A Mistletoe Proposal

From the series: Mills & Boon By Request
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Andrea poured another cup for him. He’d slept on the couch and had opened his Christmas present early because he’d be gone hunting over Christmas. She’d listened to him rant about the numskulls at his work.

While he’d turned on the TV and was grazing the channels for the news, Andrea had slipped into the bedroom to phone her mom. To her delight she found out that Rex was taking her to dinner that evening. Then the subject changed to Rick Jenner and the scene with Tessa.

“But I can’t talk about that right now, Mom. I’ll call you later once Dad’s gone.”

After she came out of her bedroom, she saw breaking news flash across the TV screen. “...case you just joined us, we’re in downtown Providence on the scene of a raging nine-alarm fire that is engulfing the old furniture mart.” Nine?

Her father whistled. “That’s one mean fireball. I’d hate to be the firefighter I met last night.”

Andrea was already quaking in her boots over Rick. Today was supposed to be his day off. She’d heard one of the firefighters say they could all stay up late for the party and sleep in. But word of a fire of this magnitude would reach every firefighter in the city. She hadn’t known Rick long, but she knew he wouldn’t stay in bed once he heard the news. Her stomach muscles tensed.

“The recent rash of fires in the downtown area seems to indicate an arsonist might be involved.”

Andrea remembered what Rick had said. I’ve a gut feeling this one loves to light fires for the fun of it. He wants notoriety and is the worst kind.

When her father turned off the television, she wished he hadn’t. Now that she’d seen the fire, she couldn’t think about anything else. “I’d better head home to make things right with Monica.”

Andrea pretended she didn’t know anything about their troubled marriage. “What happened?”

“I told her when I married her I didn’t want to get involved with her kids.”

No. Andrea’s father could hardly handle having one child of his own. What a blow it must have been to her mother when she discovered the kind of man she’d married. The difference between him and someone like Rick Jenner, who adored his daughter and was devoted to her, was too astounding to contemplate. She found his parka and helped him put it on.

“It’s good to see my little girl.” After putting a new can of bear mace on the coffee table as his contribution to her Christmas, he gave her a hug. He’d always had trouble parting with his money unless it was for more ammunition or a new scope for his rifle. She thanked him and hugged him back before going downstairs with him.

“It’s a fine day now that it’s snowed,” he exclaimed after opening the door to the alley. “But I’d rather be up in Alaska.”

That was his mantra. “Drive safely.”

The second he took off, she raced upstairs to grab her things, then ran down and got into her car. Once out on the street she could see the dark plumes of smoke over the downtown area, making her feel sicker as she listened to the radio report. Without conscious thought she drove to the fire station. If she saw Rick’s Toyota there, then she’d know he’d been called in to help fight the blaze.

After turning into the driveway to the station parking lot, she spotted it with several other cars and broke out in perspiration. But maybe he was inside the station. She had to find out, and she went in. To her consternation she discovered there was only a skeleton crew on duty. Captain Jenner had been called to the downtown fire.

It was too late to remember that someone on duty would tell him she’d been by. So much for her avowal that she wasn’t interested in any kind of a relationship with him. She wasn’t, but she feared the danger of a fire of that magnitude. Her thoughts leaped to Tessa. The idea of her daddy not making it back home was too ghastly to contemplate.

She called her mother again. “Have you seen the news about the fire on TV?”

“Yes. I’ve been watching, and I thought immediately of Captain Jenner.”

“I was fixing Dad’s breakfast when he turned on the news.”

“Where’s your father now?”

“He’s gone back home. I’ll come over later, but there are some things I need to do first.”

“All right, darling.”

Andrea headed to the hardware store. When she came out the smoke in the sky wasn’t as black as before. Part of her wanted to drive down by the fire, but another part preferred to stay in denial about him fighting the fire, so she headed for the shop.

While she listened to the news she kept busy placing the dowels and cleaning up after her father. By now the fire was 95 percent contained, but there’d been injuries. A number of firefighters had been taken to Providence general hospital. One had died on the way after a wall had collapsed on him, but no names were being given out yet.

Andrea cried out in anguish. It could be Rick, or one of his friends at the party. She couldn’t breathe until she knew the truth. Without hesitation she drove to the hospital. The main streets en route had been plowed. Andrea parked underground and followed the signs to Emergency.

