
Notes and Queries, Number 70, March 1, 1851

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To such of our readers, and we believe they form neither the least numerous nor the least intelligent portion of our friends, who consider the columns which we devote to Folk Lore among the most interesting parts of our paper, we recommend an attentive perusal of a little work, which has just reached a second edition, and which is calculated to invest with fresh interest that very curious subject. We allude to Dr. Herbert Mayo's volume On the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions, with an Account of Mesmerism. Dr. Mayo's object is "to exhibit in their true light the singular natural phenomena by which old superstition and modern charlatanism have in turn profited,—to indicate their laws, and to develope their theory"—and he does this in a way to excite the reader's deepest attention, and to convince him that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in his philosophy.

Daily Steps towards Heaven, or Practical Thoughts on the Gospel History, and especially on the Life and Teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. For every Day in the Year, according to the Christian Seasons, with Titles and Characters of Christ, and a Harmony of the Four Gospels, is the ample and descriptive title of a small devotional volume, which has been received with such favour by all classes of churchmen as to have passed through two large editions in little more than a twelve-month; which is better testimony to its merits than any we could give.

Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson will sell on Monday next, and the five following days, a valuable collection of Books, from the library of a gentleman in the country, among which will be found some curious early English Tracts relating to the Church, and some scarce poetical pieces.

Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, of 191. Piccadilly, will sell on Monday, and five following days, the valuable library of the late Rev. George Innes, Head Master of the King's School, Warwick; together with the library of a clergyman.

Books Received.—Dr. Pusey's Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, in explanation of some Statements contained in a Letter by the Rev. W. Dodsworth.

Directions for the Preservation of English Antiquities, especially those of the First Three Periods. By J. Y. Akerman. This little tract, which is illustrated with numerous woodcuts, has been prepared by the Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, in a cheap form (it is sold for a penny!), that by its wide circulation, especially among agricultural labourers, it may be the means of preserving many remains of interest. Is it too much to ask those who approve of Mr. Akerman's object to assist in its circulation; and to further that object by depositing any articles which it may be the means of rescuing from destruction either in the British Museum, or the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries.

Catalogues Received.—B. Quaritch's (16. Castle Street, Leicester Square) Cheap Book Circular, and Catalogue of Books in all Languages; J. Russell Smith's (4. Old Compton Street, Soho) Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts on Vellum and Paper; Deeds, Charters, and other Documents relating to English Families and Counties; Hebrew Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, &c.


Comenii (Joan. Amos) Unius Necessarii, Amst. 1668, 4to.

–– De Independentiâ, Amst. 1661, 12mo.

–– Raymondi Sebundi Theologia Naturalis, Amst. 1661, 12mo.

–– De Regulâ Fidei, Amst., 1658, 12mo.

–– De Natura Caloris et Frigoris, Amst., 1660, 12mo.

(Comenii (J. A.) sed anon.) Cartesius cum suâ Philosophiâ eversus, 12mo.

Ripamontii (Jos.) Historia Mediolanensis, Mediol., 1648, 5 Vols. fol.

Maresii (Saml.) Antirrheticon contra J. A. Comenium, Groning, 4to.

Erasti (Thomæ) De Auro Potabili, Basil, 1578, 8vo.

–– Disputationes de Medicina Philippi Paracelsi, 4 Parts, 4to., Basil, 1572.

Varro (Terent.) De Linguâ Latinâ cum Notis G. Scioppii, Ingolds., 1665, 8vo.

Epistola nobilissimi et literatissimi Viri (i.e. Danl. Eremitæ) Patavio ad Gasparem Scioppium Romam scripta, 1610, 4to.

Macri (Nicodemi) cum Nicolao Crasso Disceptatio de Parænesi Cardinalis Baronii ad Rempub. Venetam, Venet., 1607, 8vo.

Pompomatii (Petri) Operum Nomenclator ex Bibliothecâ Jo. Bourdelotii, Paris, 1633, 8vo.

Liceti (Fortun.) De propriorum Operum historia, Patav. 1634, 4to.

Scaligeri (Jul. Cæs.) Oratio de optimo dicendi genere contra Erasmum, Lutet., 1537, 8vo.

Puteani (Erycii) Pompa Prosphonetica, Lovan., 1639, 8vo.

Wottoni (Hen.) Epistola de Gaspare Scioppio, Amberg., 1613, 8vo.

Lavandæ (Eugenii) Grammaticus Pædicus, 1638, 12mo.

–– Grammaticus Palæphatius, 1639, 12mo.

–– Notæ astrum inextinctum, 1641, 8vo.

Spectator Newspaper, No. 1102. for Sept. 11th, 1847. (Ten Shillings will be given for a clean copy.)

Gretser (Jacobus) Opera Omnia de Sancta Cruce accurate recognita multis partibus locupletata et uno in volumine edita. Folio, Ingolst. 1616.

