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I use some social network services daily: Instagram, TikTok, and VK. Each of these social mediasites has its pros and cons: for example, its very convenient to chat with my friends on VK, but its not a good network to post photos there, because nobody is interested in them. People use Instagram and TikTok to share photos and videos. Its easy to upload something to these social networking services and make new friends, but watching all reels and posts can be very time-consuming.
As the chart indicates … ● Depict The provided diagram depicts… ● According to.. . According to the chart… Complete the sentences. 1. The graph chart d__________ the differences about popular literature genres. 2. A__________ to the chart, fiction books are the most popular among readers. 3. The pie chart i__________ that people tend to use their computers for work more often. 4. The presented chart p__________ the information about the popularity of different car brands. 5. The graph s__________ i__________ about various types of magazines. 6. The chart r__________ two main features… 7. The table p__________ the contrast between popular computer games. 8. The bar chart c__________ sh__________ that the most popular game among teenagers is “X”. Use given words to label the pictures. chart bar chart pie chart graph table