The Mysterious Chef - Bibi and Tina (Unabridged)

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Aunt Hedwig, from Canada, has announced a celebration of her birthday at Falkenstein Castle. Time to find a superb chef! Marie de Remoulade appears out of nowhere and – with her wondrous cooking skills – convinces Count of Falkenstein right away that she's the one for the job. Bibi, Tina and Alex are also delighted by the idea – until suddenly Aunt Hedwig's precious necklace disappears. When Marie is also no longer to be found, Bibi and Tina set off on a thrilling search…

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Suemas F. Sargent
Kiddinx int.
The Mysterious Chef - Bibi and Tina (Unabridged) by Stephan Gürtler — download audio book in mp3 or listen online for free.


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