Read the book: «I Am», page 4


Now it was only a short distance. The remaining thirteen kilometres are covered on a road almost without traffic, because it was the beginning of the year 2015, the month of January. Suddenly, gets dark, dark clouds fill the sky, but it is a false alarm. The drought lasting already three years promised to perpetuate itself for some more time, what a pity for everyone.

A little further ahead, more bends that are negotiated easily by the experienced driver called Toledo. Nothing seemed to scare them now apart from their own internal fears.

Fifteen minutes later, the trip is completed, and the vehicle leaves them in the centre of the village, on the edges of the square and just opposite the church of Our Lady of the Mountains. Alighting, they pay the fare, say goodbye and begin to walk. Consequently, new perspectives appear.

The village of Cimbres was an historic place, one of the first to be discovered by the Portuguese in their forays to the interior of the state of Pernambuco. It didn’t develop because of the transport difficulties imposed by the mountain, but has already been the seat of the senate of the Municipality, which influence extended over the whole of the interior, part of Bahia, Paraiba and Alagoas.

What was the reason the seer had brought them there. A place that now is an indigenous area, belonging to the Xucuru nation, after long years of fighting and blood with the local landlords. The answer: Nobody knew it.

The seer goes along the main street of the village and his friends accompany him without questions. They do it for respect to him and by the assurance he transmits with his words, affection, treatment and his presence. It seemed that the man knew the right moment for everything, adjusting them perfectly. In it resided his wisdom, intelligence, dignity, tenderness and his value as son of God. Something undisputable, indeed.

They cross the entire village and approach the local cemetery. With each step the son of God seemed nervous and uncomfortable. What did he intend? Whatever it was it was something important indeed, to have had the trouble to come there, an inhospitable and frightening place.

They arrive in front of the place and as it was daytime, it is open to visitors. They go in the dead precinct, walk in between the graves and stop in front of one. At this moment, stubborn tears roll down the son of God’s face and everyone got emotional. He then spoke:

– I brought you here for a reason: To show my glory and my humanity. Before being son of God, I was human and like any other one I carried my pains and sufferings. We are in front of my father’s grave, who died when I was only fifteen years old. Despite the fact, he had been a distant father, strict, and sometimes insensible, I must recognise that he was hard worker, honest and conscious of his obligations. I was the only son that he allowed to study and through my efforts I regard myself as a great man. I am sure that he has seen my success and therefore did not want me to become a farmer. Just as well! Let him rest at a good place. (The son of God)

– He is because of your help. Your constant prayers and your day of vote soften his pain and suffering. (Rafael)

– Yahweh God loves you a lot and can do anything for you. (Added Uriel)

– Yes, I know it. His grace is always with me. (The son of God)

– I have also suffered, master. The separation with the one I regarded as my love was like dying. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– My greatest pain was the loss of my son. I was forced by the circumstances to withdraw him. But, it was not easy. (Bernadete Sousa)

– My pain was to lose my mother and to find out that my father was a boozer. Nowadays my family is God the father, the guardian and you. (Renato)

– I know it, my brothers! What I offer through the power of Yahweh, is protection, relief and the expectation of a new life. I am not offering utopia, I know that you have sufferings that cannot be forgotten even as time passes. (Aldivan)

– Then touch me, son of God! Travel though my story —Asked Bernadete Sousa.

The son of God smiles and dries the tears. It was the invitation he was waiting for to act. With a signal, he calls the apostle, she comes beside him and resting against her father’s tombstone, he touches her near her breasts, a second time. Then the vision appears instantly in his pure and sacred mind: “Bernadete returned to her normal life at her work as municipal public servant, in her social and family relationships. However, about a month later she began to suspect that something in her body was not well: Her menstrual period was late, and she began to feel indisposed and nauseated. Her mother, with some acquired experience, suspects pregnancy and asked the daughter to buy a pregnancy kit. They then chose a day free of obligations and went to town to buy it, for in the village there was no pharmacy. There, they bought the kit, took care of other things in town and later returned home. At home, Bernadete went to her bedroom and following the instructions, did the test and the result was positive. The young woman almost falls on her back! In a mixture of revolt and nonconformity, she cursed the man who had raped her for putting her in such bad situation. And now? What was she going to do with her life? She left the room, told her mother who although initially understanding demanded explanations. Afraid, the young woman decided to open and related the occurrence. After, her mother’s reaction was not the best. She called her naïve for listening to a stranger and now she was the shame of the family. She concludes by saying that she would keep it secret for a while and the best solution would be an abortion. Replying, Bernadete kicked up a fuss, but the mother closed her ears. It was beyond reason to accept the dishonour of having a single mother in the family. She had no option but to accept it.

