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The Fifth Victim

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Jamie reached over and grabbed Jim’s shoulder. “We’re both men of the world. You know how it is. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” Jim glowered at his grandson. “Exactly what is it that you do, boy, other than spend my money and raise hell?” Jamie laughed, an infectious, lightearted chuckle that personified his shallow, flippant personality. “Don’t tell me you don’t understand what it’s like to need a little variety. Laura is a sweetie. Really she is. But every once in a while I need something a bit spicier. You adore Big Mama, but that doesn’t mean you don’t dip your quill in other inkwells and we both know it.” Anger heated Jim’s face. The unmitigated gall of the boy! “We aren’t discussing my behavior.” “Don’t get all huffy.” Jamie patted Jim on the chest. “You’re liable to give yourself a heart attack and we don’t want that. I didn’t mean any offense. I was just stating a fact. You’ve kept something on the side for as long as I remember, so don’t go getting all righteous on me just because I—” Jim slapped Jamie soundly across the cheek, the force of the blow sending the boy reeling backward. Jamie caught hold of the counter behind him, then lifted his hand to his stinging cheek. Jamie glared at his grandfather. “What’s the matter? Can’t stand to hear the truth, old man?” “Your grandmother wants to see you married to Laura, so if you know what’s good for you, you won’t do anything to run that girl off the way you did the other two you brought home.” Jim swallowed, then took several deep, calming breaths. “If Laura finds out that you spent the night with—” “I didn’t spend the night with Jazzy, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Jim cocked his eyebrows inquisitively. “Jazzy was just punishing me by sending me away,” Jamie said. “She’ll give me a hard time for a week or two, then she’ll come around. She always does.” “Then who were you with?” Jazzy had mentioned she thought Jamie had left her place with a woman named April or Amber. “What difference does it make?” Jamie’s eyes widened with speculation. “Are you afraid I might have been diddling your latest lady love?” Jamie laughed right in Jim’s face. “Hell, unless your mistress hangs out at Jazzy’s Joint, I didn’t screw her last night.” Damn fool boy! He didn’t know the first thing about keeping a mistress faithful.