Prophecies by Nostradamus

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Mal luy viendra, & ne pourra prouué

Si mieux doit estre Roy Breton ou Normand.

He who will open the tomb found,

And will come to close it promptly,

Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove,

If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the so-called "curse of the pharaoh". In 1922 the almost undamaged burial of pharaoh Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the kings. A large number of objects and ornaments found in it and sarcophagus of pure gold with a mummy of the pharaoh, whose face was covered with a golden mask. This discovery was the greatest in the history of archeology.

The 1 line. Its discoverers were the British: archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. Nostradamus correctly predicted the high origin and nationality of the discoverers – the Bretons.

The 3 line. The evil passed of Carter. Carnarvon, who financed the excavations, soon died under mysterious circumstances. The mysterious bite of a mosquito appeared on his cheek in the same place as the scar in Tutankhamun. During the shave, an infection got in the wound, and it festered. The lord died of pneumonia.

In subsequent years, "Pharaoh's victims" were another 13 people who were directly present at the opening of the tomb.

Decoding of the number 9.7. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-79=921+1=922 – the year of opening tomb.

Quatrain 4.39 Island of Rhodes

Les Rodiens demanderont secours,

Par le neglet de ses hoirs deaissée,

L'empire Arabe reualera son cours,

Par Hesperies la cause radressee.

The Rhodians will demand relief,

Through the neglect of its heirs abandoned.

The Arab empire will reveal its course,

The cause set right again by Hesperia.

On the island of Rhodes in the early 19th century there was a large number of Turks, and based the united Turkish-Egyptian-Algerian fleet was based. The island was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire.

The 3 line. Since 1912 the Ottoman Empire began to rapidly lose its influence. The situation in Turkey has become more complicated – the wars began in the Balkans. Albania and Macedonia revolted. Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro started a war against Turkey.

The 4 line. In 1912 the Italian-Turkish war ended in the defeat of Turkey. Italy received the island of Rhodes. The Italian occupation of the island continued until 1943.

Decoding of the number 4.39. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 1 and 9 to put in front, then will be 1943 – the year of liberation from occupation.

Quatrain 1.47[3] John Calvin

Du Lac Leman, les sermons fascheront.

Des iours seront reduicts par les sepmaines,

Puis mois, puis an, puis tous deffailliront

Les Magistrats damneront les loix vaines.

The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered,

the days will drag out into weeks,

then months, then year, then all will fail.

The authorities will condemn their useless powers.

The Frenchman John Calvin (1509-1564) created Calvinism – one of the branches of Protestant. In 1536 he began his preaching work in Geneva (on Lake Leman). He used hard police methods to attract people to the church. He organized surveillance of people even in his personal life. He dealt brutally with his enemies.All this caused such a strong irritation that in 1538 he was asked to leave Geneva. After long wanderings, he returned to this city and lived in it until the end of his days.

Decoding of the number 1.47. If 1 is consider as 1000, then 1000-47=953. Flip 9 to 6, rearrange the numbers – 536, 1 put in front, we get 1536 – the year Calvin arrived in Geneva.

Quatrain 8.96[1] Formation of the state Israel

La Synagogue sterile sans оnul fruit

Sera receue entre les infideles

De Babylon la fille du porsuit

Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.

The sterile synagogue without any fruit,

will be received by the infidels,

the daughter of the persecuted of Babylon,

miserable and sad, they will clip her wings.

The 1 line. As you know the synagogue is a prayer house for Jews. If the religion of the Jews to compare with the Christian one, then it has not made any progress, has not become widespread. "Our fathers inherited only lies, emptiness and that which is of no use." [Jeremiah (chap. 16, 15)]. No other people except Jews go to the synagogue. For comparison, Christianity is preached on all continents, and many nations accepted it.

The 2 line. By decision of the United nations in May 1948 in Palestine, the state of Israel was formed. Jews began to move into it from all over the world. Muslim states were neighbouring of Jews, which Nostradamus calls infidels. The prediction for the return of the Jews to Jerusalem is also found in the prophet Jeremiah (chap. 16, 15): "As the Lord liveth, which led out the children of Israel from the north country and from all the lands into which he banished them: for I will bring them back to their land which I gave to the fathers their". This prophecy has already been fulfilled.

In the last two lines, the "Judgment Day" war is foretold. The daughter of Babylon, probably Syria, which is partly located on the lands of the ancient Babylon kingdom. The Arab states began a war for disputed territories. Israel suffered heavy losses.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.97.