A month later, she had an abortion at a private clinic. Just before this, left her parents’ home and decided to live on her own. Now, she was looking for answers for her endless pain. Could it be that she had the right to a new chance and God’s pardon?”

For the little that she knew of Aldivan, the son of God, she piously believed it. She was one more victim of the circumstances, of destiny and of the stereotypes that support the false moral. For the names of the good costumes, the poor, the blacks, the homosexual, the Indians, the prostitutes, the single mothers and other minorities were disdained and pre-judged, even by the closest persons. Indeed, what they all wanted, even the most conservative ones, was to have the courage of coming out of the closet and for that they preferred to criticize instead of understanding the others’ reasons.”

At the end of the touch, Aldivan moves away and appearing to be reading her mind, says:

– It is gone, sister, mine and your pain! Let’s go back to the walk!

– Yes, master! (Bernadete Sousa)

With a signal, the seer calls everyone, and together they leave the morbid cemetery. At that time, they feel hungry and proceed to the centre to look for a place that served ready food. With the help of some locals, they were told of a place, and in a few steps, they find it.

It was a small snack bar, with some tables and chairs. It was not busy, they found an empty table and sat down. They look at the menu on the table, studied it for a while all in agreement give the order to the waiter: Chicken couscous. Now, it was only waiting.

While they wait for the food to be prepared, the small talk begins.

– What do you think of the journey so far, guys? I am loving it. (The seer)

– It is doing me good to leave my little world and breath fresh air. My illness requires it. Thank you very much for inviting me, Aldivan! (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Don’t mention it, dear! (The seer)

– I want to say thank you too. The experience with you is being excellent. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Nothing at all! We thank you for your presence. (The seer)

– I am learning more all the time, partner. Soon, I will be completely enlightened by your great soul. (Renato)

– You also teach me, Renato! I can see in you the youngster I was a few years ago. Believe me, I can see glorious future for you. (Aldivan)

– I wish it! (Renato)

– The cycle is continuing inexorably. In the end, the wish of many hearts will be realised. (Rafael)

– On this path, we will face obstacles, losses, inner fights, the destiny links and our own fragile mind. But if we follow the right conductor cable, we have great chances of success. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– I believe it, friends. I have already been in worse situations and won. Together, we have the force of Yahweh the father, which is a legion, and surely, we have conditions to triumph. Trust me! (The son of God)

Everyone seems to agree. The waitress arrives with the order and everyone starts filling their plates. Immediately, they start eating, and the conversation goes a bit cold. With good manners they concentrate on the meal.

Thirty minutes later, they finish, ask for something to drink, and drink quickly. At a signal, they get up, pay the bill and leave the snack bar. Outside, in the streets of the centre, while walking, the seer speaks again.

– I have just had an idea. What about pay a visit to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces, at the guard’s place, not far?

– It sounds good to me. What do you think guys? (Renato)

– I will go to wherever you go, my lord and master. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Like the old saying goes, if we are in the rain we will get wet. Yes, let’s go. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Excellent idea! Are we going, brother? (Rafael)

– Yes. It is written! (Uriel)

– Very well. Let’s try to find a car to hire. (The seer)

And so, they do. Talking to some locals, they were informed of a taxi driver at the back street. They then cross the street towards south, pass ten houses on the right and arrive at his residence. Knocking twice on the main door, they are attended by the said person looking potbellied, intruded and perturbed, wearing a pair of beach sandals, torn Bermuda shorts and shirtless.

Being surrounded by strangers, he speaks:

– What do you want, gentlemen?