When she saw Rick’s name on the wall chart, her heart thudded like the striking of an anvil. After inquiring at triage, she was told he was in cubicle eight and she could go back. Behind the blue curtain she found him.

To her everlasting surprise and gratitude, he was sitting on the end of the hospital bed in his uniform, breathing oxygen. As far as she could tell, nothing else was wrong with him. When he saw her walk in, his eyes suddenly gleamed a brighter green. Surrounding him were three of the foulest-smelling, grubby-looking firefighters she’d ever seen.

Arney and Jose she recognized from last night’s party. “Hey, Andrea,” they said in unison with a decided grin. “You’re one sight for sore eyes. How did the boss find you and how come he’s so lucky?”

A smile broke out on her face. “I must say you guys looked a little better last night,” she teased, ignoring their questions.

“Yeah, well, now you’re seeing the real us.”

“Whoa—” the other firefighter exclaimed. “I know I’ve never seen you before.” His blue eyes studied her in a way she found too bold. “Someone introduce me.”

Jose smiled. “Andrea? As you can see, Chase is dying to make your acquaintance. Andrea runs the Hansel and Gretel shop downtown.”

“Is that so? Well, I’m just going to have to drop by, then.”

Andrea hoped he wouldn’t.

“Chase swung in from another station to assist,” Arney explained.

Thankfully the attending physician came in and took Rick’s vital signs, preventing her from having to make a comment. Something about the other firefighter’s attitude was borderline obnoxious to her.

“Can he drive back to the station with us, Doc?”

“I can’t release him for an hour. Just so you know, your captain won’t be going to work tomorrow. For the time being it’s home and total bed rest. Follow my advice and you shouldn’t have any lasting effects.”

The guys didn’t sound happy about it, but Andrea rejoiced that the doctor had taken charge. For the rest of today and tomorrow he’d be safe!

After the doctor left the cubicle, Rick pulled down his mask, still staring at her. “All right, you guys. Get out of here.”

Andrea thought he sounded slightly hoarse but completely like his confident self. She sent up a silent prayer of thanksgiving that Tessa’s daddy had been spared to live another day.

“We’re going.” Arney grinned and punched him on the shoulder. One way or another the guys managed to give a physical manifestation of their affection and relief by a nudge or some other gesture.

Their camaraderie revealed they were a close-knit family of which she wasn’t a part. This was Rick’s element, a whole other world, and he was happy in it. She could see that. They belonged to a special club, unconsciously making her feel excluded.

Chase filed out last, not paying attention to Rick. He gave her a look that made her uncomfortable. “I’ll be getting in touch with you.” She wanted to call back, “Please don’t.”

When they were alone she urged Rick to lie back down, but he ignored her. Maybe she was wrong, but something about the other firefighter seemed to have made him tense. His next question was unrelated. “How did you know I was here?”

She told him the sequence of events, starting with her father sleeping over. Through narrowed lids he appeared to digest everything she said. “I thought you didn’t want anything more to do with me.”

“I don’t, but the nine-alarm fire was on every channel.”

“You knew it was my day off.”

“True—however, it was such a huge fire I figured you’d be called in. When I drove to the fire station and saw your car in the parking area, then I knew you’d gone on duty.”

“You actually drove there to see?” A glint of satisfaction entered his eyes.

“Yes. I was concerned when I found out there were injuries...and a death.”

He nodded gravely. “A father of four.”

“I heard. It’s so tragic.” Her voice shook. “Thank heaven it wasn’t you. Tessa wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

“I don’t plan to die on her if I can help it.” He bit out the words.

“I realize that.”

“Now that you’re here, would you be willing to wait long enough to drive me to the station for my car when I’m released?”

“I’ll drive you home first,” she said without hesitation. “Doctor’s orders. We’ll arrange for your car later. Don’t talk anymore, Rick. Give your throat and lungs a rest. If you’ll give me your housekeeper’s phone number, I’ll let her know you’ll be home in another hour.”


Andrea knew she shouldn’t be overjoyed that he wanted her help to get home. But if he hadn’t asked her, she would have worried that much more about him.

* * *

When the nurse pushed Rick outside the hospital in the wheelchair, Andrea was waiting right there in her car. The woman was tying him up in knots. He climbed inside and fastened the seat belt before they took off. If it had taken him breathing too much smoke to see her again, he wasn’t complaining.

