
Notes and Queries, Number 08, December 22, 1849

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It abounds with interesting Musical Anecdotes; the Greek Fables respecting the origin of Music; the rise and progress of Musical Instruments; the early Musical Drama; the origin of our present fashionable Concerts; the first performance of the Beggar's Opera, &c.

A limited number have been printed, few copies remain for sale: unsold copies will shortly be raised in price to 1l. 11s. 6d.

Now ready, Part XII., completing the Work, containing Fifteen Plates and Letter-press, price 7s. 6d. (folio, 12s., India paper, 20s., in a few days), royal 8vo.

THE MONUMENTAL BRASSES of ENGLAND: a Series of Engravings on Wood, with Descriptive Notices. By the Rev. CHARLES BOUTELL, M.A., Rector of Downham Market, Norfolk.

The volume, containing 149 Plates, will be ready on the 11th inst. Price, royal 8vo., cloth 1l. 8s. (The folio edition, cloth, 2l. 5s., India paper, 4l. 4s., in a few days.) Subscribers are requested to complete their sets at once, as the numbers will shortly be raised in price.

Also, by the same Author, royal 8vo. 15s.; large paper, 21s.

MONUMENTAL BRASSES and SLABS: an Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. With upwards of 200 Engravings.

"A handsome large octavo volume, abundantly supplied with well-engraved woodcuts and lithographic plates; a sort of Encyclopaedia for ready reference.... The whole work has a look of painstaking completeness highly commendable."—Athenaeum.

"One of the most beautifully got up and interesting volumes we have seen for a long time. It gives in the compass of one volume an account of the History of those beautiful monuments of former days.... The illustrations are extremely well chosen."—English Churchman.

A few copies only of this work remain for sale; and, as it will not be reprinted in the same form and at the same price, the remaining copies are raised in price. Early application for the Large Paper Edition is necessary.

By the same Author, to be completed in Four Parts,

CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS in ENGLAND and WALES: an Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the various classes of Monumental Memorials which have been in use in this country from about the time of the Norman Conquest. Profusely illustrated with Wood Engravings. To be published in Four Parts. Part I. price 7s. 6d.; Part II. 2s. 6d.

"A well conceived and executed work."—Ecclesiologist.

8vo., cloth, price 12s., with a Coloured Plate of King Alfred's Jewel,

THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALFRED THE GREAT. By the Rev. J. A. GILES, D.C.L., late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Author of "The History of the Ancient Britons," &c.

"A useful volume, as collecting into one view all the facts that are known respecting the Life of Alfred, exhibiting the various opinions on disputed points, and containing a very fair, sensible summing up by the biographer."—Spectator.

Two vols., 8vo., 30s.

HISTORY of the ANCIENT BRITONS, From the Earliest Period to the Invasion of the Saxons. Compiled from the Original Authorities. By the Rev. J. A. GILES, D.C.L, late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

"The longer and more important passages are full and clear in matter, always well presented, often in a masterly mode.... Dr. Giles is in thorough possession of his materials and of his intention, which produces the clearness that arises from mastery; and he exhibits the same general bon hommie and chronicler disposition for minute and picturesque narrative which we noted in his 'Life of Becket,' with more of a critical spirit."—Spectator.

8vo., price 5s.

A HISTORY of the PICTS' or ROMANO-BRITISH WALL, and the ROMAN STATIONS, and VALLUM, with an Account of their present State, taken during a Pilgrimage along that part of the Island during the month of June, 1849.

Foolscap 8vo., with Woodcuts and Map of the Locality, price 5s.

THE BALLAD of EDWIN and EMMA. By DAVID MALLET. A New Edition, with Notes and Illustrations, by FREDERICK T. DINSDALE, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A.

"This volume is a curious instance of the effect of early association … Early knowledge of the genius loci has left an impression on the editor's mind which has produced this very completely illustrated edition. All that research can furnish touching the families of Wrightson and Railton, the surnames of Edwin and Emma, is collected."—Spectator.

"The editor's great merit is that of exhausting every probable source of information, and equal industry spent in illustration of a more important subject, would have led to equally curious and more important results."—Athenaeum.

GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.