– We understand that you are a taxi driver. Could you take us to guard’s place? (The seer)

– Of course. How much can you pay? (Taxi driver)

– Fifty bucks. Is it alright with you? (The seer)

– It is alright. Wait a moment. I am getting the car. (Taxi driver)

– Ok. (The seer)

Heading to the side garage, the taxi driver whose name is Klebson Barbosa, gets there in a few paces. In the garage, he gets in his powerful, a black combi model 2015, took off, and stopped at the exit, closed the garage and called his clients. One by one they get in the car and when everyone is in, they depart.

The distance to the sanctuary was approximately three kilometres, was quickly covered because of the vehicle high speed. In a blink of the eyes, they leave the village, catch the main dirt road and heading straight ahead in a westerly direction, they arrived at sanctuary imbedded in the mountain. The driver stops the car at the edges of the great path, they alight and arrange with Klebson Barbosa to wait for them for it would be a quick visit. After, they begin climbing up the stairs leading to the top.Barbosa waits for them for the visit would be quick. After, they start climbing the stairs leading to top.

Step by step, the visitors go on climbing and at each step, the emotion is greater. It was there, that in the previous century, the virgin appeared to two innocent children. The same lady who had appeared several times in the special life of the seer.

Something inside is telling him that it would be one more great experience to be lived in a truly important moment. There were six people moved by their own anxieties living a delicate situation. Everything boiled down to the hope promised by the son of God and this makes them advance even more. They cover quarter, half-way and they approach the end of the way.

A while later they complete it and placed themselves in front of the sanctuary. While some pray, others admire the beauty of the mountain. Emotional, the seer speaks:

– My brothers, we are at a sacred place. Here reside the graces of Mary, Jesus mother. Through this blessed woman, I can say I was healed and blessed by God. Mary, is the example of courage, determination and faith for the Christians and all other denominations. How good is having you as friend, Mary. (The seer)

– How is Mary? (Renato)

– A sweet person. Understanding, polite and respectful. Apart it, very humble despite her greatness. (The seer)

– Cool! I would like to know her too. (Renato)

– Me too. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Ditto. (Bernadete Sousa)

– You know her, brothers. Mary is represented by any simple and suffering woman of this immense northeast through the phenomenon of communion. (Aldivan)

– Exactly. For any good deed, she is more present in the women’s private life. (Rafael)

– Despite not being a Goddess, she is an example of behaviour for everyone. (Added Uriel)

The seer drops his head and says a private prayer. A while later, stretches his arm and touch the icon placed in the mountain’s cave. He then has a light private vision. After, he takes away his arm and speaks again:

– How great is God, our father! He raises the humble, the poor and the discriminated. He prefers looking for the sinner for they are the ones who need rescue. In our kingdom, there will be no pain, no suffering, injustices or any inequality. Everyone will adore the father and the sons at Mount Sian. (The son of God)

– Amen! (Bernadete Sousa)

– Glory! (Uriel)

– What shall we do now, master? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– We return to the village. Time presses. (Aldivan)

– Ok. (Renato)

– Let’s go! (Rafael)

The members of the group start going down the sanctuary stairs. At this point, the atmosphere is peaceful and tranquil, despite all the expectations involved in the adventure. What was awaiting them? Would they reach the final objective? The answers would be found as the events unfold and it was something not to worry about at present. As Jesus taught, to every day its own worry. What will be, will be.On the way they take advantage of admiring the local beauty, an unknown Europe, located in the interior of the Brazilian northeast. With its cacti, stones, steep mountains, rare vegetation typical of caatinga, thorns, and its welcoming people made a unique union of elements, worthy of admiration. A little of Brazil, gigantic by its nature.

At the bottom of the stairs, they rest for a while. When they are ready one by one gets in the car parked on the side. When everyone is in, they depart at a good speed.

Passing through the already known places, among mountains, trees on the road side and traffic of people and vehicles, they arrive safe at the village. As it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon, they talk to the driver and hired him to take them to Pesqueira, where they would spend the night.

