The Barrington Brothers

From the series: Mills & Boon By Request
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Things were starting to progress at Stony Ridge. Trailers were set up for the actors and other producers and directors, who should be arriving in just a few days. This film was about to get under way, and for once Tessa was glad.

Now maybe Grant would have other things to do besides tempt her, tease her, then walk away. How dare he do that to her twice? What game was he playing?

She might be a virgin, but she wasn’t that naive. He wanted her, yet he kept denying himself. Did he think he was being gallant? Chivalrous? Well, in her opinion he was being a player, and she would put a stop to that as soon as her training for the day was over.

She’d had enough of being pulled around. And honestly, she cared for him and knew he cared for her, or he would’ve already taken her or moved on. Grant had self-control, and he was holding on to every last shred for her.

Well, enough was enough. Tessa wanted him, and she would be the one to decide what was best for her body...not him.

She leaned down, patted Don Pedro and set out at a trot. Today she’d keep it easy, especially since Cassie had to take Emily to the doctor for shots.

“Care if I ride with you?”

Tessa turned to see her father coming from the stables, leading Cassie’s newest problem child, Macduff.

“Not at all. You sure you want to get on him?”

Damon shrugged. “He’ll be fine. I’m bigger than you, so you were easier to buck. And Cassie’s been working with him.”

Tessa nodded. “Then saddle up and let’s go.”

She waited, actually finding herself eager to ride with her father. So much in life got in the way of their time together. Between her training and preparing for the movie, Tessa figured this would be the last time for quite a while that they would have alone, with no added pressure.

She gripped the reins and fell in behind her dad. When he set out toward the back of the estate, she kicked her horse into gear and eased up beside him. She knew exactly where he was heading.

The early-morning sun beat down, promising another beautiful, yet unpredictable spring day. As always, she’d checked the forecast when she’d woken, and seen possible thunderstorms later in the afternoon.

“Won’t be long, this place will be overrun with famous actors and the threat of paparazzi,” her dad told her as he took in the new on-site trailers.

“I hope whatever security they have will be able to keep the crazies away.” Tessa hated the thought of strangers around her horses. “I just hope they respect my privacy.”

Damon laughed. “You may find you like the behind-the-scenes view. If not, you can always hide over at your house. No one will come there.”

“Not unless it’s reporters or crazed fans,” she muttered as they passed the last of the trailers.

Damon laughed. “We have security for your property, too.”

Tessa smiled, but her eyes were on the man talking to some workers who’d brought the trailers. Grant had on well-worn jeans, aviator sunglasses and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up his muscular forearms. He might be trying to look as if he belonged in the country, but the man was still polished, still citified and damn sexy. Even his sporty rental car stood out next to the full-size trucks on the estate.

“Your producer is working hard to make sure everything is perfect for his crew,” her father commented as they neared the pond.

“He’s not my producer,” she retorted.

Damon pulled back on his reins at the edge of the water and glanced over. “Honey, I know I’m an old man, and your father to boot, but anyone can see the way you look at him. And, more importantly, the way he looks at you.”

Tessa groaned. She did not want to be discussing this with her dad. Cassie was about the only person Tessa ever confided her secrets to. Maybe if their mother had lived...

“I miss her, too,” he told her in a low voice. “I know you miss her, especially now. I can tell you’re confused, but if you want advice, I’d be happy to give it.”

Tessa laughed. “I’m not discussing the birds and the bees with you.”

Damon’s own robust laughter rippled through the air. “Please, I don’t plan on getting that in-depth here. I was talking more about your heart, Tessa.”

When she glanced over to him, she saw he was serious. He wanted to offer his thoughts from a parenting standpoint. Considering he was the only parent she had, she valued his opinion and the special bond they had.

“What about it?” she asked, almost afraid of his response.

“Risks have to happen. If you want anything out of life, you have to take a risk. Standing on the sideline, watching as chances go by, will only leave you with regrets.”

She swallowed and looked back out onto the glistening pond.

“You take a risk every time you compete,” he went on. “You take a risk of getting hurt, of hurting someone else or your horse.”

Tessa whipped her head back around. “I never even consider that a possibility.”

His smiled warmed her. “Because you’ve learned to take the risk and lead by faith. You let your heart guide you each time you get on that horse and head toward the finish line. Love is no different.”

“I never said anything about love.” Even to her, the defense sounded weak. “He just...he confuses me.”

“Your mother used to confuse the hell out of me,” Damon said with a soft chuckle. “I started asking her out when she was sixteen, and she didn’t say yes until she was eighteen. I knew she was the one, but I was older than her, and to be honest, I think that scared her. In some crazy way, she worried she wouldn’t measure up to standards I’d set for the woman I wanted.”