Michael Drayton's Works, 4 Vols. 8vo. 1753.

*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

M. A. H. "A Skeleton in every House." This saying doubtless had its origin in an Italian Story. See our Second Vol., p. 231.

L. J., who inquires about the name Rotten Row, is referred to our Second Vol., p. 235.

J. N. Chadwick. "A Rowland for an Oliver" is explained in our Second Vol., p. 132; and "As Lazy as Ludlam's Dog," which is a kindred proverb, to his "Lazy as Hall's Dog," in Vol. i., p. 475.; Vol. ii., p. 42.

M. R. The Royal Arms from William the Conqueror (?) to the time of Henry II. were two lions passant gardant; but Henry II., on his marriage with Eleanor, added her arms, a lion passant gardant, to his own; making the three lions, which have continued to the present day to be the insignia of England. See Parker's Glossary of Heraldry.

Charles H. Markham. The figures on the chemist's bottles are the signs denoting the seven planets, which the alchemist formerly employed in common with the astrologer. See a curious article entitled Astrology and Alchemy in the Quarterly Review, Vol. xxi. pp. 180. et seq.

Varro is right in his conjecture; and thanked for his kindness and good wishes. Will he not unmask?

Replies Received. Waste-book—Fronte Capillatâ—North Side of Churches—"Talk not of Love"—Sixes and Sevens—George Herbert at Leighton Bromswold—Scandal against Queen Elizabeth—Aver—Anticipations of Modern Ideas—Scaligers—Snail, Snail—Nettle in—Cushion Dance—Shakspeare's Captious—Sun, stand thou still—Barons of Hugh Lupus—Predeceased and Designed—The Spider and the Fly—Crede quod habes—Culprits torn by Horses—"Antony and Cleopatra"—Ballad editing—By Hook or by Crook—Blunder—True Blue—Steele's Birth-place—Machell's MSS.—Sir Andrew Chadwick—Gray's Elegy—Crossing Rivers on Skins—Passage in Tennyson—Jurare ad Caput—Lines on Woman—Chapters in English Bibles—Dozen of Bread—Cum Grano Salis—Warming-pans—Langholme Fair—The Fir Cone.

Notes and Queries may be procured, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsvenders. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c., are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive Notes and Queries in their Saturday parcels.

All communications for the Editor of Notes and Queries should be addressed to the care of Mr. Bell, No. 186. Fleet Street.

Errata.—No. 69. p. 152. col. 2. l. 6., for "paternoster, i.e." read "paternostreè"; and in some copies of No. 63, in the last stanza of the Digby Poems, "Paw and Maw" had not been corrected, as they should have been, to "Pan and Man."

THE ADVERTISER is desirous of meeting with a Situation as Amanuensis, or Reader to a Gentleman; or as Secretary, or Librarian, either to a Society, or a Private Gentleman: or any other situation where Literary Tastes and Knowledge are required. Unexceptionable reference given. Address Mr. D. Stevens, Church Street, Godalming.

EVERYTHING FOR THE TOILET at MECHI'S MANUFACTORY, 4. LEADENHALL STREET.—Superior hair, nail, tooth, shaving, and flesh brushes, clothes and hat brushes, combs, washing and shaving soaps. Various nail and corn instruments, razors, razor strops and paste and shaving powder, ladies' and gentlemen's dressing-cases, with or without fittings, in Russia leather, mahogany, rosewood and japan ware, ladies' companions and pocket-books, elegantly fitted, also knitting-boxes, envelope cases, card cases, note and cake baskets, beautiful inkstands, and an infinity of recherche articles not to be equalled.

Published this Day, 12mo., cloth, 5s

THE DIALECT AND FOLK-LORE OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. A Glossary of Northamptonshire Provincialisms; Collection of Fairy Legends, Popular Superstitions, Ancient Customs, Proverbs, &c. By Thomas Sternberg.

London: J. Russell Smith, 4. Old Compton Street, Soho

D. NUTT begs to call the Attention of the Public to his Establishment for the SALE of FOREIGN BOOKS, both Old and New, in various Languages, and in every Department of Literature. His Stock is one of the largest of its kind in London, and is being continually augmented by Weekly Importations from the Continent. He has recently published the following Catalogues, either of which may be had Gratis, and forwarded anywhere by Post upon receipt of Four Stamps:—Classical and Philological Books; Miscellaneous German Books and Elementary Works; Theological, Philosophical, and Oriental Books.

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THE THIRD AND FOURTH VOLUMES OF THE JUDGES OF ENGLAND. By Edward Foss, F.S.A. Comprehending the period from Edward I. to Richard III., 1272 to 1485.

Lately published, price 28s

Volumes I. and II. of the same Work; from the Conquest to the end of Henry III., 1066 to 1272.