Thus, they leave the village, catch the asphalt road and start he dangerous descent down the mountain. While Klebson tries to negotiate the sinuous road, the passengers try to amuse themselves in the best way possible, chatting, reading books, listening to music and even learning from the silence. The group composed of two women, two angels and two men, has already strengthen enough to understand one another despite each one being a specific world.

One of the objectives, the communion, was going very well, fruit of their efforts and dedication. Remained to continue the journey, meet new people needing help and change their lives. As the seer was teaching, everything was possible for those who believe in God, and nobody was a lost case, sufficing believe in his name, his father’s, and the darkness of knowledge would be lit by his great light.

Everything was heading for the realization of ideas. Going at a good speed, they are covering the physical stages one by one, passing relevant points. The difficulties caused by the narrow road and an eventual surprise on the way, is compensated by the faith and dedication to the cause by everyone. They deserved to be congratulated.

Exactly twenty minutes after departing from the historic village, they have reached the mountain of Ororubá, from where the cluster of the houses in Pesqueira, can be seen. Pesqueira beloved land, town of the lace, industry and grace, which blesses its children. Together with Arcoverde, where the son of God favourite homes, for it was there that everything has started.

Now, little remained to arrive at the headquarters and these last minutes are decisive in everyone’s life. They make small talk with the driver, before saying goodbye. Klebson Barbosa has already marked everyone’s lives, although is role is secondary. This happened because the son of God and his friends did not differentiate between people. As Yahweh, they were open to make friends and accept anyone.

It was thus, that in a mixture of harmony and complicity, they arrive at the centre of the municipal headquarters. Kindly, Kleberson Barbosa drops them at the door of the inn, they say goodbye, pay the fare and finally alight from the car.

Carrying their baggage, go in the place, form a queue at the reception and after registering, head to their rooms. At the Sunray Inn, they would rest the remainder of the afternoon and arrange to meet in the evening. This was extremely necessary for the fatigue was very noticeable in their bodies and fragile minds. Till the evening.

The afternoon passes quickly. At about 18H00, they awake almost at the same time and one by one they head to the dining room. With a few steps, they get there, get into the self-service queue, fill the plates and when they finish, look for a peaceful place to sit down and eat. As it was not busy, they find the perfect place at the second table on the right.

They start eating. In between spoonful, they interacted among themselves, increasing their empathy. However, there was still a long way to go.

After twenty-five minutes, they finish dinner and together head to the reception area. There, they play, watch TV, listen to music, tell jokes and make friends with the other guests. They spent about four hours doing it. Later, they say goodbye and head to their rooms to try to sleep. The next day, other surprises promised to appear. Continue to follow, readers.


A new day breaks with great intensity. The sun rises, inundating the environment with its powerful rays. In contrast, a gentle and cool breeze blows, helping to awake and relax them.

However, there was no time to waste. The angels got up early and with the consent of the proprietor, went to call the other to have breakfast.

One by one, they are expelled from their rooms, get together and head to the dining room. The short distance is quickly covered and like in the previous evening, they help themselves. When they finish, go to eat peacefully, sitting around a nearby table, in that beautiful promising morning.

Everything seemed to be in an atmosphere of peace and war at the same time. Let me explain. Peace for having faithfully completed the schedule up to now and internal war for not having concrete definitions about the future of the next events. Apart from being anxious, they had a growing desire of controlling their destiny, what in most cases was not possible, causing frustration in them. However, nothing was taken as definitive.

The great virtue they possessed was optimism and it helped to face any situation, including arguments among them. One of them occurs at breakfast time, but Rafaela with her authority manages to control it. It was a silly argument between the women about the importance of each one. Just as well that at the end they made up.

It was in leaps and bounds that they finish breakfast. In a quick briefing, they chose a place to go to, return to their rooms, pack the bags, leave again, pay the stay, say goodbye and leave the establishment. The “I am” of each one, inside them, shouted to be heard and echoed in their minds.

From the centre, they head in an easterly direction with destination to one of the ends of the town. During the crossing on foot, they meet acquaintances, strangers and face the chaotic traffic when crossing the streets. Even so, they don’t get discouraged.

