Самые смешные рассказы / The Best Funny Stories

From the series: Bilingua (АСТ)
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Самые смешные рассказы / The Best Funny Stories
Самые смешные рассказы / The Best Funny Stories (+ аудиоприложение)
$ 3,11
Quotes 13

Not to swear is as easy as to swear, if you make a custom of it. A


“Nobody does, no one I have ever met.


be a sinner; it becomes a habit.” “I know,” I interrupted


don’t know what they are made of – probably cabbage leaves soa


the ship – me, my very good friend, and, in the opposite corner, a shy man, the editor


общество зиждется на притворстве, что все очаровательны, что мы рады всех видеть, что все рады видеть нас,


One day by chance the explanation came. His eldest daughter was preparing her home studies after dinner.


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her the day after the funeral and in six months he won her heart


But it was the peace of the desert, and the man did not enjoy it.