The doctor had said his heart rate was a little high. What the medic didn’t know was that moments before, Andrea had walked into the cubicle. After figuring he’d never see her again unless he made it happen, he knew the shock of realizing she’d come to see him on her own had played havoc with his vital organ.

A lot could happen in twenty-four hours. He planned to use every one of them wisely.

“Are you feeling terrible?” Andrea sounded anxious.

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”

He looked over at her lovely profile. “I’m sorry that the death of one of my colleagues alarmed you enough to bring you to the hospital. I’m sure it was a reminder of what happened to your husband. I wish you could have been spared. Tell me. What did you do with your day after your father left?”

“Besides worry about you, I bought some dowels and put them in the windows.”

“I’m glad you took my advice.”

“If they’ll act as a deterrent, then I’m indebted to you.” He noticed her hands grip the wheel a little tighter. “Was the furniture mart a set fire?”

“Benton thinks so, but it’ll take a day to find the proof.”

She flashed him a glance. “What’s your opinion?”

“I think this particular pyro is having a field day.”

“Tell me about your friend who died. How old are his children?”

“He has two teenagers and two in their twenties.” Rick saw telltale tears trickle from her eyes. “Becoming a firefighter is a lot like joining the military. Everyone knows there’s going to be risk.”

“I’m sure they do.”

He wanted to get off that subject to talk about something more important. “Is your father going to be in town for the week?”

“No. When he comes two or three times a year, he’s always just passing through.”

“It’s obvious you’re very close to your mother.”

“As opposed to my father, who was never a family man, but I’m sure you already figured that out even before you met him.”

“It’s his great loss for not spending time with you. He told me he doesn’t like you living on your own.”

“He said that because the loft is small and I don’t have a guest room for him.”

“Andrea? Be serious.”

“I am. He hates my couch.”

Rick shuddered to think what kind of father hers had been. All the lost opportunities.

Andrea pulled into his driveway, where she parked to the side to leave room for another car. He gave her a covert glance. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

But he didn’t hear her response because he’d already opened the passenger door and Tessa had come running out of the house without boots or a parka. “Daddy—” She sounded ecstatic and flew into his arms.

After giving him a hard hug, she stared at Andrea. While his mind sought an explanation his daughter could handle, Andrea spoke up. “Hi, Tessa. Your daddy needed a ride home because he was so excited to see you. Now I’m going home.”

His little girl shifted her gaze back to him. “Sharon said you breathed too much smoke, Daddy. I’m going to take care of you because Mommy told me to.” She pulled on his hand to get him out of the car.

His daughter’s sweetness made his heart quake. “You always take perfect care of me.”

“See you,” Andrea called to them before backing out of the driveway. Helpless to do anything else at the moment, Rick had to let her go. The last thing he saw was the sheen of her wet blue eyes before she drove off.

Tessa helped him inside the house. “Sharon says you have to take a shower and go straight to bed.”

His housekeeper met him in the foyer. “We’re glad you’re home. I’ll bring you dinner when you’re ready.”

Rick was so drowsy from whatever had been put into his IV, he barely made it to his bedroom. After he collapsed on the bed to get his second wind, he knew nothing more until thirst brought him out of a deep sleep. He reached for his water and drank until he’d emptied the glass.

When he opened his eyes, he discovered it was quarter after nine. That was the time he’d gone to his room last night. It meant he’d slept twelve hours! The last thing he remembered was being ordered to bed.

He rolled off the mattress, aware he was breathing more easily. He didn’t feel he needed the inhaler. But once on his feet, he still felt weak. Some breakfast would make all the difference.

After a visit to the bathroom, he left for the kitchen in his sweats and T-shirt, expecting to see Sharon and Tessa, but they weren’t there. He checked the note on the fridge under the magnet.

Nancy came over this morning and took Tessa home with her so you could sleep. She’ll bring her back this afternoon. I’ll be home from the grocery store shortly. Your friends brought your car home from the station, so don’t worry about a thing.

He drank a quart of milk and munched on a banana and a couple of peanut butter sandwiches before checking his phone messages. There were half a dozen, but of course nothing from Andrea. She didn’t have his cell phone number, but he had given her the land line number so she could call Sharon. But when he checked those messages, there still wasn’t one from her.