Gradually, they pass by important points, such the avenue going down to the bus station, the Franciscan convent and reach the Avenue of Recife, turn left towards the Pesqueira IFPE unit.

Now every step was decisive because they were approaching the destination. Walking for about two hundred metres they stop in front of an abandon house. At a signal, they all come close, pass through the entrance, access the external area and at this point the son of God speaks.

– My brothers, I am in front a symbol of my past. In 2002, I was passing through here and I heard a dark story from my friends, about this place, involving assassination, justice, spirituality and fear. The time has gone by, but even so I have not forgotten the story. My aim now is to get an explanation to what has happened— Finalized the seer.

As soon as he said that, everything seemed to change. Mysteriously, the gate closes behind them. Dark clouds partial cover the sun and the cries can be heard inside the house frightening the humans. Rafael them speaks:

– Calm down, Guardian! Pardon our friend for his curiosity. We promise to go away immediately and leave you in peace.

Making a signal, Rafael called Uriel and together they grabbed the humans and flew over the wall. In seconds, they were outside. They walk again in the opposite way and then the angel explains:

– It is not the time yet, son of God! You are not ready yet. (Rafael)

– I don’t understand. Why not? (the son of God)

– Do not ask us. That is best thing to do now – Intervened Uriel.

– Very well. (The son of God)

– What is the next step, Rafael? (Renato)

– Let’s continue the journey – He answered.

– Ok. (Renato)

– Let’s us be lucky! (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I wish, cat! (The seer)

– I am ready, Aldivan. Could you touch me? (Bernadete Sousa)

– I was waiting for it, my servant. (The seer)

Aldivan goes near his apostle. Affectionately, stretches his arm and this time touches the tip of her fingers. The smoothness of her skin makes him vibrate and have the vision of her future:

“Bernadete was having a cup of tea at home, reclined on a chair in the lounge. At fifty years of age, recalls the main events of her busy life: the upbringing from her parents, her growing up together with friends at the village of Mimoso, the passage the adolescence, the rape, the abortion and the promise from a young man that everything could change. Encouraged by his words, had accepted his invitation to travel through the world and had truly discovered a father and a son prepared to do anything for her. He demonstrated much love and as reward she dedicated herself to the neighbour at asylum nearby. Besides, she spreads her message to all who knew her. Through these deeds, she discovered the true happiness and was sure of her welcome in the kingdom of God, when she departed from the terrestrial life. She had found her inner “I am” and understood the father’s “I am” through his son called seer, divine, Aldivan Teixeira Torres, and exceptional guy beside other adjectives. The universe and the benign forces were conspiring to her success and it was only that, she wished from the one who changed her life. Blessed be he! Repeats internally. With a smile on her face, gets up from the chair and goes to do her domestic chores and take care of her cat Tobit, the sole companion in her home. And life would continue…”

The seer takes his hand away after the vision. Embraces again the apostle and with a signal he asks that her and her friends go with him. The silence reveals much more than if he had spoken and Bernadete understands it. Not everything could have an answer and the important was to commit herself to the present mission. Always forward!

The group, walking at a good speed, comes down from Prado neighbourhood towards the centre. Turn at the Avenue of Recife, go straight for a few hundred metres, turn another corner and follow the neighbourhood main avenue.

Remaining at the same rhythm, they cover the route to the bus station in fifteen minutes. In front of the single storey building they go forward a little and buy the tickets at the ticket office. After, they settle at the waiting room.

They waited for more than thirty minutes before the bus arrived. One by one, they get in and sit down on the empty seats. When all the passengers were inside the bus departs.

In the short trip, the only thing they do is to rest in face so many worries. They knew independently for what may happen, they were already to be congratulated by their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm to their causes. However, they wanted and dreamed of more.

In this way they arrived at their next stop in ten minutes: the town of Sanharó. Carrying their heavy suitcases, they climb down from the bus at the edges of the highway and walk on foot to the town centre.

With his knowledge of the town, the seer looks for an inn that could accommodate them all. They find it a few minutes later. Sanharó had changed little since the time he worked there for two months as administrative agent, at the municipality administrative headquarters. It had grown, it was noticeable, but it didn’t change the feeling of quiet and welcoming place.

