How the Endocrine System Works

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Not just another overview book on endocrinology,<i>How the Endocrine System Works</i> presents a humorous and highly informative collection of nine easy-to-digest «lectures» discussing the fundamental workings of the endocrine system in health and disease. <p>This absorbing addition to the «How it Works» series provides a concise and scientifically reliable introduction to endocrinology without the use of broad glossary terms and extraneous detail that can make a text hard to follow. This book focuses on function rather than anatomy and definition, so that you can reach an appreciation and a clearer understanding of this intricate system.</p> <p>Students will find this book to be the perfect introduction to their entry-level courses, as well as a quick review for exams. Professionals will enjoy the simple approach to a complex topic, and the general reader will satisfy a basic curiosity about the glands and hormones of the human body.</p>

Detailed info
Age restriction:
Date added to LitRes:
22 August 2019
113 pp.
Total size:
185 MB
Total number of pages:
Page size:
210 x 278 мм
John Wiley & Sons Limited
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