Tessa swallowed, unable to admit that was one of her main fears. Was it that easy to just let go?

“What worries you about Grant?”

With a shrug, she pulled on the reins when Don Pedro started to shift. “We’re so different, Dad. He’s not a country boy, but practically drips big city.”


“What do you mean, and? I hate the city. That was one of the reasons I broke it off with Aaron.”

Her father’s face turned to stone. “That man isn’t even worthy of mentioning, and he is nothing like Grant. Aaron didn’t care about you. If he’d looked at you even remotely the way Grant does, then things may have been different. But Aaron was using you and trying to steer you away from your career. Has Grant done any of those things?”

Tessa shook her head and sighed. “He’s amazing.”

“Well, you’re an adult and you make your own decisions, but please, don’t get so caught up in racing and this image of a perfect world you’ve built for yourself that you don’t stop to take a risk...and enjoy the benefits.”

Tessa closed her eyes, relishing the soft breeze, wondering what risk she should be taking. Maybe admit to Grant that she had developed feelings for him? Go to his cottage tonight and seduce him?

She nearly laughed. She wouldn’t know the first thing about seducing a man, and certainly not one as sexy as Grant Carter.

But one thing was for sure. She was done waiting and playing his game.

* * *

Grant was completely worn-out. There had been a mix-up with the number of trailers and they were still one short, but after some calls he’d gotten everything straightened out.

He’d sent a text to his coproducers, informing them they were good to go whenever they wanted to come. He figured they’d arrive earlier than stars Max Ford and Lily Beaumont.

The two headliners of the film were going to help him catapult to a whole new level, and Grant could hardly contain himself at the thought of his own production company. Marty had sent an email outlining the prospect, and Grant was glad no one had been around to see him read it, because he’d been smiling like a kid with a new puppy. And he may have read it through twice. Okay, three times.

He had just unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his jeans when someone knocked on his door.

Please, don’t let it be another issue with the trailers.

When he jerked open the door, Tessa stood there, her hair flying loose around her shoulders. A fitted tank, with a long-sleeved plaid shirt over top, unbuttoned, showcased her flat stomach. Her jeans hugged her hips, and the punch of lust to his gut nearly made his knees give out.

She’d never looked this...relaxed. Seeing that massive amount of red hair dancing about in the wind, he nearly groaned, because he could practically feel it sliding along his bare body.

Which meant she couldn’t come inside. The emotional impact she kept hitting him with was targeting closer and closer to his heart.

Grant stepped out onto the porch, pulling the door shut behind him.

“I’m sorry,” she told him. “Is this a bad time?”

Her eyes raked over his bare chest and Grant clenched his fists. “No.”

Those bright blue eyes darted around, as if she was suddenly insecure about something...or was reconsidering coming here.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

With a sigh, she shook her head. “Actually, no. I can’t handle this tension between us anymore.”

Damn. She was about to get aggressive, and he wasn’t sure he could turn her down if she started showing signs of power and control. He’d witnessed this only in her schedules, never with attraction. And damn if that wasn’t a whole new level of sexy. He was already turned on as it was, and his zipper was growing exceedingly tighter.

Taking her hand, he led her off the porch.


“Where are we going?” she asked.

He kept walking, heading toward the back of the estate, away from his cottage and the closest bed. Although he was about to his breaking point, so even the grass was looking pretty inviting right about now.

“Let’s go for a walk,” he told her. “Things are about to get crazy around here, and maybe I want to just do nothing. Not work and not talk about us. Maybe I just want to walk and hold your hand.”

Tessa groaned. “It’s going to storm soon,” she told him. “And I need to talk about us. I need to know where I stand with you.”

Grant kept walking, knowing his silence was driving her insane. But honestly, he had no clue what to say to her. He wanted her, plain and simple, but he really didn’t think she was ready, and the last thing he wanted for her was regrets. He wanted so, so much more. But since he couldn’t identify those wants, how could he express them to her? Life had been much simpler when this was only sexual attraction.

Tessa’s delicate hand remained in his as they walked through the pasture. In the near distance, frogs croaked from the pond. Grant was starting to really settle in here, but he knew in his heart he couldn’t get too attached to this place...this woman.

But that didn’t stop him from wanting her, from aching for her and waking every night fantasizing about her.

“If you’ve decided I’m not worth your time, I get that,” she finally said.

Grant smiled. He’d known she wouldn’t be able to just relax and take a walk. He remained silent, because he also knew she wasn’t finished saying whatever was on her mind that had caused her to show up at his cottage.

