with me in the rejection of the audacity of Napoleon. The emperor convulsively pulls the Adam’s apple. Apparently, that’s an earthly habit: there is nothing to swallow here!

«I propose to introduce our dear Chairman to the Supreme Council instead of me!»

Here we have with Caesar jaws hang down simultaneously. And we are not alone! Sorry, brother Napoleon: I did not see a person in the emperor due to the stamps thinking! Having worked my jaw, I begin to moist my eyes.

«Thank you, colleague! But, since a good deed does not go unpunished, I propose to „punish“ a respected colleague of Napoleon with the position of a candidate for the Supreme Council.»

«Could you tell the difference?»

This time I am not «following the trail», because I have no doubt: one of the candidate members. By voice and emanation that’s Charlemagne. Nothing wrong: this is a legitimate interest. And, perhaps, that’s not because of wounded pride: there is the crowd, much more wounded here. It is possible that the comrade is simply interested in the scope of authority. In any case, I want to think that way… for myself and for Karl.

«That’s legal curiosity, colleague Carl! As they say: I hurry to satisfy! Dear voters! Dear candidates… as candidates! First of all: the position of a candidate for the Supreme Council is not a folding chair to the podium, and not powdered sugar to the bitter pill! A candidate member takes part in all affairs and meetings of the Supreme Council. He has the right not only to speak about the proposals made, but also make your own! Another issue is that the candidate has only an advisory vote. Right only a member of the Supreme Council has a decisive vote. That is, the candidate speaks out, but does not participate in the voting. But there is a candidate where to grow! Do not you, dear colleagues?»

My final words, as I suppose, break applause.

«Well, now – the final chord: we vote with the list!»

This time I not only manage without a question mark, but also replace it with an exclamation mark. The people do not rip: together pulls hands up. Due to the unanimous «approval», I additionally get around without a vote count: under such circumstances it’s not even Sisyphus, but Monkey business. But we still have to work together with the work collective! That is, we must save power.

«Thank you!»

I fasten my arms above my head, and shine a radiant smile. A start was made and quickly.

«Now everyone is free until…»

Out of habit, I pull back the sleeve – and immediately pull back: there is no wrist watch. Nothing: it is fixable. There were no hours yet for lack of need: there was no time. And there was no time because it is a property of matter. No matter – no time. But now the matter is… some! I think, dear Noosphere has already paid attention to this discrepancy to the classics. Of course, I just «think»: that’s unwise – for my part – it would pay attention directly. So I’m just «generously sharing my thoughts out loud», so that the «responsible comrades» hear.

«In general, everyone is free… until further notice.»

That’s rough, but nothing: let them get used! I did warn – with Karl Marx: it’s impossible to live in a society and be free of it! You, guys, have chosen themselves… yoke on your neck! But you are not even a flock without a «yoke» and «shepherd»! So that: «if you love to ride, do love sleigh to carry!»

«I ask the newly elected members of the Supreme Council to stay behind to resolve procedural issues and draw up work plans.»

The word «work» makes a magical impression on voters – and they are «dematerialized» instantly. Our people «remember the Earth» decisively: «Let the iron saw work!»