Remembering the tears in her eyes before she’d backed down the drive, he realized she’d heard Tessa and didn’t want to say or do anything to upset his daughter more. Though touched by her sensitivity, he didn’t want Andrea distancing herself because of it. He’d find a middle ground for them no matter how long it took.

As he walked down the hall, he heard the sounds of the animated elf band he’d set up around the Christmas tree. He frowned. That was odd. He hadn’t remembered hearing it on his way to the kitchen.

Clearly mystified, he headed for the living room and collided with a heavenly female form just coming down the hall in jeans and a melon-colored cotton sweater.

Andrea, as he lived and breathed.

A cry escaped her throat. “I thought I heard you in the kitchen.”

“I needed food.”

She bit her lip. “In case you weren’t dressed, I didn’t want to surprise you, so I turned on the elf band.”

His hands shot out to steady her. Sharon must have let her in this morning. “How long have you been here?”

“Not long.”

“What a welcome surprise,” he murmured in a gravelly voice. Maybe he was dreaming. All he knew was that he had to taste her mouth again. He’d been hungering for it since the other night.

“No, Rick—” she begged. “This isn’t why I came over.” But it was too late. He’d already stifled most of the sound. In the next instant he pressed her against the wall in the hall and found himself devouring her, bite by delicious bite. What made everything more miraculous was that she was giving him breathtaking permission.

Between the flowery scent of her hair and the warmth of her luscious body, he felt transported. He forgot the time as his hands roamed over her back and hips. Being with her like this made him feel young and alive again. She clung to him in a way that told him she was experiencing ecstasy, too.

“Why do you say no when you mean yes? You’re torturing me.”

“It’s not on purpose,” she whispered against the side of his neck.

“Yes, it is. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? How exciting?” He kissed her scented throat. “Ever since I saw you through the display window, I fought not to want you, but it happened anyway.”

“I know,” she admitted, sounding breathless. “I never thought I could feel this way again and I didn’t want to either. I still don’t.” She eventually tore herself from his arms. “This couldn’t be good for you. I came to find out if you were all right. How are you feeling?”

Andrea could ask him a question like that after what they’d been doing in the hallway? “Would that I could wake up every morning feeling this...marvelous.” If he wasn’t mistaken, she blushed. “But I need a minute to shower. Promise me you won’t leave, or you’ll have to put up with a grubby firefighter whose beard must be two inches long.”

Her eyes studied his features. “Maybe an inch,” she teased.

“By what miracle are you here?”

“I called to see how you were. Sharon said you were still sleeping and Tessa had gone out with her grandmother. When I asked if there was anything I could do, she said I could babysit while she went shopping. Since I promised to stay till she came back, you have my word I won’t leave. But after your shower, you need to lie down, Rick. Doctor’s orders.”

He grinned. “Yes, nurse.” Rick pressed a hot kiss to her mouth before disappearing, but knowing she was waiting for him, he decided it was going to be the fastest shower and shave in history.


RICK MIGHT BE recovering from smoke inhalation, but the way he’d kissed her in the hallway just now, she still hadn’t recovered from what she considered a more serious problem. Andrea sat down on the couch and had to acknowledge she was crazy about him.

To be alone with him for any length of time could be disastrous if she didn’t want to end up in his bed. Hopefully Sharon would return soon. Rick seemed to have this power over her. When she was near him, rational thought ceased and only desire remained. Deep down she’d known from the first he could become an addiction. He already was her addiction. The only way to break it was to go cold turkey.


She hurried into the hallway. “Yes?”

“I’m waiting for you. It’s the last door on the right.”

Since she’d told him to lie down, she couldn’t very well tell him it wouldn’t be a good idea to join him. Her stomach got flutters when she found him clean shaven and stretched out on top of his bed in a different pair of sweats and T-shirt. He was gorgeous no matter his physical condition.

“What took you so long?” he asked in a deep voice that sent delicious chills through her body. “Come and sit by me.” He patted the place next to him.

Since he didn’t have a chair, Andrea chose to sit near his feet. His half smile turned her heart over. With charm like that he could get her to do whatever he wanted. “Can I bring you something to drink?”

“I’m not hungry or thirsty. What I want is to talk to you. Without Tessa, it’s the perfect time to get some matters straight with us.”