Decoding of the number 8.96. 8000-69=7931, 79 to swap 97, 1 to put front, it will be 1973 – the year of "Judgment Day" war.

Quatrain 3.97 Syria, collapse of the USSR

Nouuelle loy terre neuue occuper,

Vers la Syrie, Iudee, & Palestine,

Le grand Empire Barbare corruer,

Auant que Pheses son siecle determeine.

New law to occupy the new land

Toward Syria, Judea and Palestine:

The great barbarian empire to decay,

Before the Pheses completes it century.

The 1 line. In March 1973 Syria became a socialist people's democratic state and adopted a new Constitution. In the same year Syria and other Arab states began the war of Judgment Day against Israel. By decision of the UN Security Council, a "buffer zone" separating Syria and Israel was created.

The second two lines are the disintegration of the USSR in the end of 20th century. In December 1991 the Council of the republics USSR adopted a decision on the termination of the existence of the Union and the formation of the CIS. Former republics became independent states. In this and some other quatrains the prophet calls Russia an empire of barbarians. To some extent, he is right, compared with Europe, the average level of culture we have below.

Decoding of the number 3.97. Number is specified almost explicitly. If 3 to put in end, 1 to put in ahead, then will be 1973 – the year of Constitution Syria.

Quatrain 3.61 Al-Qaeda

La grande bande & secte crucigere

Se dressera en Mesopotamie,

Du proche fleuue compagnie legere,

Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.

The great band and sect of crusaders

Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia:

Light company of the nearby river,

Such that law will be their enemy.

The 1 line: On 28 May 1998 Osama bin Laden announced the creation of an international "Islam's Front for the Sacred Struggle against Jews and Crusaders" – Al-Qaeda. This is one of the largest ultra-radical international terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi trend of Islam.

The 4 line: From the media, everyone is aware of the numerous terrorist acts committed by Muslim extremists around the world: explosions of houses, schools, planes, metro, on the streets, etc. The thousands of people of different nationalities and religions, including Muslims, perished from the terrorist acts. The activities of terrorists are violated not only by human laws, but also by the laws of God, for it is said: "Do not kill!" They call the killing of defenseless, not armed, peaceful people a "holy war". They, apparently, do not know what worthy men call war the struggle of armed men against the same armed men.

Covering, as an excuse, their banditry by Islam, they discredit this religion. Among Muslims, of course, there are good people. Islam extremism is that "spoonful of tar" that spoils the "barrel of honey."

Quatrain 5.70 The war in Syria

Des regions subiettes a la Balance,

Feront troubler les monts par grande guerre:

Captif tout sexe deu & toute bisance,

Qu'on criera a l'aube terre a terre.

Of the regions subordinates to the Libra,

They will trouble the mountains with great war,

Captives the both sexes will be in all Byzantium,

So that about them will spread the news from land to land.

Presumably, the war in Syria is predicted in this quatrain, where the mountains are located on a significant part of the territory.

Libra is a zodiac sign of the President of Russia. Country took an active part in this war. Byzantium – Turkey. Over 3 million Syrian refugees live here.

The last line speaks of great public resonance around the world, which caused a military conflict in Syria.

In 2017 the anti-government group "Islamic State" was defeated. There remained scattered groups. At the end of this year, Russia withdrew its air forces from Syria.

Possible decoding of number 5.70. If the numbers to rearrange – 507, flip 5 to 2, 1 to put before 7, then we get 2017 year.

Quatrain 9.76 Mesopotamia

Auec le noir Rapax & sanguinaire,


Yssu du peaultre de l'inhumain Neron,

Emmy deux fleuues main gauche militaire,

Sera murtry par Ioyne chaulueron.

With the black Rapax & blood-thirsty,

Descended from the brothel of the inhuman Nero

Between two streams the left military hand,

Will be attacked by a Young nationalist.

As in the quatrain 6.33, the military situation in the Mesopotamia is predicted here. In both quatrains a black and bloodthirsty man is mentioned, as well as a military hand.

The 3 line. The left hand of the Ruler symbolizes those who help him to rule: advisers, ministers, senate, parliament, etc. This line can be interpreted in such a way that the military initiative in the Mesopotamia does not come from the ruler himself, but from his entourage.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.33.