“I mean, you’ve had enough time to think about this, and knowing how different we are and how...inexperienced I am, I can totally see why you would want to keep your distance. But what I don’t understand is why you kiss me, why you say you want me, yet do nothing about it.”

The first fat drops of rain started and he jerked her to a halt, turning her to face him.

“I do nothing about it, Tessa, because I’m filled with nothing but lust. That’s not what you need. You need gentle, and I can’t guarantee that, either. I want you on a level I’ve never known. You drive me crazy with an ache that threatens to overtake me.”

The skies cut lose as he thrust his hands into her hair and captured her lips. His tongue invaded her mouth, taking her, pleading for her to take him. She gripped his shoulders as the cool drops soaked them. But nothing could make him pull away from her. He’d come to the point where he craved her taste, needed her touch. What the hell would happen if he got her naked, lying against his body?

When she pulled back, glancing up at him with droplets dripping from her lashes, he groaned and took her mouth again. His hands traveled down to her abdomen and gripped the hem of her tank, tugging it up. He needed more...needed whatever she was willing to give. And when this was over, he’d have to be satisfied with what he got.

Tessa’s body arched into his, her hips grinding against his erection. He encircled her bare waist with his hands, allowing his pinky fingers to dip below the edge of her jeans.

Never in his life had he craved a woman as he did Tessa. And seeing as how this was new ground for him, he was terrified he’d hurt her.

A clap of thunder tore them apart as lightning lit up the darkening sky. Tessa grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the pond. She was running and laughing as the rain continued to drench them. Even with her hair and clothing plastered to her body, she was stunning as she guided him through the storm.

They circled the pond, and Grant knew exactly where they were seeking shelter: the old cabin nestled in a grove of trees. Tessa led him onto the porch as another thunder and lightning combination filled the evening.

Panting, she leaned against the post and smiled up at him. But as he moved closer, her eyes widened, her smiled faded. He was losing control, and he wondered if he’d ever had it where she was concerned.


She covered his lips with one slender fingertip. “Please. Don’t stop this again, Grant. I need you. I need this.”

He was lost. No way could he say no to her.

This beautiful, precious woman was offering something so rare and special. He wanted to be the one to show her all about passion and desire. He wanted to be everything to her...but all he could be was her lover. No more.

“I can’t deny you,” he told her, pushing strands of clingy red hair away from her face. “I don’t know why I tried. But I admit...I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“This. You. Your first time shouldn’t be in a shack in a thunderstorm.”

“This shack holds special memories for me. I used to dream here as a little girl. I would daydream about horses and Prince Charming.” Tessa reached up, sliding her body against his as she circled his neck with her arms. “My first time can be anywhere, as long as it’s with you.”

He dropped his forehead to hers and whispered, “This may as well be my first time, as nervous as I am right now.”

Tessa nipped at his lips. “Then let’s get inside and fumble through this together.”


Tessa couldn’t believe she was doing this.

The old key was hidden above the door frame just like always, and as soon as she opened the door and replaced the key, she reached back for Grant’s hand and led him inside.

He closed the door and she turned to him, nearly laughing at the pained expression on his face. He was so utterly beautiful and he was worried...for her. Her heart tripped in her chest and fell. That was it. She’d gone and fallen in love with this man she’d sworn to stay away from, the city slicker who’d invaded her privacy with not much more than a wink and a smile.

“Don’t worry about me,” she told him. “Do whatever you like.”

Grant shook his head. “Funny thing. I don’t know what I like anymore. This is all new with you and I want...I want this to be good. But I’m barely hanging on here, Tess.”

She smiled, loving that she had this control over such a powerful man. Obviously, she was going to have to take the initiative or they’d be dancing around this sexual tension come Christmas.

With her eyes locked on to his, she peeled off her plaid shirt and let it fall to the ground with a noisy, wet smack. She toed off her boots and tried as gracefully as possible to shimmy out of her wet jeans. Although shimmy wasn’t the right word—she more or less hopped and grunted until she was finally free. Not the sex appeal she’d been hoping for, but when she glanced at him again, his eyes were on her legs, her nearly transparent tank and her erect nipples. His gaze consumed her, burning her skin.

Praying for courage, Tessa reached for the hem and pulled the tank over her head, tossing it aside and leaving her in her very wet, lacy white thong and matching bra.

“I may have planned a little seduction at your cottage,” she admitted, resisting the urge to cross her arms over her chest. “But when you opened the door, I kind of chickened out.”

Grant continued to give her a visual sampling, and she wished he’d say something, do something. Her body was trembling with need and an ache she’d never known.