Known as the town of cheese and milk, the name derived from a black bee, existing locally, meaning in indigenous language cross or excited. Data from 2014: Area: 256 km sq.; population: 24,556 inhabitants; IDH: 0.603.

They were, in front the small inn, a modest building, style chalet, with asphalt large entrance. Gathering the remaining courage, they enter the establishment, speak to the proprietor and settle the basics. After, they go to relax a little. In the afternoon, new emotions are awaiting them. Each one tries to enjoy the morning rest in their respective rooms, which were equipped with gadgets of the latest generation: Some sleep, other watch TV, others listen to music or read books. These rare moments in a tiresome and demanding journey were like a balm to their fatigued bodies.

Nearing lunch time they meet again and eat together. They take advantage to finalize the journey’s next details. At the end of thirty minutes, they decided to go out together. The seer’s objective was to introduce them to someone special too.

From the centre they head in a southern direction, from side to side in the streets of the small place, and two blocks after, arrive in front of a medium size masonry house, about 6x14, type house, with garden and swimming pool, walled in front. At the main gate, they knock a single time and immediately someone comes to attend them. It was a man about 50 years old, short, belly—potted, round body, brown eyes, black hair and white skin. With an expression of indignation, he speaks when he gets closer.

– What do you want, gentlemen?

– It is me, Osmar. Don’t you remember? I worked with you at the prefecture. (The son of God)

Osmar, looks Aldivan completely up and down, and at the end smiles. How to forget the dreamer who on the slack hours at work would write his book, because he didn’t have a computer? Numerous times I felt admiration for him, then a lad in the bygone times of the year 2007.

With a few steps, advances towards him and gives him a great hug. Aldivan did the same and both live the reencounter moment intensely. They were two sister and companion souls that have lost contact because of the circumstances of life.

At the end of the embrace, Osmar ruffles his shoulder long hair and starts to speak again:

– And these, are your friends?

– Yes. (Aldivan)

– Aldivan’s friends are my friends too. Please, come in. The house is yours. (Osmar)

– Thank you. (Rafael, in the name of the group)

Osmar enters the house again and the others follow him. They pass a small lounge, a passage and into the living room, furnished with rack shelves, sofa, chairs and table, leather carpet on the floor, pictures and other ornaments on the walls and Persian curtains at the entrance Everything well organized and in good taste.

Some sit down on the sofa and others on the chairs. Ringing a bell, he calls the maid who brings tea, juice, cold drinks, beer, wine. Fruit, cake and biscuits, for the visitors. Once having served the maid is relieved. Osmar and the others a have the chance start a conversation which promises to be decisive.

– To what do I have the honour of the visit to my home of the dreamer aspiring to be a writer?

– I don’t aspire anymore, Osmar. I face writing as work and entertainment, I cannot live without it anymore. (The seer)

– Excellent! I am happy for you! Are you passing by? (Osmar)

– We are on a trip to the seaside. Looking for new stories. (Rafael)

– You are also invited to participate —Said the seer in a firm voice.

– I don’t know…I am feeling very confused. (Stuttered Osmar)

– I know it. I can feel it. (The son of God)

– Have you got something to tell us? (Uriel)

Osmar stays quiet for a while. Could it be that he could trust people who he hardly knew? How could they help him? These and other pertinent questions were going around in his perturbed mind. In a sudden decision, he decides to risk it.

– Yes, I have got something to tell. But tell me something more about yourselves. What is your names, beautiful lasses? (Osmar)

–My name is Rafaela Ferreira. I am from Arcoverde and at present I am going through a severe phase of depression.

– I am Bernadete Sousa. I had an abortion soon after being raped. The son of God is helping me to go through these times.

– Pleasure. My name is Osmar Pontes. I am unemployed at the time, living off my savings during my working times.

– Pleasure too. (The two women simultaneously)

– Unemployed? Have you left the prefecture? (The son of God

– Yes. I had a few problems there, that forced me to leave. But I am well financially, don’t worry. When I reach the pension age, I will ask for my retirement. (Osmar)