
Officer And Man

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“So her father went without the house, and Opataia, the white man, remained with Tui.

“Then said the evil-faced white man to Tui: ‘For the wrong that thou did’st me by running away with that evil white man do I forgive thee, for I love thee well.’ And then he put his arms about her, and sought to embrace her after the manner of a lover.

“And then from beneath her gown did Tui take out a little gun that fires six bullets; and as the fat man, Opataia, pressed her to his bosom and heeded not what she did, she placed the mouth of the little gun to the side of his fat head. Then she said—

“‘This do I, dog, for the husband of whom thou hast robbed me,’ and then there came a flash and a cry, and the white man sprang to his feet and fell forward on his face—dead.

“Then Tui ran from the house. She fled from her father and came towards the village, and Tepuaka the King followed her with death in his face.

“‘Kill her!’ he called to the men of Niuafou.

“But then we men of Anuda sprang to her aid with our clubs in our hands, and she ran into our midst and called to us to save her from her father.

“So there was much talk, and then her father’s wrath began to subside, for we made him many presents of food for his journey back, and he went away in peace.

“That is all. And see, Jaojai, hither comes thy wife with her son in her arms to welcome thee home.”