Andrea took a shuddering breath. “I agree, but doesn’t your throat still hurt?”

“No. That long sleep did me a world of good. Finding you here has made my day.”

Finding you alive yesterday made mine.

“I have a confession. On my way home from Barrow’s Cove, I bought a book for Tessa. I was going to send it to her from me, but everything has changed since then. Since I agree she needs the emotional love that gifts can’t give her, I thought maybe you could slip it in with her toys from Santa. It’s in my purse in the living room.”

He leaned forward with a concerned expression in his eyes. “I’m sorry I came across so heavy-handed with you in the beginning, Andrea.”

“But I understand why you did.”

“You’re an amazingly forgiving, generous person. You need to know I’m no longer going to tiptoe around Tessa where you’re concerned. You shouldn’t have to either, because I intend to go on seeing you. Yesterday I told her you’re my friend. It gave her a lot to think about.”

Andrea stood up in panic. “We can’t be friends, let alone anything more. It won’t work.”

His handsome face darkened with lines. “Why not?”

“You know why.”

“Because of Tessa?”

“That’s a part of it.”

He got to his feet. Suddenly the bedroom seemed so small. “What’s the other part?”

“I meant what I said before. I don’t want to get into another relationship if that’s where this is headed. Just a few minutes ago you admitted you fought your initial attraction to me, too. It’s because in the end I can’t give you what you want any more than you can satisfy my needs. We’re better off parting company for good today.”


A dark brooding look descended. “How can you be so cold-blooded when just a few minutes ago we were communicating in the most elemental of ways and didn’t want to stop?”

She lifted her chin. “That’s called chemistry, but it doesn’t supply all the other things needed to make up a relationship that will last forever.”

“You and I have both learned the brutal lesson that nothing can be counted on to last forever, but a fire’s been lit and it’s not going to go away any time soon.”

“It will if we don’t see or talk to each other again,” she responded emotionally.

“You think it’s that easy to douse the flames licking at us? I fight fires every day. Some become fully involved. That’s what has happened to us.”

Andrea shook her head. “I don’t believe it can’t be put out. I met that attractive female firefighter Susie at the party. Deanna told me she’s single. During the time I was there, she didn’t take her eyes off you. A woman with interests like yours would be a great match for you.”

His mouth thinned. “What interests?”

“You both fight fires. It’s who you are and what you do.”

“If I’d been interested in Susie, I would have taken her to the party.” His voice grated.

“Fine. All I’m saying is, there’s a whole world of wonderful women out there who, given the chance, would love you and your daughter and want to start a new family with you.”

“But you’re not one of them.”

“I can’t be.”

His dark expression grew forbidding. “You’re keeping something from me, and I mean to find out what it is.”

“Yoo-hoo, Rick.”

Mrs. Milne couldn’t have chosen a better moment to return. “I have to leave now.” Andrea started down the hall to the living room. Rick was right behind her.

“If you want me to fix you and Andrea something to eat, just tell me,” his housekeeper called from the kitchen.

“Thanks, Sharon, but we’re fine right now.”

Andrea hurried over to the couch to get her purse. Just as she pulled out the gift-wrapped book to give to him, Tessa came running into the house straight past Andrea. “Do you feel better now, Daddy?”

“I sure do.” He lifted her in the air and kissed her. “Where’s your grandmother?”

“She had to go to the dentist.”

“Did you have a nice time?”

“Yes, but I wanted to stay home with you. You slept a long time,” she said. Then her glance fastened on the Christmas present in Andrea’s hand and she looked at her. “Did you bring that to Daddy?”

Finally a connection. Since her talk with Rick, Andrea felt she had permission to do what came next, but her heart was pounding too fast. “No. I brought it for you.”

“But it’s not Christmas yet.”

“I thought you might like it now.” She handed it to her.

“What is it?”

Rick lowered her to the floor. “Why don’t you open it and find out?”

Tessa quickly tore off the paper. “Look, Daddy—it’s the gingerbread man!” she cried. For the first time since the disaster at the shop, Rick’s daughter looked up at her with a smile.

“I promise that Santa will bring you your gingerbread man. But while you’re waiting for Christmas morning, this will be fun to read. It was one of my favorite stories growing up.”

“Mine is Mrs. Piggle Wiggle.”