She’d been aroused before, plenty of times, but this time was so different. She feared she’d explode before he ever got his clothes off.

“Slick, if you don’t say something, I’m going to have to wrestle myself back into those wet jeans.”

He swallowed and took a step forward. “You’re beautiful, Tessa. I wish I could go slow, but I’m afraid the second I get my hands on you I’m going to snap.”

Feeling suddenly even more powerful, she propped her hands on her hips, proud of the way her chest jutted out. “I’m not glass, Slick. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

With a smirk, Grant started undressing at lightning speed, and it was Tessa’s turn to stare. Thunder and lightning continued outside, and she had never been more excited to be stranded in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Once he was completely naked, Tessa couldn’t keep from gaping. Of course she’d seen a naked man, but had never been with one.

“I’m not sure if I should feel self-conscious or if my ego just got boosted,” he told her. “But the way you’re looking at me isn’t helping my control.”

“Maybe I don’t want you controlled,” she whispered. “Maybe I want you not to hold back, but just take me.”

She was playing with fire, and she totally knew it. But she’d waited her whole life for this moment, and she didn’t want it to be perfect, to be slow and sensual. She didn’t want him to think or analyze. She wanted action, wanted him without worry or rules or restrictions.

Tessa had nothing to compare this moment to, but if she was letting her emotions guide her? Yeah, they were out of control, and there was nothing more she wanted than to be...taken.

Grant moved forward, like a stalker to his prey. Shivers raced one after another through her body. Anticipation and arousal consumed her.

“Last chance, Country. You sure you want me...reckless?”

Tessa couldn’t stand not having contact another second. She slid her hands up his damp, bare chest. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

Grant’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulled her flush against his taut body, until every single point from her knees to her chest was touching him.

And then his lips were on her. Not on her mouth, but on her neck, trailing down to her breasts. He arched her backward, causing her to grip tight to his bare shoulders.

His assault wasn’t unexpected; he’d warned her, after all. But what she hadn’t anticipated was how she’d feel, how her body would the thrill of being taken, consumed, would override any euphoria she’d ever experienced.

Grant cupped her bottom, lifting her against him. He walked toward the old, sheet-covered chaise in the corner of the room and laid her there, his body coming down to cover hers.

The weight of him, the strength of him was so new, yet so welcoming. Instinct had her spreading her legs, allowing him to settle between them.

Grant’s hands roamed down the dip in her waist and over her hips. “I want to touch you everywhere, Tessa. But right now, I can hardly wait to be inside you.”

Reaching up to stroke the wet hair falling across his forehead, she smiled. “We both want the same thing, then.”

“As much as I’m barely holding on here, I have to make sure you’re ready.”

Her skin tingled, her body ached and she was damn near quivering. If she was any more ready, she could finish this job alone.

Grant eased back, sliding a hand between them to find where she ached most for him. Just that one, simple touch had her hips lifting, her hands gripping his biceps.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured as he stroked her. “So responsive.”

Tessa closed her eyes, allowing him to take over, and relishing the moment. As much as she wanted to move faster, she didn’t want him to stop whatever his talented hands were doing.

* * *

Grant wanted to slide into her, but he couldn’t stop pleasuring her with his hand. He wanted this to be solely about her. Her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her panting all brought pleasure to him.

And that right there told him just how special she was. He’d never been a selfish lover, but he’d also never taken the time to pleasure a woman and just watch her, ignoring his own wants, needs.

“Grant, please...”

Yeah, he couldn’t deny her, not when she was already begging.

Grant eased back farther as realization dawned on him. “I don’t have protection, Tess.”

A sweet smile spread across her face. “You’re lucky I was coming to seduce you. I have a condom in my jeans.”

He shot off her and went in search of her wet jeans.

“Front pocket,” she said, laughing.

Grant searched there, pulled it out and ripped it open. Once he was covered, he settled back over her.

When he leaned down to take her lips, Tessa wrapped her legs around his waist. Thunder rumbled so hard, so loud, the windows in the cabin rattled.

As she opened her body, her mouth to him, Grant tried to ignore that tug on his heart. He couldn’t get too immersed in this, couldn’t invest his emotions. Tessa had come to him, so he wasn’t taking anything she wasn’t willing to give. They both knew where the other stood. But right now, he didn’t care about tomorrow, the film or what was going to happen after the project wrapped up.


All he cared about was Tessa.

With as much ease as he could manage, Grant slid into her, pausing when she gasped for breath.

He tore his mouth from hers. “You okay?”

She nodded, tilting her hips. “Don’t stop.”

