Everywhere. Comprehensive Digital Business Strategy for the Social Media Era

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Book description

Put digital business strategy at the center of your business Welcome to the social media age. Although its impact was first felt in the marketing department, the social web is spreading across all business functions, impacting the way they communicate, operate, organize, and create value. A comprehensive digital strategy is essential for businesses hoping to build this new form of competitive advantage. Everywhere explains how to put your digital strategy at the center of how your organization communicates, operates, organizes itself, and creates value. Develop a comprehensive digital strategy for your organization Put your online business strategy at the center of your customer's experience, and at the heart of everything you do Larry Weber's W2 Group is helping companies like Sony, IBM, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and the government of Rwanda, craft new online business strategies The Web is not just another marketing channel. Put social media, email, Web, and other digital interactions Everywhere in your business, and make digital business strategy the heart of your thriving enterprise.

Detailed info
Age restriction:
Date added to LitRes:
11 January 2018
274 pp.
Total size:
3 MB
Total number of pages:
Page size:
179 x 255 мм
John Wiley & Sons Limited
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