Andrea’s heart melted. “I loved those stories, too.”

“My favorite’s about the boy who wouldn’t clean up his room.”

“That’s a really good one. My mother used to read them to me. I think my favorite was the Slow-Eater-Tiny-Bite-Taker Cure. But the really funny one was about the Radish Cure.”

A giggle escaped. “I know. Will you read the gingerbread man to me?”

Andrea’s gaze darted to Rick, whose eyes glowed with a warmth she could feel permeate her body. “I’d love to. Come and sit down on the couch by me.”

Together they went through every page identifying all the characters while she read the story. Tessa was totally engrossed.

Andrea would always treasure this moment, but now it was time to go while she could leave with a good feeling. She closed the book and put it in Tessa’s hands. “That was fun. Thank you for letting me read it to you. Now I have to leave.”

“You do?” Andrea heard a slightly wistful tone. Well, what do you know? she thought.

“Yes, but I bet your daddy would love to read it to you. He’s been waiting for you to come home and needs to get back to bed.” Andrea’s gaze flew to Rick’s. “Get better soon. I’ll see myself out.”

To her shocked surprise, Tessa followed her to the door. “I love my book.”

“I’m glad, darling. Bye.” She left the house, closing the door behind her. This was the best way to end things. Cold turkey.

Before long she pulled into her mother’s driveway. “Mom?” she called out when she entered the house.

“In the kitchen.”

Andrea found her making the fondant for the pecan rolls she gave to her friends at Christmas. “How soon will Rex be over?”

“Not for a couple of hours. I want to hear more about you and Tessa’s father.”

“I left the party early to get home because of Dad. Rick insisted on doing an inspection of the shop and the loft. He said there’s a firebug on the loose. On his suggestion I bought some dowels and put them in the windows.”

“That’s a good idea, honey. I’m worried about you staying there.”

“I’ll be fine, Mom.”

“Then why are you so tense?”

“Is it that obvious?” She averted her eyes.

“I’m your mother.”

“I made a huge mistake. He...kissed me and I let him.”

“Was it a terrible experience?”

Andrea could hardly swallow remembering the rapture she’d felt. “No, of course not.”


“I didn’t want it to happen.”

“That’s not really true—otherwise you would have stopped him. I’m glad this happened. Darling—Gunter’s been gone fourteen months. You’re free to look at another man and to care about one again. I have eyes and can see how attractive Captain Jenner is. You wouldn’t be a woman if you didn’t notice him.”

“But there’s a big problem, because he’s too gorgeous!”

Her mother laughed out loud before she poured the hot fondant onto a buttered marble slab. “Well, you’ll have to blame his genes for that. Andrea, you’re so young, with a whole life ahead of you. You knew someone else had to come along one day.

“Why does the idea of getting to know this man cause you so much angst? Don’t let guilt that you might be betraying Gunter’s memory prevent you from getting to know him or any man better.”

“It’s not guilt, Mom. Trust me.”

“I’m glad to hear it. So what’s wrong?”

“I told you before. After losing Gunter, I don’t want to care for a man whose chances of dying on the job climb astronomically because of his profession.”

Her mother studied her for a long moment. “You really mean that, don’t you?”

“Yes. I feel doubly sorry for Tessa. She lost her mom. One of these days she could lose him, too. That poor little girl will spend her whole life worrying about him. You should have seen her earlier. She’d been with her grandmother, but she came running into Rick’s house like a rocket to hug him. It caught at my heart. Rick admitted his late wife didn’t like his job either.”

“Well, you have to look at it this way. He’s one of those selfless men who loves what he does for a living. What would we do without his kind? In caveman days he would be the one who went out to hunt for meat to bring back for everyone,” she teased. “Seriously, some men are made that way. You can only admire them.”

“I do, and I’ve always asked myself how they can do it, but now it has hit home to me in a more personal way. Yesterday should have been his day off, yet there he was in the heart of some holocaust with no one to save him.”

“I understand they work on the buddy system.”

“Even so, they can die. One did yesterday.”

Her mom let out a troubled sigh. “What are you going to do?”

“I have no intention of going out with him again.”

By now her mom was spreading the pecans on the paper. “Did you tell him that before or after he kissed you?”

Andrea’s cheeks filled with heat. “Before.”