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
In 12mo., price 4s. 6d

THE ORATION OF DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN, edited, from the best Text, with English Notes, and Grammatical References. By the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A., Rector of Lyndon, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Rivington's, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place;

Of whom may be had, by the Same Editor (with English Notes):


2. The AJAX of SOPHOCLES. 3s.

3. The PHILOCTETES of SOPHOCLES. (In the Press.)


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A THOUGHT BOOK—HORÆ VACIVÆ; or, a Thought Book of the Wise Spirits of all Ages and all Countries, fit for all Men and all Hours. Collected, arranged, and edited by James Elmes, Author of "Memoirs of Sir Christopher Wren," &c.

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
Just published, in 2 vols. 8vo. price 28s., cloth,

THE SAXONS IN ENGLAND: a History of the English Commonwealth till the Period of the Norman Conquest. By John M. Kemble, M.A., F.C.P.S.

"The work throughout conveys a clearer idea of the life and character of the Saxons in England than anything we have met with elsewhere. * * * This account of The Saxons in England will indicate its historical and archæological value; but these are not its only uses. The lawyer will find in its pages the germs of our common law, especially relating to land; and the ethnologist or political philosopher will meet with much assistance in his inquiries into the early social condition of mankind."—Spectator.

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
Will be published, in 8vo., price 3s. 6d., March 1st,

THE NUMISMATIST: A Monthly Publication, exclusively devoted to the familiar Illustration of the Science of Numismatography, or that Branch of Antiquarian Research which relates to Ancient Coins and Medals. By Maximilian Borrell.

London John Hearne, 81. Strand; Rollin, 12. Rue Vivienne, Paris; Bailliere, New York

Now ready, Vol. IV. price 1l. 16s. cloth boards.

Vols. I. II. and III., price 1l. 19s. 6d. each, and cases for binding the Vols. always on hand.

*** Subscribers who may desire to complete their copies can do so from the stock of the second edition, at Re-issue price.

To be had of Mr. Sowerby, 3. Mead Place, Lambeth; and of all Booksellers.

DR. PUSEY'S DEFENCE, OF HIS OWN PRINCIPLES: A Letter to the Bishop of London in Explanation of some Statements contained in a Letter by the Rev. W. Dodsworth. By the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D. Third and Cheaper Edition. 18mo. pp. 196. 1s.

Also now ready, 8vo., price 1s

DR. PUSEY'S RENEWED EXPLANATIONS, in consequence of the Rev. W. Dodsworth's Comments on the above.

Oxford: John Henry Parker, and 377. Strand, London

THE FAMILY ALMANACK AND EDUCATIONAL REGISTER FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1851. Containing, in addition to the usual Contents of an Almanack, a List of the Foundation and Grammar Schools in England and Wales; together with an Account of the Scholarships and Exhibitions attached to them. Post 8vo. 4s.

London: John Henry Parker, 377. Strand

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for March 1851 contains among others the following articles:—The State Paper Office (being the first of a series of Papers on the present state of English Historical Literature).—Newly Discovered Poems by Bishop Hall.—Saint Francis and the Franciscans.—The Glossary of Architecture.—The Story of Nell Gwyn, Chapter III. (being part of an original work by Peter Cunningham, Esq., F. S. A., now in course of publication in the Magazine).—Nineveh and Persepolis restored (with Engravings).—The Character of Socrates.—Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland (with Engravings).—Seize Quartiers of Queen Anne.—Notes of the Month.—Review of New Works.—Full Reports of the Society of Antiquarians and other Archæological Societies.—Historical Chronicle, and Obituary, including Memoirs of the Duke of Newcastle, the Countess of Warwick, Lord Viscount Alford, Field-Marshal Grosvenor, William Holmes, Esq., George Taylor, Esq., of Witton, &c., &c.—Price 2s. 6d.

Nichols and Son, 25. Parliament Street
This Day, Part 12, price 9s. plain; 10s. 6d. tinted, Proofs, large paper, 12s

THE CHURCHES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. By Henry Bowman and Jospeh S. Crowther, Architects, Manchester.


St. Stephen's, Etton, Northamptonshire.—South Elevation.

St. Peter's, Threekingham, Lincolnshire.—Belfry Windows and Lower Lucarnes, N. E. and W. Sides of Spire: Lower Lucarnes S. Side of Spire, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tier of Spire Lights: Inner South Doorway and North Doorway: Mouldings, Full Size.

St. Andrew's, Heckington, Lincolnshire.—North Doorway, Nave Piers and Archmouldings. Caps and Bases, Nave, Transept, Choir and Tower Arches.

To be completed in Twenty Parts, each containing 6 Plates, imperial folio.

"We can hardly conceive anything more perfect. We heartily recommend this series to all who are able to patronize it."—Ecclesiologist.

London: George Bell, 186. Fleet Street
This Day, No. 6., price 2s. 6d.,

DETAILS of GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, Measured and Drawn from existing Examples. By James K. Colling, Architect.