
An Owner’s Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices and Optimising Outcomes
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A revolutionary and definitive new approach to preventing breast cancer, from Board-certified world authority on breast health Dr. Kristi Funk, co-founder of the renowned Pink Lotus Breast Centre, and surgeon to Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow.Breasts: An Owner’s Manual is a straight-talking, myth and misconception-busting, strategy-filled guide to breast health. Sharing the latest on lifestyle choices that impact your risk factor including food, supplements, hormones and exercise, Dr. Funk demonstrates that you are so much more in control of whether or not you get breast cancer than you could ever dare to think.In fact, unless you carry a genetic mutation associated with breast cancer, the choices you make in your-day-to-day life trumps genetics and family history when it comes to breast cancer risk, every time.Including a unique long-term risk reduction plan for every woman based on her needs, as well as the latest on diagnosis and treatment for women living with and surviving breast cancer, and with a heartfelt Foreword from longtime patient Sheryl Crow, this is a book with a life-saving message for the 1 in 8 women, at the time of writing, who are set to be diagnosed in their lifetime.

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410 pp. 13 illustrations
HarperCollins Publishers
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