Gritting his teeth, Grant complied. Never before had he been in this position, and he wasn’t sure what to do, how to make this perfect for her.

But when Tessa ran her hands over his shoulders, threaded her fingers through his damp hair and started moving those hips, he knew she was needing more than him fumbling his way through this. Who was the virgin here? He was so damn nervous, but Tessa’s sweet sighs and pants told him she was more than aroused.

Resting on his forearms, Grant leaned down, capturing her lips as their pace picked up a rhythm that was going to have him out of control in no time.

When her body quickened, he tore his mouth from hers, needing to watch her face. He wasn’t disappointed as her muscles clenched, her mouth dropped open, her eyes squeezed shut and she let out the sweetest moan he’d ever heard.

All that wild, red hair spread out around her as she came undone, bowing her back. And that’s all it took for Grant to follow her over the edge.

* * *

Tessa was...well...speechless.

How had she missed this experience all these years? She’d put her career, her horses and organized lifestyle all before her own needs. And now that those needs had been met, she would never let them go neglected again.

“I can practically hear you thinking,” Grant told her, stroking his hand over her bare arm.

He lay on the chaise, Tessa atop him, their arms and legs tangled, and she had zero desire for this storm to pass. This moment in time was one of the few she wanted to freeze. She wanted to lock this moment in her heart, to hold it tight, because right now, in Grant’s strong arms, she felt everything in the entire world was absolutely perfect.

“You’re not having regrets, are you?”

Tessa smiled against his chest. “Never. Just enjoying us.”

Those stroking fingertips sent shivers over her body. Every touch from this man reached something so deep within her, she feared she’d be ruined for anyone else.

“I’ve never appreciated being stranded in a thunderstorm,” he told her. “But I have to say, this definitely has its perks.”

Tessa laughed, making a fist on his chest and propping her chin on top. “I never thought of storms as romantic before, but now I won’t see them as any other way.”

“I’ve worked on scenes set in thunderstorms. They’re not near as fun as this.”

The sun had set, so only occasional flashes of lightning illuminated the cabin, allowing her to get brief glimpses of Grant’s killer smile amid dark stubble.

“We can try to make it back,” she offered. “I mean, I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck.”

“I have a beautiful naked woman on top of me. I assure you, even if the weather was sunny and perfect, I’d be in no hurry to leave.” He gripped her hips, turning them to align with his. “I don’t feel stuck. Lucky, satisfied and relaxed, but not stuck.”

Tessa flattened her palm against his strong chest. “I’m glad I waited. I’m glad we met, even if I wasn’t a fan of this film.”

Grant chuckled. “And how do you feel about the film now?”

“I believe you’ll do the best job portraying my family in a positive light. That’s what I was most worried about.”

When she rested her head against his chest again, Grant’s hands slid through her hair, moving it off her back so he could stroke those fingertips up and down again.

“What else worries you?” he asked.

She laughed. “About the film or life in general?”

“You have that many worries, huh?” He kissed her forehead and nudged her legs apart until she straddled him again. “Maybe I should just take your mind off all of them for a while.”

She jerked up. “Again? I mean, already? Aren’t know, done?”

Grant’s rich laughter made her feel like an idiot.

“Hey, cut me some slack, Slick. I’m new here.”

His hands encircled her waist. “Oh, you’re not new anymore. You’re experienced, and now I want you to take complete control. Do what you want.”

Her mind raced. Other than what she’d read in books, she really had no idea what to do, because she’d never experienced anything firsthand.

“I only brought one condom,” she told him as another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, slashing through the windows. “I wasn’t expecting...”

“I’ve never had sex without protection,” he told her. “My last physical was only a couple months ago and I was clean. But it’s your call. I’ll only do what you’re comfortable with.”

Tessa bit her lip, wondering what she should do. Her body told her one thing, her mind told her another.

“Well, I know I’m clean, and I’ve been on birth control for other health reasons.”

He tipped his hips slightly and slid his hands up to cup her breasts.

“You’re not playing fair,” she told him.

“Oh, baby. I’m not playing. I’m taking this very, very seriously.”

He wanted her to take control? Fine.

Tessa sank down on him in one slow, easy glide. She smiled as he groaned. More than likely he thought she was being torturous, but in all honesty she wanted to make sure she wasn’t too sore. But, hey, if he thought that was sexy...

“Tessa,” he all but growled. “Honey, you’re killing me.”

The endearments he tossed about warmed her. She kept telling herself not to read anything into them, but keeping an emotional distance was downright impossible.

Tessa blocked out any negative thoughts, because right now, she intended to show this city slicker just how country girls liked to be in control.

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