Quatrain 8.10 Drive out foreigners

Puanteur grande sortira de Lausanne,

Qu'on ne sçaura l'origine du fait.

Lon mettra hors tout la gent loingtaine

Feu veu au ciel, peuple estranger deffait.

A great stench will come from Lausanne,

but they will not know its origin,

they will put out all people from distant places,

fire seen in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.

Presumably, the event that was yet to happen was predicted. In my opinion, this prophecy is related to quatrain, which refers to a large migration from Asia. This quatrain refers to the expulsion of strangers, who may be Muslims who have flooded Europe.

The first line mentions the Swiss city of Lausanne. Now 40% of its population are foreigners, therefore, perhaps another understanding of the prophecy. The foreigners may not be Muslim refugees, but various foreigners living in Lausanne. It is very difficult to obtain a residence permit in Switzerland. They do not like immigrants there. So it is very likely that someday they will drive out foreigners.


The worst of lawlessness those

which are committed by a law name.

When Stalin died, Vanga said that thousands of people go to him to say goodbye. He (the soul) hides behind the columns and rejoices. They do not understand that they are mourn the Antichrist, thereby giving him strength. By the way, Vanga predicted the death of Stalin. For this she was arrested for 6 months. Vanga was given to know a lot. The experience of the past years, unjust courts, arrests, executions have not taught people anything. They remember only the victory in the war and the greatness of the country, but they forgot with what price it is paid. A recent survey of public opinion showed that many people now regret about antichrist time. There are a lot of lives, and who knows where he is now does his arrests and horrors!? In the future, it is predicted that he will subdue the whole world – many people will accept his seal and will have perished the souls.

Quatrain 2.12 Persecution of the Church

Yeus clos ouuerts d'antique fantasie

L'habit des seules seront mis a neant:

Le grand monarque chastira leur frenaisie

Rauir des temples le thresor par deuant.

Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy,

The only clothes will be the lack

The great monarch will chastise their zealotry,

First will be stole treasures from temples.

Probably, the persecution of the church, organized by Stalin I.V, is said here.

Priests, monks were arrested, put in camps, shot.

1-2 lines. In ancient times, sculptors often sculpted naked bodies.

The monks had one their vestments; they had no other clothes. Executioners had been tores off clothes from the arrested priests and monks and had been shots naked.

The great monarch is Stalin. He truly passionately persecuted the church and its priests. He forbade divine worships, he closed churches, monasteries, ravaged, destroyed. True Antichrist.

Decoding of number 2.12. Probably the prophet predicted that date of birth, which was official during the life of Stalin – 12.21.1879. If after 2 put 1, then 12.21 is the day and month of birth. To get the year, we rearrange the numbers – 2121, we will consider 2 as 2000, then 2000-121=1879.

Quatrain 2.70 Stalin’s repressions

Le dard du Ciel fera son estendue,

Morts en parlant grande execution,

La pierre en l'arbre la fiere gent rendue,

Bruit humain monstre, purge expiration.

The dart from the sky will make its extension,

Deaths speaking: great execution.

The stone in the tree, the proud nation restored,

Noise, human monster, purge expiation.

Stalin's repression "great executions" spread far, throughout Russia. In April 1930 in the USSR the decree was issued on the expansion of the system of labour camps. Prior to this the camps were located on the coast of the White Sea. After the Decree the number of camps increased and their geography too. The main department of the camps GULag was subordinate to the OGPU.

The 2 line. Often people were tried not for cases, but for words, basing on denunciations and reservations. During the interrogation the arrested were forced to write "testimonies", most of them false, about employees, relatives, acquaintances. This was a reason for new arrests and new sentences. Stalin used the word "cleansing" the ranks of the party. "Purge expiation" can be understood as the condemnation of the personality cult after Stalin's death and the rehabilitation of innocently affected people.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.77 3.59, 6.57.

Decoding of the number 2.70. 2000-70=1930 – the year of increase in the number of camps.

Quatrain 8.77 Third antichrist

L'antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,

Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,

Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,

Son corps humain eau rougie gresler terre.

The third antichrist soon will be annihilated,

twenty-seven years his war will last.

The nonbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;

with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

Stalin IV (1878 -1953) – General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) from 03/04/1922 and until the end of life. Until 1924 Lenin V.I. was the actual leader of the party. After his death, the inner-party struggle lasted until 1926. Stalin managed to destroy his main opponents and become virtually the sole ruler of the country. From 1926 to 1953 there will be approximately 27 years. He pursued a policy of repression, the number of victims of which is estimated at several million. True, one-sided annihilation can not be called a war, but rather a massacre. Antichrist, apparently, because he fought against Christian religion. Under Stalin, the persecution of the church was so long and large-scale, as it were not previously in all history of Christianity. In one only 1937 89600 clerics were shot and 2 times more arrested. In 1932 a campaign was declared in the USSR to completely eradicate religion.

By "nonbelievers," in the third line of the quatrain, one can understand the Bolsheviks, who were atheists and propagandized materialism.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.70, 3.59, 6.57.

Decoding of the number 8.77. If 7 to consider as 7000, then 7000-87=6913, 6-1=5; by swapping 5 and 1 we get 1953 – the year of death.

Quatrain 3.59 Usurped by third

Barbare Empire par le tiers vsurpé,

La plus part de son sang mettre à mort,

Par mort senile, par luy, le quart frappé,

Par peur que sang par la sang en soit mort.

Barbarian empire usurped by the third,

The greater part of his blood he will put to death:

Senile death, the fourth struck by him,

For fear that the blood through the blood be dead.

The 1 line. Russia was captured by the third Antichrist – Stalin. As in the quatrain of 8.77, this quatrain speaks about blood and death everywhere – Stalin's repression. If Lenin taught people to be comrades, then the "father of the nations" preached the opposite – enemies are around, be vigilant. But he did not notice the main enemy of the people in the mirror. The number of victims his repression is estimated at millions. If known people were arrested, then he personally had made a decision. Realizing the criminality of the sentences, Stalin did not sign them, but drew the line: one – execution, two – 10 years in the camps.

Stalin died from his old age in 74 years. The fourth – apparently, this is Hitler, whom he defeated. If Nostradamus calls Stalin an antichrist, then Hitler is especially the antichrist, since he destroyed a lot more people in a shorter time. "Fourth", probably because he was younger.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.17.

Decoding of the number 3.59. Year is indicated almost explicitly. If 1 to put in end (3591); by swapping these numbers we get 1953 – the year of death.

Quatrain 10.97 The triremes full

Triremes pleines tout aage captifs,

Temps bon a mal, le doux pour amertume:

Proye a Barbares trop tost seront hastifs,

Cupide de voir plaindre au vent la plume.

The triremes full of captives of every age,

Good time for bad, the sweet for the bitter:

Prey to the Barbarians hasty they will be too soon,

Anxious to see the feather in the wind.

The victims of Stalin's repression are estimated at millions. The word justice had very little to do with this process. The number of convicts was planned and gives from above. To fulfill the standard, they had grabs anyone and for anything. Probably, the Stalin's repressions did not have the purpose of fighting someone or something. They were aimed to suppress and subordinate the people to their will.

The 2 line. This line says that good can turn into evil, and, on the contrary: "there is no evil without good." At that time there was much good. This is the power of the USSR, and the victory over fascism, and a system aimed at the interests of the working people and, at the same time, against them.

Nostradamus most often call as barbarians the Russians, while at the same time paying tribute to the good influence of the great nation on world history.

The 4 line. Perhaps the antichrist is not devoid of feelings of pity. In 1933, an instruction was issued for the OGPU and "law enforcement agencies", which limited arbitrariness and the number of prisoners. In those years, the number of people arrested was significantly reduced. Perhaps the famine of 1932 influenced the "father of the people." A feather in the wind can be interpreted as groundless denunciations, which were written literally from the air.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.70.

Decoding of the number 10.97. If 9 flip in 6 then 1000-67=933. 1 is put at the ahead then we will get 1933 – the year of easing repression.

Nostradamus calls Stalin the third antichrist. The reader will have a question: who were the rest? About the 4t antichrist the prophet writes in the previous quatrain 3.59 – this is Hitler. The 2 nd antichrist is not mentioned in any quatrain, but says about him in the Epistle to Henry II. Kaiser Germany Wilhelm II was second. He entered into an alliance with the Ottoman Empire and unleashed the World war I. The first antichrist – Napoleon, captivated the pope, impounded the property of the church, oppressing the priests. It is spoken of in two quatrains 9.17 and 9.5. It turns out that the Antichrists organizes world wars and mass annihilation of people. Apparently, the Third World War will not do without antichrist.